⚡️🇷🇺‼️🚨UPDATE FROM UGLEDAR FRONT, with video of what it currently looks like:👉Russian post: "The artillery guys who are now working near Ugledar are happy. The number of shots fired from a gun in one day exceeds even what was in Artyomovsk. They don't spare shells for the… pic.twitter.com/abLhhkNlRd— SIMPLICIUS Ñ° (@simpatico771) September 24, 2024
The above shows Russian batteries demolishing Ukrainian held Ugledar. You can imagine what it's like to be under that bombardment and some of you may have experienced something similar. Terrifying. I haven't, thank God, and neither have the US Neocons who are driving this.
It seems the plan was simple, even elegant. Provoke Russia into an action against Europe's largest, best supplied, best trained, NATO allied force in Europe and then laugh as the stupid Russkies fell apart with corruption, idiocy, and incompetence as they dashed themselves against the new Seigfried Line of Fortress Europa. And then, as they reeled in defeat?
Putin would be overthrown in a lesbigay color revolution, and Blackrock, Microsoft, Rothschilds, Madonna, Taylor Swift, Prince Harry, P Diddy and the US political Junta would take over Russia by proxy. What an awesome plan, and it almost worked. Putin's initial SMO floundered and failed, notoriously. But now?
Autocrat Putler didn't asset-strip and off-shore his country's manufacturing base, which means literally Nazi Russia can actually make shells, missiles, bombs, planes, ships and guns. Unlike us. Huh. I guess we counted on a quick victory, resplendent with rainbow flags pride triumphant flying over the Kremlin. Not so fast, kids, hasn't worked out that way.
At the very least, pause for thought. Here's Armchair Warlord (ret'd US Artillery Major):
It's astonishing how many people, who had been held up as actual experts in the West before the war, came out with takes like this after things kicked off.Our entire class of credentialed "Russia experts" turned out to be, almost to a man, frauds fueled by anti-Russian bigotry. https://t.co/73Z5d0rTF9— Armchair Warlord (@ArmchairW) September 25, 2024
Point being, let's stop this. Why should anyone die, and they are in their thousands, so that Pelosi, Romney, Biden et al will become even moar richer than they already are.
I feel that though the Ukrainians have savaged Mother Russia, Mother Russia will out-savage the Ukes.
And what will be left of Mother Russia will have to try to police a very unhappy population both in Mother Russia and in any newly acquired ukelands. Which will further drain Mother Russia's equipment and personnel.
Meanwhile all the USSR exes are looking to get payback, Red China is eying the Northern Co-Prosperity Sphere, Japan is looking to get back some of its islands lost in 1945.
Mother Russia may 'win' but it will be a pyrrhic victory as Mother Russia will have aged and withered.
And we'll really see what happens in the next few years with Putin. He's managed to skate out of several potential coups and health scares, but all the people against him only have to get it right once and he's having a Christmas Dinner of Bullets a la Ceaucescu.
Yes, the Ukes are screwed. They have less chance of winning than Detroit has of coming back as a super-industrialized power. But they're going down fighting, and fighting hard.
It's ugly.
And you know what? The best chance of any sort of peace over there at all and saving of Ukraine and Russia (from itself and the aforementioned vultures and ravens) is... Trump. Yet another reason to pray for him to survive into the next president.
We USED Ukraine like a 3 dollar where and killed off most of the men.
So Neocons could get richer and all in the plan to strip mine Russia.
Best news we've Isaiah chapter 3 ourselves and soon the whore of Babylon will be punished.
So Beans is that a reason to go all General Aesop about Putin dying for the glory of Neocons?
Have you no shame?
"Point being, let's stop this."
It's a civil war, Beans, and we're fueling it with money we don't have.
In the Uk, EVERYONE believes evil NAZI PUTLER invaded peaceloving rainbow Ukraine on a Hitlerian whim.
Like, wow.
End result? Time will tell.
M, the slaughter is hideous and the people who arranged it even more so.
I'm sticking on it, DOS.
“We USED Ukraine”
I beg to differ, Michael. Someone used Ukraine. We, to our shame, aided and abetted it. But that Someone used (and uses) the US as well. And why not? We are ALL animals put on earth only to serve Them. Not only are we animals, we are vicious and ungrateful animals eternally ready to put Them into boxcars at a moment’s notice. For (say it with me): For No Reason At All.
