Showing posts with label #MillSoc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MillSoc. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Piers Morgan - We Apologize



Repentance, contrition, and apology can come from the most unlikely sources, as can virtue itself. In this case, from Compound News and the appalling Piers Morgan.

Long vilified by our fearless reporters as an "Illuminati dupe sycophant" and the "Dark Lord" of British journalism, Piers Morgan was held up to ridicule and scorn by the Compound's newsroom. More than that, we lent our weight to the popular grass roots movement to remove Morgan from America and send him back, harming no one in the exit.


It was a successful campaign. Piers, hated everywhere in the US for his absurd NWO mandated hatred of 2nd Amendment freedom, fled to the UK, where he reestablished himself as a journalist. On probation. 


It surprises us, and it may surprise you, but Piers has passed this test. He called out the money-grubbing, D-List, faux celeb, fake princess Meghan Markle on Monday's Good Morning Britain, accusing the Millionaire Socialist climber of lying. 


No, said popular Piers, Meghan wasn't victimized by the Royal family on account of racism, but just because she was and is faked-up, #MillSoc rubbish. He doubled down today. Here's the erstwhile loathsome Morgan on social media:

On Monday, I said I didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview. I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t. If you did, OK. Freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on. Thanks for all the love, and hate. I’m off to spend more time with my opinions.


Two-Bit Grifter

Well said, Piers, all is forgiven. In fact, we've always loved you, except Meghan, who might sue you to get even moar money because she's so racistly oppressed by being a millionaire socialist person of color married to one of the richest family's in Europe. Which, when  you think on it, ain't bad for a two-bit, D-List Hollywood grifter.

Your Friend,


Monday, January 11, 2021



Yeah, thanks but no thanks, and so the Night of the Long Routers continues. For goodness sake, don't these geeks have anything better to do than x out small MAGA accounts? Apparently not. So I fell back on Gab and post there @LSP, not that it's easy to access because Gab's getting around 500k+ new users a day, and their servers are swamped. But here's the thing.

How long before Gab et al get taken down for, I don't know, domestic terrorism. For that matter, how much longer will Blogger tolerate anything that's not globalist, millionaire/billionaire socialist Google party line? I'm not betting the aging monkey.

Maybe we need to fall back on coded handwritten letters, perhaps in Greek - see Indian Mutiny - courier pigeons, steam powered free-press servers and speakeasies (what? Ed.). Or something like that, but make no mistake, our Corporate Overlords and their political shills are barreling down the pike to silence their competition. See Parler, nuked.

What's amusing, to me, is the spectacle of rank and file NYT style Dems supporting this in the name of STICK IT TO THE MAN! Like what, Tech, Banks, Hollywood, the Military Industrial Complex, Academia, Media, Pfizer, and Chase have become magical icons of anti-establishment freedom? 

Bizarre ain't in it. In the meanwhile, the snow melts at the Compound but was great while it lasted. More please.



Monday, November 30, 2020

The Most Popular President Ever!

Behold the octogenarian face of the most popular presidential candidate in all of US history. 80 million votes! That's right, he won by a massive landslide, which is why all the down ticket votes went Red. What did Goebbels say, if a lie's big enough anyone'll believe it?

Then the jubilant President Almost Elect got attacked by one of his dogs, Major. Dogs don't like possessed people, they can feel the evil and fight against it. Now the remarkably popular presidential candidate has to wear a foot brace, a boot, as he hobbles to one pre-recorded meeting after another.

Planned Parenthood celebrates the incredible, historic, unprecedented popularity of the foot braced, dog attacked, octo presidential victor. Yes, he promises to make Moloch even richer. And who knows, maybe he'll send us to war again, plenty of cash in that.

Ask yourself, if you have the bandwidth, how the Creeper got rich to the tune of millions of dollars over the course of almost 50 years public service. Then explain that wealth in terms of socialism, Millionaire Socialism.

When you've achieved this not inconsiderable feat, stand back in awe at the sheer, luciferian genius of the thing. There you are, fat cat politicians waxing large off the fat of the land to the tune of massive mansions, houses you could never even dream of affording, right there on Martha's Marxist Vineyard:

"But look, we'll have transsexual toilets and open borders and the green New Deal will save the planet, because we're not Nazis!"

Wake up, idiots, and smell the fraud.

