Showing posts with label asset-strippers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asset-strippers. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Third Rome?


The Rainbow Left Neocon Powers want to destroy this. They hate it and as we put finger to keyboard are spending billions of dollars to ruin it. Just as they've ruined it in their homelands. Amoral asset-stripping, anyone? But here's the thing.

It seems to be the case that fighting a war on an industrial scale involves actual industry or manufacturing on the part of the belligerents. Here in the West we don't have that, we've off-shored our factories to a country which would never, ever oppose us militarily.

See What They Stole From Us

So be it. Then there's Ukraine. That plucky little proxy. You tell me, why should hundreds of thousands of Slavs have died to make the Bidens and their friends even moar richer than they already are? Just throwing it out there.

Love is All,


Wednesday, September 25, 2024



The above shows Russian batteries demolishing Ukrainian held Ugledar. You can imagine what it's like to be under that bombardment and some of you may have experienced something similar. Terrifying. I haven't, thank God, and neither have the US Neocons who are driving this.

It seems the plan was simple, even elegant. Provoke Russia into an action against Europe's largest, best supplied, best trained, NATO allied force in Europe and then laugh as the stupid Russkies fell apart with corruption, idiocy, and incompetence as they dashed themselves against the new Seigfried Line of Fortress Europa. And then, as they reeled in defeat?

Putin would be overthrown in a lesbigay color revolution, and Blackrock, Microsoft, Rothschilds, Madonna, Taylor Swift, Prince Harry, P Diddy and the US political Junta would take over Russia by proxy. What an awesome plan, and it almost worked. Putin's initial SMO floundered and failed, notoriously. But now? 

Autocrat Putler didn't asset-strip and off-shore his country's manufacturing base, which means literally Nazi Russia can actually make shells, missiles, bombs, planes, ships and guns. Unlike us. Huh. I guess we counted on a quick victory, resplendent with rainbow flags pride triumphant flying over the Kremlin.  Not so fast, kids, hasn't worked out that way.

At the very least, pause for thought. Here's Armchair Warlord (ret'd US Artillery Major):


Point being, let's stop this. Why should anyone die, and they are in their thousands, so that Pelosi, Romney, Biden et al will become even moar richer than they already are. 



Saturday, November 19, 2022

Tax 'Em And Scourge 'Em


Do you remember the chorus of teeth gnashing, incohate rage when now defunct Tory Premiere and her POC Chancellor had the literal, brazen temerity to cut taxes in the Sceptered Isle? Sure you do, and the unfortunately named Truss was kicked out of power along with her pet POC.

Lo and behold, a new budget's been announced in the UK by the ruling Brahman and the media love it. It goes like this, we will raise taxes, a lot, on anyone earning over 100k a year. Yes, you'll be hit, you robber barons, with a punitive 60% levy on your ill-gotten gains. Take that, capitalist swine!

In the meanwhile, Deep State civil servant pensions rise exponentially in tune with inflation. All animals, you see, are equal but some are more equal than others, not least retired Whitehall Mandarins. Nice gig if you can get it, which most Britons can't. They're being replaced by low cost immigrant labor to the tune of 100s of thousands of people a year. 

What I love most about this is that the Progressive Left applauds it. Get taxed outta existence, small business owner, and rejoice in your new trans bathroom as Blockrock takes over the franchise. Top hats, private jets and exclusive island clubs all 'round.

In the old days we used to know where these people lived, they were landowners on a grand scale and accountable to their estates. Today? That's gone, along with their contract to the people they should serve and manifestly don't.

It will end in tears, I tell you, and as always...

Guinea on the Monkey,


Saturday, September 4, 2021

Shack Down


There it was on the corner of Crack and Meth, a shack. I used to drive by the shack and point it out to the Cadet, "Play your cards right, son, and you too could live there." But not anymore, the shack has gone, reduced to a small pile of inconsequential debris in this once prosperous farming community.

And it was prosperous, complete with shops, businesses and 20,000 people. All on a walkable, human scale too. You know the score or perhaps you've read about it, being able to walk around your town saying hello to friends and avoiding enemies, perhaps shooting the latter in this instance. Hey, it was the frontier.

Then the asset-strippers took over, King Cotton moved overseas and the town hollowed out as the socio/psychopaths in charge of the way we live now decided to turn our towns and cities into roads. What would you rather live in, a city or a road? Asked no one, not waiting for an answer.

Net result? Shacks, which are returning to nature. Imagine, if you can, how that'll play out in our vast suburbs over the course of the next few decades. Think Detroit on a continental scale. But maybe there's hope, maybe we'll turn this thing around and start living, approximately, as we should.

Who knows. Next time you drive into any one of our Mega Cities, look at the landscape to either side of the highway and ask, "Could we do any better? Or is there some kind of law that says, 'No, you have to create the ugliest possible environment to live in, otherwise you won't be so rich.'"

Demonic, eh? In the meanwhile, I thank  God I'm in the country, shacks and all.



Sunday, January 12, 2020

Our Town MAGA 2020

"The sun's gone down on my town." Respect to Miss Dement, but that's exactly what we're working to turn around, putting an end to the asset-stripping gutting of our country by a transnational crew of elite Illuminati sociopaths.

The message resonates, which is why 45's filling stadiums and Groper Biden isn't. Look out, Virginia.

Watch my tracer.

MAGA 2020,