Friday, September 6, 2024

Spies Who Lie

That'd be at least 51 of them, all of whom went on the record saying Hunter Biden's laptop and associated scandal was Russian "disinformation." You know, like a sinister GRU plot to overthrow our free and fair elections. Remember that? 

Fast forward to today and Hunter Biden's pled guilty to tax fraud. Not a good look, and where does prosecutorial evidence come from, admissible in court? Well goodness gracious, from Hunter's laptop no less. What does this mean?

That US INTEL was and has been captured by the Democrats? Shurely not, mine's a triple G&T, bar persyn. That Hunter's indictment and guilty plea are a feature of a bizarre Kremlin Game of Thrones power play? Perhaps. Or maybe we're just being lied to, constantly, semper, ubique, all the time.

As we reflect on these hypotheticals, keen-eyed Biblicist readers may remember that Satan is the Father of Lies.

James Clapper's net worth is estimated at a paltry 5M$ Socialist Buyed-Off-Bucks. Or maybe he wasn't bought off, maybe this evil old man and his pals really believe it. As always, you be the judge.

Your Ruggish Pal,



Well Seasoned Fool said...

Say you set out to destroy a society. Wouldn't you want to corrupt enough leaders so that the population ends up not believing any leader?

Beans said...

What it means is that 51 intel pros helped commit a coup against a president. And all lied.

This is arguably treason and all should be hanged around the reflection pond in front of the Washington Memorial until the bodies fall apart.

Wild, wild west said...

John Harington on treason:

"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason?
Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

And, they've prospered the Bejesus out of things the last four years, ain't they, Beans?

MSG Grumpy said...

While I doubt our squishy "Leadership" would, even if they could, proceed with Treason trials.
One thing they can/should/Must do is to CANX all security clearances for the scummy 51.
Yes ALL 51 Traitors still have their quite profitable Security Clearances even today.
MSG Grumpy

Anonymous said...

Arguably? ARGUABLY???


Anonymous said...

It truly begs the question of who these 51 are following. Jesus or ???? Where did that 9th commandment go anyway?

Beans said...

WWW - Which is why the evil leftists are freaking out and trying too hard to have their candidate win, because they know if Trump gets in, he's got, now, a list of very well vetted candidates for all of the appointments he will be making. He is no longer trusting on his party to provide backstabbing deep stake snakes.

SP RN - As to the 'arguably treason' comment, it's actually legally very hard to nail people using 'treason' thus the 'arguably' portion.

We know they committed actual treason, they know they committed actual treason, they know we know they committed actual treason, we know they know we know they committed actual treason. Aren't we a clever family?

Beans said...

Doing a complete security clearance on them and others involved and removing said clearances would be very nice.

And then give them the same treatment as the Rosenbergs got. Ride the lightning! Connect them all with handcuffs and leg chains and then connect the whole daisy chain to the distribution lines. Keep it up until they've been carbonized. Do it pay-per-view and you could probably reduce the federal deficit by a significant amount.

LSP said...

Good call, WSF.

LSP said...

Beans, traitor ain't in it.

LSP said...

Wild, Harrington calls it.

LSP said...

SP, yet another case of "I totally agree."

LSP said...

Grumpy, what an excellent idea!

LSP said...

Beans, ferocissimus!

Keep it coming.

LSP said...

My Dear Anon,

It ain't Christ. And you'll note they lie, compulsively. Who's the Father of that?
