Thursday, June 20, 2024



For many years so-called "Archbishop" Vigano has been peddling hate against our Beloved Rulers in Rome, the WEF and beyond. He's had the sheer brazen temerity to suggest the Swiss Guard arrest our saintly Red Pope and his his rainbow associates. Yep, and far, far more, but up 'til now this scoundrel hasn't been brought to heel.

You'll be pleased to know the situation is finally being brought under control. Vigano's been summoned to the Vatican to explain his malfeasance. Will he be excommunicated? Who knows, that remains to be seen, but at last steps are being taken to rein THIS VILLIAN in.

In other news, DLC COMMAND is running for Senate. Here, have a look:

That is all,


PS. Except that it isn't. Some years ago I wrote an editorial blasting corrupt BLM Marxists and praising Vigano, who saw through such nonsense most clearly. My copyeditor/proofer came back in a FURY. "Who is this Vigano! Are you a racist?" I resisted the urge to tell him that I was a realist, not a racist, and that, as a self-proclaimed orthodox Anglo-Catholic, "Why are you supporting the party of trans rainbow abortion satanic atheism?" I held fire. Good luck, Vigano, I reckon you're the real deal.


drjim said...

I wish him well. Someday he may be a Saint.

LSP said...

He may already be that, drjim.

The Night Wind said...

So, he was charged today before an Ecclesiastical Court with being a 'schismatic.' Vignano addressed the Court to the effect that the current Papal Curia draws its authority from a Higher Power; and that they are the real schismatics since they don't follow Christ's teachings.

He's clearly not going down without a fight.

LSP said...

Most definitely, NW.

Johnnyreb said...

The fix is in for the Catholic Church just as it is in many other places. He will lose and he'll be lucky if, by going to Rome, the seat of the evil, he does not have an accident.

What I keep wondering is when some part of the Catholic Church is going to do the only thing that might help and rebel and split to declare a new Catholic Church to give priests and faithful a place to go and take their church buildings with them. Much like what has become of the no more United Methodists and others.

Mike_C said...

“Are you a racist?"
Why, yes, I am! And thanks for noticing.

Beans said...

In other news, we discover that the Catholic Church is actually a variation of the Underworlders from that sci-fi franchise with Vin Diesel. How do we know this? Vigano engages in a crucifix fight with the non-pope, decapitates him and, tired, sits down on the papal throne. The College of Cardinals in unison say, "You keep what you Kill" (in Church Latin, of course.)

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Hold steady, Vigano. We'll accept you as pontiff of the American Catholic Church when you come back. (that part, not kidding. Bout time that 'Murican Catholics told the Lavender Mafia to pee up a rope.)

Wild, wild west said...

Times like these I wish I were Catholic.

Dr. Swankenstein said...

Nice grilling technique! I guess you must have bought Chuck Schumer's new cookbook for humans. Also, Vigano is a true warrior of God.

Ritchie said...

"Schismatic" sounds like a band. Does His Socialist Holiness know what is in the Swiss Guards hidey hole?

RHT447 said...

I am reminded of this clip--

Yeah I know, it's a movie, and no I haven't watched it yet. Still, perhaps in our world the Chief Exorcist should start with the current Pope himself.

LL said...

Vigano is solid.

LSP said...

Right with you, LL.

LSP said...

RHT, Amorth was the real deal. Read Diary of an Exorcist, and on.

LSP said...

Very good question, Ritchie. Francis, curiously, does believe in the demonic, you'd think he'd have better discernment.

LSP said...

Herr Doktor, there is only one way to grill, the Way Of Our Rulers.

LSP said...

Wild, we're all in this together. Like no kidding.

LSP said...

Monsignor Beans, what a good vision! And yes, in Church Latin.


I know, it's not easy, but we must.

LSP said...

Mike, dropped-on-head-as-infant syndrome is waxing large.

LSP said...

Ah, Johnnyreb, there's a question, and I'm part of it, being an Anglican.

What a total disaster. We were on the point of sacramental union with Rome and the Western Church when the libs leapt in and ordained wymxn, now trannies.

Upshot? My diocese isn't part of them. Downshot? We're yet more splintered and ineffective against the demonic attack. See Our Lord's words, "Ut Unum Sint."

Ritchie said...

Discernment is said by some to be a Holy Gift. To be able to tell one thing from another though they might appear similar. Many appear to have been out that day.

Ritchie said...

To tell a white thread from a black thread, at some point in the dawn. I'm sensing some kind of a metaphor there somewhere.

Beans said...

Regarding the disunity within the semi-Catholic Church (as my Episcopalian mother called it,) well, gee, it's not like there's not actual history of churches splitting apart over scisms.

As long as you and yours stay strong and right with God, that's all that matters.

And He is waiting for all the rainbow preachers and their multi-colored flock to realize, truly realize what mistakes they have collectively and individually made and wish to redeem themselves to Him. He's very patient. He can wait a very long time. Balls are in the sinners' courts, so to speak.

Honest acknowledgement of sin and honest attempt at redemption is the only true saving grace. Lots of good 'church-going' people will be unhappily surprised as to their failings regarding the 7 deadly sins...

Anonymous said...

The Tridentine Rite s booming all over. New priests ordained, churches bursting at the seams with parishioners. Francis Church has fewer attendees, ordains a couple of priests a year, says vocations are dropping each year. Huh, what a puzzle. You’d think they would look at the TLM and get a clue. Arbp Viganò and others like Bishop Schneider, Bishop Strickland, have a lot of support from the TLM congregations. They speak the truth.
Southern NH

LSP said...

The Spirit, Ritchie, will lead us into all truth.

To go against the Spirit means being relentlessly destroyed by that same Spirit.

LSP said...

Well said, Beans, good call and I agree.

LSP said...

Southern, it's a phenomenon and the hierarchy HATES it. We have to ask, do they hate the Church herself?

I call, effectively yes.

Beans said...

If the Roman Catholic Church had just stopped at doing the Mass in the local language, that would have been fine.

But the Clergy in whole has slowly then rapidly stripped any of the Mysteries (like how the Church of England has de-mystified all aspects of God) that make the Mass holy.

Stupid bastids. Every one of them.

Though, well, people have discovered they don't need an intermediate between them and God. Especially a gay and socialistic intermediate.

LSP said...

Especially that, Beans.

And yes. You know, back in the day I knew a fair few senior RC clergy in the UK and they all said the same thing as you. Good for them, but their generation let the enemy slip through the gates and take over HQ.


LSP said...

Right on, Justin. Vigano's alright. In fact, I'd argue one of he best.