Your Friend,


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Behold Your Rulers


There you are, the quasi nephew of Nancy Pelosi, friend of the Gottis, owner of vinyards and the Governor of California to boot. You've got it made. So whaddya do? Head to the French Laundry for a rarified meal with Big Pharma lobbyists while locking your state down. And all in the name of socialism, of sticking it to the Man.

Well, nothing says Anarcho-Marxism quite so much as the Laundry's menu. Go on, have a look:

Degenerate? No, Mmmmm. Yum. Food for people that don't need to eat, and guess what, it's really cheap, coming in at around 40 bucks an entrĂ©e. Such value, and don't even think of computing Newsom's champagne bill.

Like... wow. Right at the time you've destroyed local businesses, restaurants included, with a lockdown order. Could it be that your friends are fixing to buy the dead properties for pennies on the dollar?

This is what we mean by Millionaire Socialism, rampant, blatant, corrupt, in your face hypocrisy masquerading as care for the poor and oppressed. But ask yourself, who's making money out of this?

Amazon, Walmart, Big Box Inc. etc, and Pharma profits have soared in the past year, while small business have been ground under. And guess what, the Left applauds this or more to the point ignores it, in a stunning fit of willful ignorance and denial.

That Trump, of all people, should have reinvented the GOP into the party of the working class is bizarrely miraculous. That the Left should become the party of elitist, corporate, corrupt, French Laundry snobs is equally strange.

I know which side I'm against.

Mirabile dictu,


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Breaking - Racial Recognition Says Michelle a Man

H/T LL: Amazon's bizarrely dystopian facial recognition software's uncovered an uncomfortable truth, that Michelle Obama may not be "Michelle," but "Mitchel," a man.

High Caste Hindus and right thinking people everywhere agree, it's an issue and a big one. Don't say "Adam's Apple." Say, "down at the trough like a millionaire socialist pig."

But what do you, the reader, understand?

Open Forum,


Monday, November 9, 2020

I Won't Back Down

Back down, surrender? In the face of a gang of thieving, powercrat kleptos, masquerading as rainbow Marxists? To the trans glitter #MillSoc fraud machine?

No, I don't think so. And note, Xi and Putin haven't endorsed the Corpse.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Criminality And Vice


OK, imagine you're really powerful, like the Vice President of the United States of America. But you're on this pitiful six figure salary which doesn't even cover boarding school fees for your kids, much less Ivy League and a mansion. So whaddya do?

Get out there and grift for all you're worth, which is a lot because you've got a super VIP pass to the ear of the most powerful politician in the world, POTUS. So you set up pay to play schemes with China, Russia, the Ukraine, wherever, using your crackhead kid as a bagman.

You get rich. The kid gets rich, kind of, even though he's a trainwreck who gets wasted with hookers, his underage neice(?!) and assorted foreign malfeasants. Well, dammit, you're the Big Guy and you've done your best for the kid.

Then you run for President, even though no one likes you, they don't even bother to turn up to your fakey little "rallies." How embarrassing. Even the lowest of low info voters sense the deceit and corruption which hangs over you like a poisonous cloud. 

Yes, you know all this, but you have to do it anyway. After all, that Chinese cash came with a price, your paymasters demand it. Then the cloud bursts, the djinn's out of the bottle, and your skulduggery and malfeasance is laid bare, literally for Hunter, for all to see. 

What a nightmare, but there it is, despite the best efforts of Big Tech and your bought and paid for media shills to censor it. Surely they're not part of the ponzi too. Yeah, so whaddya you do?

Deny everything and hope that too many people are compromised, at the highest level, to let the sordid story of your corruption grow legs, walk and run. Good call, Big Guy, but the toothpaste's outta the tube.

All the world knows, Tucker blew the lid off it last night and got over 7 million views, a cable record. He's on again tonight, and 45's playing Hunter cinema verite to tens of thousands of people a day. It's out there. Sorry, fella.

How this sordid tale of enrichment on the public dime, of taxpayer funded criminality and vice plays out at the polls remains to be seen.

For what little it's worth, I don't see it going well for Creeper, anyway you cut it, bad PR. And in the meanwhile, Philly BLM's decided to actively campaign for Trump. 

According to Forbes, Joe's wealth stands at a paltry $9 million, not much for a progressive socialist.

Good lookin' out,


Sunday, September 27, 2020

Pop Genius Fuhrer Taylor Swift

Pop icon Taylor Swift may be the pretty face of rock 'n roll but she's also seig heiled by millions of adoring fans as a latter day Fuhrer. Is Taylor Swift literally Nazi? Here at the Compound we decided to fact check.

