Monday, September 16, 2024

Missed Again


So here we are, another day, another assassination attempt on EL SENOR. OK, to be expected and par for the course, but this time the would-be assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh wasn't a sad, bullied, gender dimorphic DemTeen, but a 56 year old Ukromaniac DemBoomer with full blown TDS. So much so that he went larping as a sniper with a view to shooting Trump while he played golf.

The whole thing's curious, to put it mildly. Yesterday's Trumpian golf play was apparently "off the record," so how did Routh get access to 45's occult schedule? In similar vein, Routh was rejected by UKR authority to serve in the International Legion but attempted to recruit soldiers, not least Afghans, to fight against Russia. 

He worked in Kiev and met with the Helsinki Commission in DC to achieve that end, and even featured in an AZOV recruitment video, no less. See below. That in mind, how was he not known to our Beloved Rulers; Vindman, no one's looking at you, not for a second. But here's the thing.

Why are all these assassin wannabes so utterly rubbish. Remember how the semi-troon tried to take out 45 with some kind of AR, clearly visible from a roof? And now Routh, who so desperately wanted to get kinetic despite never having served, much less fought; well, there he is, on a golf course, with an SKS. Excuse me, that's your sniper rifle?

Don't get me wrong, I love shooting my SKS, big fun, awesome weapon, and the bayonet's fun to stab dinner tables with, but pro-assassin sniper rifle? No, it is not. So what's up with this. Is there a bad, bad competency crisis at US agency level or... was this a UKR GUR FSB hit job, run independently of their US handlers? Per Armchair Warlord:

Second assassination attempt on Trump in two months.  This time - allegedly - by someone deeply involved in recruiting foreign fighters for Ukraine.


And if the GUR or SBU are implicated in this plot, Putin needs to take a number and move to the end of the line.


Or something like that. In the meanwhile, EL SENOR lives to fight again another day and monumental, industrial scale TDS has been arrested and charged with firearms offences. Huh, far out, the news cycle doesn't get any less weird.

Your Old Pal,



LL said...

He "has been on the FBI radar," LSP...

Beans said...

On the radar and a convicted felon from Hawaii who shouldn't have been in possession of a firearm. So how exactly did he get his hands on one?

And his son assures us that the father isn't violent. Nope, not at all, even though he's got a rap sheet for... being violent. And wrote a 300 page screed manifesto that was more full of violence than a Larry Correia book.

As to how the shooter knew when to show up, that's a very good question. First thing that My Wife said when she found out Trump showed up 'unscheduled' was that the government really wants Trump dead.

Be interesting to find out where the leak was from if there was a leak. From DHS, the SS, local LEO or someone working at the resort?

Or was he just hunkering down in the bushes in hopes to plink Trump.

As to the SKS, it was 200-300 yards from Trump when he was spotted by an agent 1 hole in front of where the President was playing. 300 yards is doable with an intermediate power cartridge, be it an M1 carbine, an SKS/AK47 or an M4gery. But Trump was coming towards him as he played and most likely the distance for the actual shoot was going to be 100 yards or less, way inside the operational range of any intermediate cartridge system. Heck, that's in the range of a Thompson Contender pistol. Or an AR pistol. Or a Ruger woods carbine in .44 magnum or a 30/30 lever gun or even a good shotgun firing slugs.

Seamus1962 said...

LSP the moniker Ukromaniac is now firmly set in my vernacular… awesome. One thought I had is Mr. Scruffy literally camped out for days waiting for the moment. There are some interesting videos of people “stealth camping” in areas. It’s Florida so other than rain no problem…

Sarthurk said...

Yeah, I saw SKS, and thought, WTF? I own one, and they're not exactly accurate. The .gov failed again!

Beans said...

For the parameters, the SKS isn't a bad gun. 100-150 yards, semi auto, not-too-much recoil. It's a good woods gun or short range gun. As to accuracy? As long as one can put 2-4 rounds into a torso sized target, which the SKS under decent control can, then that's all that matters.