Neocons are very clever people with absolutely zero insight into their own behavior, despite being highly neurotic. Neocon behavior is basically the whole stack of cluster B personality disorders. Frankly it’s hard to tell whether it’s all culture, or if it’s partly genetic at this point.
Anything the neocons are doing in Ukraine and Russia is fully justified, on account of what those horrid Slavs did to the innocent, harmless, and peace loving ancestors of the Neocons. Those ancestors who only sought to worship G-d in humble poverty. (Arenda? Who ever heard of such a thing? I wouldn’t look it up, because it’s a libel, is all it is. But IF it were true, those filthy pork-eating peasant Poles had it coming, you betcha. And so forth. There’s a LOT of stuff a person should not look up.)
Anyway, you must remember that the Neocons are The Real Victims in all of this. As to motivation, money and power are nice, but I’ll betcha that resentment and the lust for “revenge” are at least as powerful in terms of what drives the Neocons. It’s difficult for a normal person to even think like that, so it’s very hard for people to understand what’s actually going on and why.
You mean he didn't invade the Ukraine on a Hitlerian whim?
He didn't encourage ethnic Russians to move to east Ukraine and then push for a vote to break away, and then when Ukraine objected he invaded in 2014?
He didn't move into Ukraine in 2022 to take over valuable access to waterways and grainfields and to 'protect' other ethnic Russians who moved into Ukraine?
Not saying that Ukraine may or may not have provoked Russia and Putin before 2014 or 2022 or that Ukrainian corruption was open and anti-Russian (not like the Ukraine or the Ukrainian area didn't have over 400 years of negative interactions with one version or another. Or that Russian corruption which Putin hasn't suppressed has affected all of Russia. When exactly will Putin get control and shut down the various Russian Mafias that work within and without Mother Russia?)
Yes, Putin is an Orthodox. And he supports traditional values over the globo-homo. But you know who else supported traditional values over the globo-homo? Actual Hitler... And you know who else was an Orthodox Christian? Well, all those Byzantine emperors and generals and merchants who totally screwed over the Roman Catholic Crusaders who were trying to protect the Holy Lands (and Byzantium) from the ever-increasing power of islam.
And a lot of Sicilian Mafia and Italian Mafia both in their home lands and here were devout Christians. And were murdering and larcenous bums who promoted more evil than good.
The Ukes gave Russia all their nukes in promise of being left alone and in promise of Uke sovereignty forever. And how'd that work out for the Ukes?
The whole mess is far more messy than this, but painting Putin as a crusading leader of Christianity and his eventual death making him a saint or martyr of Christianity is false. The man has someone behind his eyes, and I fear that it's not God. He's... like Stalin, but with more style.
Putin is not innocent in all of this. His use of ethnic Russians 'voting' to secede from the Ukraine, his use of private military and the various Russian mobs to destabilize the Ukraine and Georgia and other places isn't pure and innocent at all.
And there have been attempted power plays and coups. Even to the point of Putin not being visible for days on end, only to show up and suddenly there's a spate of Russian oligarchs and officers jumping out of windows multiple times while shooting themselves in the back of the head during plane crashes and such.
All I'm saying is that, just like any other coup or assassination attempts, all it takes is one successful kill to overshadow all the failed attempts. Like with Trump, all the unsuccessful attempts can be overshadowed by one successful kill.
I'm not a Putin Fan-boy. Nor am I a Putin Hater. He's a Russian Leader, which always from Day One of the red-headed Viking Russes showing up and taking control, has always meant a tad unhinged and overly paranoid an, well, byzantine in their thought patterns.
We far-westerners just truly do not understand the minds of Russians, nor Ukrainians, nor many other nations. And it shows in our overall lack of understanding of these places and the way we treat them.
It would much better behoove us to avoid foreign entanglements, but that chicken flock has already left the roost.
Mike, they do bay for war without fighting in it. Or maybe they count as PSYOPS?
Beans, I'm kind of a fan of the evil Putler because #NewConstantine and he had P Riot whipped and sent to gaol, which isn't shabby by anyone's standard.
I like some of the things Putin has done. Some of them. But he's far less a member of Christianity than Vlad Dracul. Now there's a real good Christian, and with lots of policies that I can back.
Heck, even Obama did one or two things right.
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