Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Children's Choir


Lo and behold, punters, a children's choir in Georgia. That's right, a children's choir. Here in the West we'd be lucky if those kids could sing This Little Light of Mine, if they could sing any hymn at all, which would be difficult for them as they don't even go to church.

Question, who's more free? The Georgian child in the choir worshipping Christ or her Western, secular equivalent? The latter has all the freedom in the world to worship money, drugs, sex, plastic and everything else our pseudo-culture holds up as divine. The former makes beautiful music to God.

A wake-up call. If their kids can do it, why can't ours. Serious point and question.

Your Pal,



GenX Crit said...

Make beautiful music to God, a joyful noise.
Okay, LSP, I'll say this, what you already know:
It wasn't that long ago there was regular worship here in the "good ol' USofA, (as well as logic/science and discourse). But what happened? Godlessness happened in the homes.
Television/entertainment with the resulting family communication, togetherness shutting down. A single family member from "The Greatest Generation," points it out and is ridiculed. The result is the same, repeated worship of self, "live for today." The Boomers, even those more refined to be a "dirty hippy" (and more "intelligent" to believe in God), quipped, "Once we die, nothing happens afterwards." How nihilistic? Yes, it's that. And living for the moment results in its prodigy: drugs-sex-R&R... Now we have them in places THEY DO NO BELONG. <<< You catch the drift.
Apparently (from what I gather) at death, many go immediately into a place we made for ourselves in our lives. Many do.
Our energy doesn't cease to exist; that's not the law "of conservation of energy."
A to the Q: The Georgian children, now and in the after-world... to meet the Messiah/I AM with gratefulness, love (for we all shall meet El Señor gratefully or not). That's a beautiful worship service.

Beans said...

Why can't we have something like this here in the USA? Well, our elites and most of our clergy are too busy pushing the global homo movement or pushing socialism rather than actually affirming our faith.