Monday, September 2, 2024

No Worse Enemy - Language!


Alright there boys? Mind how you go, 



LSP said...

not that our European friends will have much part in the throw down.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The woke officers and Ncos will get a lot of people killed if they ever have to fight a real war. That is why I'm so glad my National Guard grandson is firmly in the rear with the gear. He is among the few that can keep all the old and worn out vehicles running.

Beans said...

I prefer the Patton method of fighting vs the Montgomery or MacArther methods. Maximum pain, full speed ahead. Damn the torpedoes (which were actually electrically fired underwater mines, by the way) and charge. Under the heaviest artillery and aerial bombardment possible.

We should wage war as if we were prepared to wipe out the other guy's everything.

To quote the Mongols, I will make a desert and call it peace. Or, well, Kill them all, God will know His own.

We entering into warfare should result in the same reaction as the Barbary Pirates had after we punished them for touching our ships and people. You know, never attack anything American.

LSP said...

Smart boy, WSF. And respect to your military family.

LSP said...

Yes, Beans, fight to win or not at all.

LL said...

Kill them and salt the earth, Beans (The Lord High Executioner)!

nbc said...

I agree with Beans. No compromise, no appeasement.

LSP said...

Mr. Wolf, you are now HRM (Human Resources Manager) as well as RHSM. Yes, we multitask in the DLC.

LSP said...

nbc, I fail to see how appeasement gets us anywhere except more misery.