Wow. That's harsh, Taylor.

Taylor! Getting back together? We suspect not.

This book is banned in Germany.

Taylor Swift's net worth is an estimated $360 million, she's a millionaire socialist. As we've seen, science says National Socialist.

Rumours that the genius pop singer's eyes cause instant migraines are just that, vicious rumours.

Rock on,


Friday, September 25, 2020

The Sheer Talent of Yoko And Everything Else


Have you listened to the genius of Yoko? She married John Lennon and broke up the Beatles. No, not the ISIS execution squad, but the lovable mop tops from Liverpool who helped define the way we live now.  And what is this way, what's its hallmark?

Abortion at the point of birth, apparently that's OK. People losing their jobs for saying men aren't women because "not hate"? Tick. Sanctifying drug dealing, thug, rapist criminals in the name of civil rights? Rock on. Borders, to a country? How very, very Nazi.

One solutions provider put it well this morning. "LSP, when you get to the point of ripping babies out of the womb at nine months then there's no lid, no cover." Anything goes at that point, there's no longer a moral or ethical boundary beyond self-will.

Hell with the lid off? Let's see how far it goes before God decides to call it a wrap. In the meanwhile, check out Ono's #MillSoc musical talent. Then there's Markle, the People's Princess.

Honi soit,


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Fish? No. Boat? Yes

Thanks to some good friends I got on a boat today. It was awesome, we went out on the lake in search of fish, even though it was freezing.

Lures, slabs, spoons, you name it, all went in. No shortage of effort on our part. But were the fish biting? Good question.

No, they were not. Should've brought a box of worms. Still, big fun to zoom about on the lake which used to be the Brazos before it was dammed. And there's no harm whatsoever in getting outside instead of staring in weird consternation at the still unrolling coup attempt against our President.

So much for democratic process. But of course the Left has never been about this and it isn't now, they want power, total power by any means necessary. This, they think, will bring about a utopia in which the reign of The Man is at last brought to an end.

To be replaced by what, exactly? Images of Millionaire Socialist Nancy Pelosi (MSNP) getting a blow dry while ordering hair salons shut spring to mind. Hey, all pigs are created equal but some more Viking fridge equal than others.



Thursday, September 3, 2020


Hair? Well yes, especially if you're legendary Millionaire Socialist Nancy Pelosi. She needed a special treatment from her stylist and got it, despite hair salons being shut down by Democrat edict in the Golden State. One rule for our ruling #MillSoc elite and another for all the serfs, eh?

But before you can say stunning hypocrisy and all pigs are created equal but some pigs are more equal than others, Savage Angel Kayleigh was on it, on loop:

Tucker wasn't off the X-Ring either:

Note how Pelosi, caught red-handed in skulduggery, malfeasance and outright appalling optics went straight on the offence, accusing the salon owner of "setting her up." She, Nancy, the actual criminal, is the victim and the wicked hairdresser's the aggressor.

Whoa, Nancy, ten out of ten for sheer, brazen, talons-out aggression. Do we see a pattern emerging in the Democrat playbook? Commit a crime, get accused of it and then furiously transfer blame to the innocent party. In this case hairdressers, in others, the police or President. 

It's probably in Alinsky's Rules For Radicals, if you care to read it. Whatever the case, word to the wise. 

Speaker of the House, think twice before you tangle with hairdressers, they have weird and dangerous power. That's why I use barbers, if you can find them these days, which isn't easy. And stay tuned for a red flip in California come November.

Off topic but should Kayleigh McEnany become Honourary Colonel of everything? After Melania, obviously.



Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Driven Insane By Satan?

At last we know. Not Michelle Obama, Susan Rice or even Donna "Corrupt" Brazille. No, none of these. Democrat hopeful Joe "China" Biden has chosen Kamala Harris as his running mate VP.

Kamala's famous for sleeping her way to the top and persecuting the poor as California's AG. Here's Tulsi:

And guess what, she got herself a facelift. Have a look:

Wow. Have you noticed how Satan destroys its puppets? Kamala is a Socialist, that's why her net worth is an estimated $10 million. You'd think she'd be able to afford a better surgeon, eh?

Botox Forever,


Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Yuri Brezhnev Warns - Take Note

The Iron Curtain's fallen, thank God, but Bolshevik Marxism's alive and well in the countries the Axis of Evil failed to defeat. But what am I saying? They won, ideologically, capturing our media, schools, the Corporates, ironically, and everything else in between. Not least the DNC

Think a family's a good thing to have? Racist. Get to work on time? Oppressor. Police? Fascist. National borders? NAZI.

