Tuesday, September 10, 2024



A friend reminded me that the person who comes over as most likable wins the debate. It's not about facts, arguments, reason or anything like that. My, we've most certainly devolved.

OK, this semi-lame post was a welcome excuse to deploy Blondie's awesome Rapture. And what's wrong with that?




Beans said...

I tried to watch the debate but her shrill bitchy tone and outright lies made me ditch halfway through in order to maintain my sanity.

Anyone who says Trump didn't curb stomp her is very wrong.

LL said...

It was 3 against 1 and Trump still won. MAGA.

LSP said...

Stalwart, LL! I switched off...

LSP said...

She was very, very rehearsed, Beans, and prob had team coming thru the earring headphones. So faked up.