And the round is strong enough to defeat pistol-proof body armor. Nobody can play decent golf wearing Level III+ armor.

Heck, a friggin Keltek 9mm 'carbine' could do it. So an SKS isn't a bad gun. And they're like Carcanos. Some are horrible with minute-of-mile accuracy no matter how much fine tuning. Some are built quite well and are decent service rifles. And some, well, they'd be the jewels found in any real gunnie's collection, able to be accurate and reliable.

There's a reason that SKSssss are or used to be a common truck-gun. They're rugged, can handle not being used for a while and then suddenly be used, and they're good enough.

We are all just fortunate that some leftist dillweed hasn't discovered that they make an M1 Garand in .458 Winchester Magnum. Or even used an M1 Garand, or an M1917 or M1903, all in God's Preferred American Caliber of .30-06, or even a Lee-Navy in 6mm (a wonderful bolt rifle from what I've seen, in a very nice and forgiving and accurate round, just the round-nose bullet needs to be switched to a decent Spitzer style bullet...) or a .30-40 Krag with that lusciously smooth Krag-Jorgenson action. Or even an M1 Carbine with that wonderful early intermediate caliber .30Carbine round that's killed an awful lot of people and animals at 100 to 200 yards range.

Still, an SKS, yeah, dork gun for sure, but it's a good dork gun and works quite well for the parameters it's designed for, which is throwing heavy-metal poisoning downrange at a relatively rapid rate.

But what do I know, I'm not a ballistics expert or super operator. I've just read and listened about all sorts of guns and their performance over all sorts of ranges. Though I did get to fondle one guy's Carcano and anyone who says those guns are junk have never held a decent one. Easily usable from 85 yards from a window, which, in comparison to the hole that Trump was moving to, would have been about the same.

And that's the thing, the shooter was 300 yards away when caught. Trump was moving to within 100 yards. Can you hit a man-sized target with an SKS at 100 yards or less? If you can, well... Hell, at those ranges a 10-22 would make an excellent assassin's gun, especially with a can.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

The positive. For once the protection worked, however imperfect. Or did it? Rifle barrel seen in the bushes; suppressing fire initiated, perp not hit. The bad news is the FBI is in charge of the investigation. World class at covering up; less stellar investigating. I doubt the two Florida sheriffs are going to be silenced. That might be a problem for the spin doctors. The election will still be determined by who counts the votes.

Mike_C said...

The (suppressed) 10-22 is not an assassin’s gun. Assassins kill other human beings. Use pattern indicates that the 10-22 is an exterminator’s gun.

Dad of Six said...

He told the judge that he had 1k in the bank and his income was 2k/month. He traveled from his house in Hawaii. He traveling all over the world. How?

Anonymous said...

The word "larping" seems to be an import into LSP's vocabulary. Perhaps there is a military connection? The word certainly won't be found in any Tom Clancy spy novels.

P.S. Its a real word, found in the dictionary! Look it up!

drjim said...

Wonder who really spotted him.....the Fibbies, or Trump's own security?

LSP said...

I know, RHSM, it's a meme...

LSP said...

Beans, I love my ChiCom SKS, what a lot of fun to shoot. Sniper rifle? Not really, at all. 10-22? I like them too, mind you, I like most firearms.

LSP said...

Sarthurk, my thoughts entirely.

LSP said...

Hey, Mike, the whole thing "stinketh", to put it in Anglicanese.

LSP said...

Well it's all very odd, Seamus. Why the D Team, warning shots?

LSP said...

Right on, WSF.

LSP said...

Nothing strange about that at all, DOS.

LSP said...

Anon, live action role play's most definitely a thing, even in... the Church.

LSP said...

Not sure, drjim. Maybe 45's team?

Beans said...

It's not like you're shooting targets at 100 yards. It was Trump. Who's a big man, tall, wide, huge trunk to aim at. And not intentionally dodging until after the first shot. So, well, SKS isn't bad. It's not good,

Beans said...

Governor DeSantis is working very hard to keep the investigation in Florida as it's a Florida crime and he doesn't trust the FBI or other federal law enforcement.