A friend from England was discussing America's gun laws and how they might not work in the UK, "Think downtown Romford on a Saturday night, throw guns into the mix and Boom! They'd all be dead, innit."
Piers Morgan Being Appalling Somewhere in England |
Even the most ardent firearms enthusiast might have to concede a point, though I bravely countered with "being able to defend yourself is a hallmark of a free society." Picture the scene, you're strolling down a street in Soho looking for fun and up saunters Piers Morgan, all raced up from Champagne and Gin at the Groucho. So Whaddya do? Call the police?
Alien Gear |
That's a negative, by the time London's Finest arrive it's too late. No. You pull out a Glock like a free man and shoot it dead, but you can't do that in England, which brings us back to America.
It Works |
In this country you can defend yourself and I'd argue that qualified persons should carry in order to defend the unarmed citizenry against bad actors, like Piers Morgan and Lena Dunham. My friend agreed, "It's like a duty."
Safe Space |
With that in mind, my carry weapon's a Glock 21. I know, I know, it's not a .357 Magnum or an awesome Kimber, but whatever, the Glock's all business and gets the job done. What's the job?
Creating a safe space, obviously.
Gun Rights,