Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Night Patrol

It being #TrumpsAmerica, it only seemed right to walk off big steaks and go on patrol. That's right, night patrol, with Blue Combat Team. (BCT)

Watch My Tracer!

There weren't any enemies, luckily for them, but there were lots of lights. Good looking neighborhood; not so long ago it was ghetto. That's changed. Watch out for sticker shock, new arrivals.

We RV'd at a wine store, thanks, gentrification, and bought some claret. Good price and it makes a change, being from France and all. Then back to base.

Less Hood, More Vinters

The dollar stores, tattoo parlors and used tire shops have turned into a restaurant, "Bistro," thank you very much, a bookbinder and a children's shop. I'd be surprised if you could come out of the children's shop without paying less than a set of All Terrains.

Light it Up

Price aside, it's a good development. Less ghetto please, more safe, pleasant neighborhoods to walk about in.

A Typical Druid

Was I armed? That's a secret.

Glocks Forever,


Friday, December 9, 2016

Vicarious Swine

"It was either a pig or a doe. I shot the pig, perhaps because it seemed like an enemy," said my philisophical ally, and I have to agree. Spare the doe, shoot the porcuswine!

I won't say I'm not jealous.

Good shot,


Thursday, December 1, 2016

You Filthy Little Beast

No, not the repellent Anthony Weiner, just this deadly assault rifle! That's the problem with ARs, they get filthy dirty because of their gas impingement system and if you don't clean them they don't work. 

A Democrat. Repellent.

Similar, when you think of it, to our system of governance; if its not cleaned out periodically it gets clogged up with filth and breaks.

A Gun

With that in mind, I took down this AR down and gave the beast a scrubbing. It's a good weapon, dirt aside, with a CMMG lower, a nondescript Anderson upper receiver, a Bison (? I forget...) 16" barrel, Hipertouch EDT (Enhanced Duty Trigger), CMMG bolt carrier group, Fortis lightweight handguard, Magpul stock and open sights and a Mega pistol grip.


The gun started off as a stock CMMG carbine, which was fine until I wanted an upgrade. Thanks to a kind church person, who built me an 18" barreled Upper upgrade, I was left with spare parts and an interest in putting a gun together myself. 


So I did, using the old CMMG Lower and BCG (Bolt Carrier Group) and, long story short, came out of the action with two DARs (Deadly Assault Rifles), one long and geared towards precision and the other short and sharp. Learned how to build an AR15 too, which is a valuable skill by anyone's reckoning.

Sorry, Libs, You Lose

Unless you're a pathetic, whining, comsymp shill for the ultra-wealthy transnational NWO Globalist Elitocracy, in which case, like Hitler, you want to stop people from owning guns. Well guess what, Illuminati Satanists, you lost this time in America. Who knows, maybe Europe will follow suit.

Gun rights,


Sunrise at the Compound

The sun rose over the Compound to the usual morning chorus of roosters, crazed peacocks and pyschotic dogs.  Blue MAGA didn't care, he was busy gnawing on a cast off steak bone. 

Like a lot of our international readership, Team LSP doesn't like to waste steak bones and after they've been gnawed clean they're turned into finely honed push daggers. Waste not, want not.

Crazed Millionaire Socialist

In other news, it looks like the bizarrely overpaid and traitorous Megynne Kelly is switching networks. For more millionaire socialist dollars, presumably. 

Shoot The Gun #TrumpsAmerica

Who is this "Megynne" anyway?



Monday, November 21, 2016

Let Them Eat Steak

you have the steaks... you have the wines... and all of that. Donald Trump

It's a brave new dawn in America, as oppressed people everywhere shake off the shackles of oppression and get down to the serious business of pounding the mahogany to the tune of steak and wine.

Both of these are affordable now, thanks to Danaldus Magnus, and here at the Compound we took advantage of that, scoring a "Threeper" of New York strips at Walmart for $15 bucks. Yes readers, that's right, 5 dollars a steak and guess what, they were delicious. 

Seared for a minute a side in an iron skillet and put in the oven at 400 for 3 minutes. Did Marmite butter feature? Sure it did, along with egg and chips (French Fries).

Was it tasty? Yes it was, as tasty as the Network Heads and their millionaire socialist, comsymp, agitprop shills in the media getting a beating in the Golden Tower. 

“Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed…" Right on, Magnus.

