Showing posts with label Steaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steaks. Show all posts

Monday, February 17, 2025

Presidents Day Steak

Can you afford steak, fellow serfs? Hardly, but if you're clever enough you can find it on deal at Brookshires, which is a kind of supermarket in North Central Texas. I bought a 4 pack of strips for 20 bucks, not bad, and here's one way to cook 'em.

Yes, Heavy Metal style. First, pat the room temp steaks dry, apply salt and pepper to both sides, add olive oil to your cast iron skillet, then heat that beast up until it's smoking hot. Apply steaks to skillet, observe them sizzling for two minutes like a forward observer and then flip, adding a generous cut of butter to the seared side. 

Then let those bad boys do their thing for another two minutes, that's it, two minutes max. Then remove from heat. Let 'em rest, tented with foil, for 5 or so minutes, and fall upon your scoff.

Like a warrior,


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Time Travel


Do you remember the days when we were able to afford meat? Yes, actual meat which we cooked on carbon footprint grills. Perhaps you recall that halcyon time and here at Dallas HQ we dialed back the clock last night to relive them.

After a brief dimensional shudder, a rip in the fabric of space and time, there it was, a grill with two New York strips sizzling above the charcoal.

Quick! Grill those bad boys before the Rainbow Time Cops bust down your door like so many SWAT teams ransacking Mar-a-Lago. Then let those steaks rest as you consider the future you've just escaped, a crazy timeline where America's run by a power mad gerontocracy, the Uniparty.

Can the future be changed by going back in time? And if so, where do we start? Perhaps with General Lee winning the War or Archduke Ferdinand's assassin apprehended before he took the fatal shot which set the end of Western civ in motion. But why stop there.

Portal through to the 11th C, stop the Eastern Schism, perhaps a saint speaks sense, turn the 1st Crusade into an allied operation against the Moslem horde and... Asia Minor would still be Christian, to say nothing of the Bosphorus. 

βασιλική Ἄννα Κομνηνή, Princess Anna Comena would rejoice.



Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day

I know, you're busy setting up firewalls and improving your IT security architecture in case the Kremlin hacks your grill and ruins all those steaks and hamburgers. But still, take some time to remember the fallen. Here's a prayer:
Almighty God, our heavenly Father, in whose hands are the living and the dead: We give thee thanks for all thy servants who have laid down their lives in the service of our country. Grant to them thy mercy and the light of thy presence; and give us such a lively sense of thy righteous will, that the work which thou hast begun in them may be perfected; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord. Amen.

God bless,


Monday, November 21, 2016

Let Them Eat Steak

you have the steaks... you have the wines... and all of that. Donald Trump

It's a brave new dawn in America, as oppressed people everywhere shake off the shackles of oppression and get down to the serious business of pounding the mahogany to the tune of steak and wine.

Both of these are affordable now, thanks to Danaldus Magnus, and here at the Compound we took advantage of that, scoring a "Threeper" of New York strips at Walmart for $15 bucks. Yes readers, that's right, 5 dollars a steak and guess what, they were delicious. 

Seared for a minute a side in an iron skillet and put in the oven at 400 for 3 minutes. Did Marmite butter feature? Sure it did, along with egg and chips (French Fries).

Was it tasty? Yes it was, as tasty as the Network Heads and their millionaire socialist, comsymp, agitprop shills in the media getting a beating in the Golden Tower. 

“Trump started with Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed…" Right on, Magnus.

The next day, the Team got out in the field with a couple of deadly assault rifles and settled into some serious business. Just you, the country and the guns. Sorry, rainbow rider losers, there's freedom in that.

Gun rights,


Friday, July 1, 2016

Cooking With LSP, The Hard Way

"Cooking with LSP?" you ask with a wry smile, "That's kind of weird." Not so fast, readers, here's how it's done. The hard way.

Go to Walmart and pick up a couple of Threepers. No, not two members of a citizens militia! Two 3 packs of New York Strips; they shouldn't cost more that $30, all in all. Take your Threepers home, salt and pepper them and let those steaks come to room temperature in a place where the dog can't get them. He's hungry for steak.

Fire up the Weber using a large chimney, you'll want a lot of charcoal for a hot fire, then spread the coals when they're grey and put a grid over them. Scrape that grid down with a wire brush and admire the inferno as you sip an ice cold Stella. But look, there's no rule, it doesn't have to be Stella, that's just my choice. Do what you like, it's up to you.

Meditation over, get the steak and throw it on the grill. Watch it sizzle as the Threepers hit the hot grid; after about a minute, put the lid on the grill and observe the mystery of cooking for around 3 minutes, depending on the size of the steaks. Uncover, flip, repeat.

Grilling over, put the steaks on a tray and serve them up to the hungry team. Maybe throw in some baked potatoes and salad, perhaps some fried onions and mushrooms, whatever. 

You, not Big Government, are in charge of this operation. Then eat your steaks, like a Warrior. 

And that's cooking with,