Monday, June 3, 2024

Respect Melania


Melania is vilified by our Godless, mendacious, boastful, belligerent, condescending, prideful Press, but for all that she's the Colonel (Hon) of an irregular troop of horsemen, the prestigious Dallas Light Cavalry (DLC). And that's not all, she's no mean artist, have a look:

Well you can see why the boys like her and the pedo rainbow Satans hate her. Here at DLC HQ we respect our honorary Colonel and suggest you do too.

Ride on gentlemen,



Well Seasoned Fool said...

Class act.

LL said...

Melania is charming, beautiful, and intelligent. The Swamp crones hate her.

As to you, LSP, avoid Arab women when riding. That's my last word today.

Dad of Six said...

I hope that she again resides in the White House next year, after it being thoroughly exorcised from top to bottom.

RHT447 said...

By your leave Colonel, Boots and Saddles.

Paul M said...

X2 to all of the above. Her eulogy at her mothers funeral was so classy and heartwarming we got a glimpse of why she is who she is….PDJT is a fortunate man to have her by his side, otherwise, as my dad said to us boys, “I never could have done anything without her help and support.” Yeah. That.

LindaG said...

You all be safe and God bless.

Wild, wild west said...

She was/is a long cool woman in a black dress.

Those people only know how to destroy, not to build. That is the essence of our problem.

LSP said...

I totally agree, WSF.

LSP said...

RHSM, it'd be a foolish man to disregard your advice.

That in mind, there's a rumour, and that's all it is, that there'll be a Mess Night in Whitehall in October.

LSP said...

Right on, DOS.

Maybe we need a national exorcism to boot.

LSP said...

What an excellent call, RHT!

LSP said...

Paul, just look at the way our despicable press has gone after her. Easily the most elegant First Lady since... ever.

That in mind, compare her to M Obama.

No, on second thoughts don't, that'd be nasty.