The next day, the Team got out in the field with a couple of deadly assault rifles and settled into some serious business. Just you, the country and the guns. Sorry, rainbow rider losers, there's freedom in that.

Gun rights,


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Safe Space

A friend from England was discussing America's gun laws and how they might not work in the UK, "Think downtown Romford on a Saturday night, throw guns into the mix and Boom! They'd all be dead, innit."

Piers Morgan Being Appalling Somewhere in England

Even the most ardent firearms enthusiast might have to concede a point, though I bravely countered with "being able to defend yourself is a hallmark of a free society." Picture the scene, you're strolling down a street in Soho looking for fun and up saunters Piers Morgan, all raced up from Champagne and Gin at the Groucho. So Whaddya do? Call the police?

Alien Gear

That's a negative, by the time London's Finest arrive it's too late. No. You pull out a Glock like a free man and shoot it dead, but you can't do that in England, which brings us back to America.

It Works

In this country you can defend yourself and I'd argue that qualified persons should carry in order to defend the unarmed citizenry against bad actors, like Piers Morgan and Lena Dunham. My friend agreed, "It's like a duty."

Safe Space

With that in mind, my carry weapon's a Glock 21. I know, I know, it's not a .357 Magnum or an awesome Kimber, but whatever, the Glock's all business and gets the job done. What's the job?

Creating a safe space, obviously.

Gun Rights,


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Go On, Shoot Some Guns

To celebrate America's new dawn we loaded up the pickup with guns and headed out to the country. A few minutes later we were on a friend's farm, lining up against a burn pile with a .38 Special, a Glock 21 and an AR15.

Do you remember Hillary? She wanted to ban these guns but failed and fell into a pyschotic drunken rage, tearing at Mook and Podesta as the vote came down past midnight. Boom,  Witch, you lose. A doctor had to administer sedatives, just to calm her down.

The guns performed flawlessly in the searing heat of an autmnal Texan Fall. Take that, 5th Columnist water bottle, take that big time. Same applies to you, Jerrycan, and you too derelict license plate. 

Driving through this town's dystopic outlet mall after the shoot  you couldn't help but notice the legend, Guilt Free Shopping. Maybe that's because all the shops are shut, as in, gone bust. In Trump's America that's going to change, we hope.

After that it was fried pie and what can I say? Life is good.

Gun rights,


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Product Testing, Shoot The Fiver

The best thing about Great Britain's new currency is that it's indestructible. I know this because a friend from England drifted over to the Compound from Houston with some samples, two "Fivers." I looked at the shiny, holographic plastic currency and she made the pitch, "Look, LSP, this note's indestructible." I wasn't convinced, "Let's see about that. At the range."

Pin it Up

A few traditional range cheeseburgers later, the indestructible Fiver was pinned onto the head of a silhouette and we were ready to product test with a .38 Special snubby, a deadly assault rifle and a Ruger American .22. Would the Fiver live up to its marketing?

Your Old Pal

No. It didn't. In fact it failed dismally, taking rounds right through the paper right out of the gate from the .38. Not a monster round, right? But it did for the Fiver. So did the diminutive 5.56 from the banned-in-England carbine. Bang, right through the Fiver. Maybe that's why they're not allowed in England, who knows.

Banned in England

The lowly .22 did the trick too, sending tiny bullet after bullet right through the Indestructible. Fiver, you fail, but well done, JS, for winning the "knock the Fiver off the silhouette from 50 yards" competition. Good shooting.

Hand Out of Sun, Fool

In fairness to me, I was a bit of a bystander because of a badly burned hand. Keep it out of the blistering Fall sunlight, sort of thing. Still, I experienced it for myself; low caliber bullets go right through Great Britain's shiny, new, so-called indestructible currency. Go right ahead, put all the holographs you like on it but sorry, it's not going to win this FX speculation. The guns had it.

Go Short

Verdict? The new Fiver isn't indestructible. Go short.

With apologies to the great Winston Churchill and HRH EII.

Gun rights,


Monday, October 3, 2016

Rod & Gun

It was tranquil on the big pond and large Bass were surging just out of casting range, which got the adrenaline up. Would they come in to the bank, or stay where they were, voraciously feeding off swarms of fry? 

They stayed where they were, wisely, and I didn't catch anything, despite the enticing promise of a 10" Texas rigged red ribbon tail worm. A bird was keeping an eye on the fish too, from the vantage point of a pipe. 

