Showing posts with label 1 road left to go. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1 road left to go. Show all posts

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Third Rome?


The Rainbow Left Neocon Powers want to destroy this. They hate it and as we put finger to keyboard are spending billions of dollars to ruin it. Just as they've ruined it in their homelands. Amoral asset-stripping, anyone? But here's the thing.

It seems to be the case that fighting a war on an industrial scale involves actual industry or manufacturing on the part of the belligerents. Here in the West we don't have that, we've off-shored our factories to a country which would never, ever oppose us militarily.

See What They Stole From Us

So be it. Then there's Ukraine. That plucky little proxy. You tell me, why should hundreds of thousands of Slavs have died to make the Bidens and their friends even moar richer than they already are? Just throwing it out there.

Love is All,


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Trinity Sunday


Typical Kitchen Glocks

Tomorrow we rightly remember and honor the fallen, today we celebrate the holy and undivided Trinity. Part of that, here at the Compound, means welcoming assorted soldiery on a weekend pass from Fort Hood. One of them, my eldest, is even a Sergeant, which seems very strange.

Perhaps you remember when Sergeants seemed pretty old. Now they're not, they're ludicrously young and full of youthful energy. That in mind, let the reader understand, would the NCO Club make it to Mass this morning?

Good question, and after Mass #1 at 0945 the Manse was ominously silent, like two minutes silence silent. You'll be pleased to know I resisted the heady urge to charge upstairs beating a wake up drum armed with a pick-axe handle, and brewed strong coffee instead. Let the kids rest, I thought to myself on the back deck, after all, they run around all week, so.

Then, irenic reverie over, lo and behold, there's a team in the dining room struggling into two button blazers and khakis. Why they couldn't do this in their rooms is and remains a mystery, but still, there it was and not bad for all that. And off we went to Mass #2 by the lake.

I'll spare you the trinitarian homily, which was a hopefully helpful Augustine/Aquinas hybrid, but I will say this: The faithful believe that a communion of divine persons in perfect love lies at the heart of reality, that ultimate Truth is personal love which loves us. The modern heathen believe in a very different God, that reality is impersonal force. You will notice, my dear friends, that people come to resemble the deity they worship. Choose wisely.

In similar news, a churchman sent me this excellent photo after Mass, from the restaurant where he was enjoying lunch. Have a look:

We must all eat at this place, and what can we say? A free man can defend himself, a slave can't. Go ask a Red Indian or someone in the UK if you doubt me.
