Tuesday, June 7, 2022

You Pathetic Shills


That's right, Essex PD. But don't judge Essex on the part of a few uniformed Gaia NWO shills. Here's Romford via Wales Underworld:

A few years ago mind you. And now here we are, in a rainbow stasi utopia, how's that working out for 'ya? Born slippy, innit.

Essex forever,



Undergroundpewster said...

The tyranny of the tranny/LGBQ+ socio-mediatocracy demands your submission or you will be sent to the re-education camps. Just beware of the showers there, and never, never drop the soap.

Old NFO said...

Interesting... :-)

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I suspect I am part of a great many who don't overly concern themselves about what consenting adults choose to do in private. Pedophiles, of any variety, are another matter. What I prefer is that other adults don't flaunt their various kinks in my face. I do believe in public decorum.

BadFrog said...

Tolerance demanded for them but not for the normal everyday populous.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

How does a culture commit suicide? Slowly at first. Then very quickly.

Dad of Six said...

It has been a steep slide from "We just want to have civil unions" to "Bake the ******g cake!" Didn't take very long either.

Paul M said...

Can people get any more weak that they cannot stand for Godly principles and tenets yet be swayed by every secular breeze? Probably. Fear and weakness do not come from the Lord...so...from...where? Hmmm, tap, tap, tap.

greggBC said...

Supporting "Hate the Straight" month is a hate crime in itself. We conservatives celebrate togetherness and let us all pull together for a better life. Liberals are all about separating people by making up reasons to separate us. We conservtives believe in Science and Biology. Homosexuals and their supporters deny the truth of Biology. The gay flag is a symbol of hate and intolerance.

LSP said...

Pester, that's VERY sound advice.

LSP said...

Just bizarre, NFO.

LSP said...

Same here, WSF. But this is getting downright nasty.

LSP said...

Yes, BadFrog. And how long until the gen pop has enough of the Rainbow Stasi?

LSP said...

That's weird, Infidel. You're one of several that said that me over the last day.

LSP said...

Escalated real fast, DOS.

LSP said...

Let's ponder that, Paul... OK, I'll shoot first. From the Father of Lies, a murderer from the beginning. That's the shot.

LSP said...

GBC, I agree and let's not forget the Old Axiom. Everything the Left does produces the exact opposite of its intended effect.

Kid said...

If those guys were serious they'd be sucking each other off and dogging the women.

LSP said...

It's all too nasty, Kid.