After casting about, I drove off to some hay bales with GWB and we set up in hope of shooting some dove. Like the fish, they wisely stayed away.

Later, back at the Compound, I cooked up some Toad in the Hole and onion gravy and I tell you, it was right tasty.

In other news, Kim Kardashian, who is not a hobbit, has been robbed in Paris. Good work, Team.

Gun rights,


Friday, August 5, 2016


A Dragunov

OK, you've been hunting all morning and you'll go out again in the evening, but what about the afternoon, after lunch? You shoot, a lot, at the compound's range.

I won't lie, the team had enough weaponry to equip a small insurrection; one of those guns was an old SovBloc Dragunov. I'd never fired one and was keen to get started.

PSO1 Reticle

Developed as a designated marksman/sniper rifle, the semi-auto Dragunov fires a punchy 7.62x54 bullet from its 10 round magazine and boasts a fixed 4 power scope, complete with bullet drop compensator and a range finder going out to 1000 meters. You have to admit, those Sov snipers must've had pretty keen eyes to engage targets at that distance. With that in mind, I chose to pit my wits against some paper at 100.


And was happily surprised at the result, with a couple of dead-on bullseyes and a few flyers. In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say I liked the obsolete redtech scope. Get the chevron on target and squeeze the, admittedly clunky, trigger. Bang, take that, enemy of the revolution!

Kids Love a Dragunov

What's the verdict? I felt the Dragunov we tested was more of a battle rifle than anything else, lacking the kind of precision and optics that you'd expect from a sniper rifle. But hey, it has iron sights in case the old school scope breaks down and you can even fit a bayonet to the barrel. Useful, when your position's being overrun by fanatical Jihadis in Russel Square, or Syria.

More to the point, it's fun to shoot and works well enough if you do your part. So get one, if you're looking for a Sov 7.62 battle rifle with a rugged scope, just don't expect a lot more than that.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, August 2, 2016


CSM Briefs Recruits

OK, you've done your bit for King and Country by sitting in the stand while the sun sets over Texas, and it wasn't bad. Deer, turkey, hawks and all of that, but no pigs, then it was too dark to shoot. So what do you do? Wait for the Ranger to turn up from the other stand and go spotlighting.

Random Rainbow

I acted as spotter and the kids changed guns to a 12 gauge pump and a Ruger American .22. Ready to go! And remember, when shooting over the top of the vehicle your barrel is several inches lower than your scope. So don't shoot the Ranger's lighting rig off, gentlemen.

Room With a View

They didn't, but they did shoot their first coons and rabbits. Well done, boys, good snap shots on the bunnies, and I won't pretend that it wasn't neat to hear the sound and fury of the guns going off overhead and into the night. An AR added to the mix and why not? After all, you have to make sure the weapon works.

First Rabbit

Back at the Compound, the guns were unloaded, make safe!, and I showed the recruits how to skin their rabbits. That was a first for them, and a skill they're not going to learn in nanny state's rainbow hued halls of academe.

Food Isn't Grown in Supermarkets

Evening excitement over, it was time to relax. No internet, no phone service, no Hillary cavorting about like a pantsuit demon, just you, the brilliant stars overhead and the sound of the country at night.

That, just in itself, is no small thing and powerful medicine for the soul.

If you meet the Buddha on the road, shoot it.

Gun rights,


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

It's Bushcraft Wednesday!

Yes, it's Bushcraft Wednesday and here we are, deep in the bush of the metrosprawl. Just me, Blue Unmentionable and a couple of .45s.

A Couple of Guns

What do two pistols have to do with the art of Bushcraft, you ask yourself, mystified. Simple, if you're charged by a predator out in the bush, you need something to defend yourself and a reliable sidearm can come in handy.

Alien Gear Works

The team favors Glocks and, today, a Beretta. Both great guns but I'd say the Glock has an edge because of its sturdy, workmanlike simplicity. Nothing fancy about that pistol and fewer parts to malfunction or go missing or break. A big asset in the bush.

The Simplicity of Glock

So listen up, bushcrafters. Invest in a reliable sidearm and keep it clean, I recommend the Glock 21. And while you're at it, check out Alien Gear holsters, for inside and outside the waistband carry. They work.

Blue Unmentionable

Here endeth the shameless marketing for Beretta, Glock and Alien Gear.

Your Old Friend,