Showing posts with label Crusades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crusades. Show all posts

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Advent Four


It's the fourth Sunday of Advent and advance to contact, eh? Contact being Christmas and the celebration, our magnificat, of the birth of Christ. With that, with his birth in us anew, we're to bear Christ into the world for the refutation of evil and the salvation of mankind. Perhaps the March of the Templars resonates.

On topic, you might be interested to know that priestly vocations have soared by over 30% in godless, apostate, secular socialist Spain. Let's pray this encouraging trend continues.

God Bless,


Sunday, May 1, 2022

Chevalier, Mult Estes Guariz


May Day, workers of the world unite. And with that can you hear the voices of Charles Martel, Raymond, Godfrey, Tancred, and Robert? We're taught, today, to scorn the first Crusade, how evil of them to fight for the Cross and the Faith. The same people, who by the way hate Christianity, urge us to fight for Democracy.

Point being, you fight for what you most believe in and what is that; friends, family, unit? Yes indeed, but beyond that what? What idea or cause would you go to war for. And this is an issue, not least for the West which has ditched objective value and truth for opinion, read power.

So here we are, about to give Ukraine $33 BILLION to defeat the Russian Orcs in the name of the freedom to have trans bathrooms. Ahem, get even richer than we already are.

You'll be amazed to know that Russia's military budget is some $20 billion.



Saturday, February 7, 2015


It's unremarkable to me that our President chose the occasion of a Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage to castigate Christianity at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Unremarkable? That someone called Barack Hussein doesn't want to call his coreligionists? Go figure. 

Regardless, why attack the Crusades? Especially the first one, which won. The West, in its wickedness, didn't keep Outremer alive and that's a big shame.

Reverse the Horns of Hattin, and Manzikert, please, and let's have another Charles Martel.

The problem with the Crusades is that we didn't have enough of them.

Time to end the Islamic death cult.