Sunday, July 16, 2023

Some Good News


Keen-eyed readers of this popular international mind-blog will have noticed ACoC (Anglican Church of Canada) left earth orbit many years ago for the icy void of deep space, but not the Diocese of the Arctic. So here's some good news from an unlikely source.

Anglican Samizdat reports on an interview at VOL:

The Diocese of the Arctic is unusual.

First, its bishop, David Parsons, is a member of a species all but extinct in the Anglican Church of Canada: he is a Christian bishop.

Second, the diocese is in communion with ANiC (Anglican Network in Canada) and is open to licensing its priests.

Third, the diocese does not support the recently adopted liturgies for Gender Transition and Affirmation or any of the other LGBT+ claptrap that obsesses other ACoC clergy.

Fourth, the diocese sees itself as the Anglican Church of Canada and the rest of the organisation as – something else. By implication, not a church.

Lastly, Parsons thinks, “that the great and terrible day of the Lord is coming, and many bishops are going to have a stark wake up as they stand before God and are asked why they have not stood against the doctrines of demons and devils. My fear is, that day will not be a day of repentance but just justice and judgment because the day of grace will be over.”


Did you spot that? the diocese does not support the recently adopted liturgies for Gender Transition and Affirmation or any of the other LGBT+ claptrap that obsesses other ACoC clergy. Wow. He just got out and said it. And again, many bishops are going to have a stark wake up as they stand before God and are asked why they have not stood against the doctrines of demons and devils. Exactly.

Well done, Bishop Parsons and the small but faithful Diocese of the Arctic, would that England's Anglo-Catholics and Evangelicals would be so bold. Regardless, we stand with you in the Diocese of Fort Worth.

So take heart punters, there is Good News, both in Christ and in his Church.

Have a beautiful Sunday,


PS. I take credit for coining the now ubiquitous acronym ACoC, so let's see some applause, international ortho/trad commentariat. Thx.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Applause, from a member of the unwashed, who appreciates those who walk their talk.

Beans said...

Wow. How soon until he gets arrested?

Can he become an arch-bishop over a flock of bishops that take back ACoC?

And I feel far too many prelates these days will never stand before God as they've openly sold their shriveled souls to the Devil and will only go downstairs. Some may, may end up in purgatory, if that still exists (God's waiting room, dontchaknow.) Some may not have destroyed their souls enough they may get Judgement, but most, sadly, openly play for the other team.

What's God's punishment for a priest actively turning against God's words and teaching the Devil's words? I'm a bit lacking in that knowledge.

But, yeah, deep in my heart I feel that God's not gonna stand well for that poop.

Wild, wild west said...

They've got some 'splaining to do.

Prodigal Son said...
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Prodigal Son said...

Bp. David Parsons: May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His Face to shine upon you. May the Lord lift up His Countenance and give you peace. Amen.

This Churchman is encouraged and emboldened by his example.

LSP said...

He's done well, Prodigal. Brave, when you think on it.

LSP said...

That they most definitely do, Wild.

LSP said...

Exactly, Beans, it ain't gonna play well. But will there be an ACoC rebellion? That'd be good.

LSP said...

Right, WSF, well done that Bishop.

LSP said...

Bless you, Prodigal. Truth wins out.