Thursday, September 12, 2024

Just Cleaning Some Guns


Here's the thing, dear readers, guns are great but they're not going to clean themselves, and unless you get more and better servants you have to do the job yourself. Such is life, and whoever said it'd be easy? Rigors of this mortal coil in mind, I took Break Free, cleaning rods, some kind of gun oil and all of that to a CZ 20 Drake and a Ruger American .22.

The CZ's new, and some say a 20's a gauge for LOSERS and GIRLS, as opposed to the mighty 12. I say no, there's nothing wrong with a 20. 1. It's light, quick to presentation 2. Doesn't bust your shoulder up 3. Get's the job done with elegant sufficiency. Or, as a UK punter put it, "If shotguns were invented today they'd be 20s." He has a point. Going after something larger than dove? Load a more powerful round. Hey now, plenty of that around. Thanks, shotgun tech.

In other news, I've been thinking, please don't laugh, and came up with a really good idea. Here it is: Let's INVADE RUSSIA. 

Like it? Pretty clever, right?




Beans said...

My dad, as a kid, made a 'living' shooting all sorts of things with a lowly .410 shotgun. And he reloaded, so he could do bird shot, larger up to buck. I wouldn't be surprised if he fired buck and ball. Of course this was SW Louisiana back in the 40's.

Sure, you can use a 4 bore, but sometimes a nice light gun is far better.

LSP said...

Right on, Beans.

Mike_C said...

Invading Russia is a brilliant idea. We should come at them from an unexpected angle though. Stage in Incheon. Dash across the DPRK, hugging the coast to avoid crossing into the PRC. Take Vladivostok, then it’s a quick jaunt to Moscow, stealthily approaching from the East at dawn, the rising sun at our backs.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Invade Russia? Splendid idea that has worked so well for the invaders throughout history.

Dad of Six said...

I applaud your efforts with gun cleanliest. A 20 was one of my first purchases.

Invading Russia...sure! A real October surprise. Whatever it takes to prevent the Orange Man from winning.

Wild, wild west said...

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and I do so love the smell of Hoppe's in the morning. It smells like victory.

Speaking of victory. Yes, invade Russia at the earliest opportunity. Just because invasion of Russia by the Western hordes hasn't ever worked before, just like Communism, that doesn't mean our Woke leaders can't do it right this time. They'll unfurl the D.E.I. banner and prod us on to Victory, just like in Afghanistan. Oh, wait......

RHT447 said...

Some kind of gun oil. Have been using Mobil One 15w-50 for gun lubrication for some years now. Works great. 1 quart is a lifetime supply. Well, in LL's case, maybe not. I use CRC Power Lube to wipe down external steel surfaces.

20 gauge indeed. I get the appeal. At one time I lusted for a 28 gauge, having handled a Benelli Montefletro so chambered. Oh my, what an absolute magic wand. Sadly, even with my employee discount, well beyond my reach. And the ammo? Near unobtanium, and priced to match.

A doff of the hat to George Digweed--

LSP said...

My dear Mike, welcome to the GENERAL STAFF.

LSP said...

Exactly, WSF, and congrats on your promotion to COMMISSARY GENERAL.

Not shabby, by any reckoning.

LSP said...

Yes, DOS, we must stop the evil ORANGE MAN. Well, he's more bronze now, but whatev.

LSP said...

Wild, do you remember the UKR Unicorn Brigade/Battalion and all these dykes running over from Poland, Germany etc to fight EVIL AUTOCRAT?

What happened to them? Good question, right?

LSP said...

Ah, RHT, good old Digweed! Boy can shoot, eh?

But here's this. A pal from Georgia turned up at a village Fayre shoot in England in the '90s. Smoked those clays outta the sky at the age of 15/16. Brits were amazed.

Of course my friend had been shooting since he was 7. So.

LL said...

It's important to keep your firearms cleaned and oiled and store your ammunition in a cool, dry place, preferably in an ammo can with a dehumidifier.

Anonymous said...

how about a O/U .28ga?