Monday, June 20, 2022

War Leader


Right Up There in Kookville

Well here we are on the brink of World War III, so thank Gaia we've got an Administration that's serious about warfighting leadership. You see, readers, going trans from the admiralty on down increases force lethality, go right ahead and ask 4 Star Rachel Levine.

If we haven't reached peak insanity we're very surely near.

Riders of the Rainbow,



Well Seasoned Fool said...

Tsk, tsk Reverand! Xiden Abomination has given trans people the opportunity to show they can be just as incompetent as cis people.

LSP said...

WSF, there's a scary wisdom in that.

Wild, wild west said...

Just finished re-reading Clay Blair, Jr.'s epic 2-volume work Silent Victory about the submarine war against Japan in WWII. Giants in the earth in those days, for sure. But can you imagine those two being in charge of that enterprise?

Infidel de Manahatta said...

We need Patton to slap these two.

SgtBob said...

Truly a force multiplier.

Paul M said...

Mental & Inept…a modern version of Dumb & Dumber.

Used to be a man wearing a skirt and makeup was in need of serious intervention, not placed in a position of leadership (or whatever they call it over there).

Old NFO said...

Yep, peak insanity, and the incompetence IS stunning!!!

Ed Bonderenka said...

I feel like I'm in a Monty Python movie and I can't get out.

Dad of Six said...

Whatever happened to "the content of their character and not the color of their skin"?

I hold Richard Levine with much contempt as he removed his mom from a care facility before he allowed Kung Flu positive patients back into PA care facilities. He put her up in a motel.

LSP said...

Haven't read that in years, Wild, and must make up the deficiency. Those two? What a pair of clowns, especially the faux woman, faux admiral.

If we get into another shooting match, which I hope we don't, goons like that won't last long. Btw, Russkie channels are openly mocking the West and esp America as being "trans globohomo elite." They find this laughable and I can't say as I blame them.

LSP said...

If only, Infidel. But oh, they killed him.

LSP said...

Here's the thing, Sgt., the enemy sees this and falls down laughing. So yes, our nasty little bath house Wunderwaffe.

LSP said...

Paul, Satan has driven them utterly insane. That's the only way I can account for this.

Beyond bizarre.

LSP said...

Totally agree, NFO, but I fear the insanity hasn't peaked. Terrifying prospect, eh?

LSP said...

Ed, it just doesn't get any better. Like, wow, can someone free me from this CorpMaoist nightmare?