Whatever, listen to Yuri, it's only 13 mins and on the money. Hand it to the Bosheviks, they ran a good psyop. Let's put that straight.

McCarthy was right,


Saturday, July 18, 2020

Person of Color?

Superstar Hollywood celebrity activist Alyssa Milano is under fire on social media for making herself up in "blackface." Here's a close up.

World famous for her role as a cute teen witch in the smash hit series Charmed, Milano claims she didn't intend to denigrate and demean people of color, just a rival star, Snookie.

As a prominent Millionaire Socialist with an estimated net worth of $10 million, Alyssa Milano was quick to put the blame on Russia's leader Vladimir Putin. "Cancel culture," asserted the rich socialist on social media, "is being weaponized by the right/Putin."

As the sinister head of Spectre and Kaos, Putin's reach is notoriously long. But really, Alyssa, were you high? In other news, Nantes' 15th century cathedral was set on fire yesterday. More on that crime and the ongoing attack on the Church later.

In the meanwhile, will the Left be destroyed in a fire of their own making? Don't Say Russian Revolution.



Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Team Joe

We all know Joe's the Democrat candidate to go up against 45. He's famous for saying transsexualism's the "greatest civil rights issue of our time," or something pretty much exactly that. As if Biden cared about trannies or anyone else. 

Ask yourself how much this 78 year old millionaire socialist is worth and how much he glommed up when he was Obama's VP. Whole lotta loot, right?

And he's just not there, so everyone's saying another candidate's going to sweep in out of leftfield, save the day and restore the fortunes of the Democrats in the face of Orange Man Bad. Will it be Hillary? Michelle? The demon from Michigan? Kamala Harris?

Who knows, maybe Xi himself will stand. Hey, not as if he doesn't have vested interest with Joe and his son Hunter. But whoever it is you can be sure of this. They will all be in favor of killing babies up to the point of birth and beyond, and in the name of healthcare, bizarrely.

That in mind, think of Marina Abramovic as cultural attache to the world, backed up by Arch Satan Cecile Richards. Coz nothing says women's rights louder than infanticide. Note, the Devil's always demanded sacrifice and the more innocent the better. But perhaps this is a dark reflection, somehow morbid. So I'll leave you with Corn Pops.

That's our Joe, no malarkey!

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, April 18, 2020

Nancy Subzero Pelosi

You know what's going on because you read Adrienne's Corner. You know that Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi featured on CBS in front of two Subzero fridges worth $24k talking about the emotional value of $13 a tub ice cream. 

All this when her party's blocking American businesses from getting loans to retain workers. What does it mean? Obviously that she has subzero respect or affinity with working people. Here's Adrienne:

Just as my heart started to return to normal I stumble on fake Catholic Pelosi standing in front of her very expensive refrigerator touting how she soothes herself with ice cream that costs $13.00 a pint.  Hey, not to worry dirt people - you can have it delivered for about $19.00.
Is it possible to be anymore arrogant and tone deaf?  I doubt it.  Over 22 million people are out of work wondering how they're going to pay their mortgage or rent, put food on the table, and care for their families and this arrogant multi-millionaire is telling them to buy ice cream?

Pelosi's net worth is a nifty $140 million, not bad on a congressional salary. But how did Nancy get so rich? By being a MARKET SEER who, for example, bought $5 million in Amazon stock just before retailers were forced to shut. That stock's risen from from 1.6k to over 2k, earning the Pelosis over a million dollars in just 10 weeks.

Nice money, right? For a Socialist. 

Seriously, does the corruption of our rulers know no bounds? Pitchforks and Torches down the Mall.



Friday, April 17, 2020

Barbra Striesand Lies

Legendary revolutionary protest singer Barbra Streisand lashed out at Trump in an Easter Sunday tweet, accusing the President of killing 20,000 Americans because of "incompetence and lies."

Streisand's smash hit single "Don't Lie to Me" featured on her 2018 album Walls and showcases the singer's lyrical genius in its heartfelt refrain, "Don't lie to me, don't lie to me, you lie to me. Don't lie to me, don't lie to me, you lie to me." 

Moving, right? And the album debuted at #12 in the US, but some listeners weren't impressed, accusing the famous political activist of being "phony and soulless" as well as "mewling."

Mewling aside, what's responsible for 20,000+ Americans dying from or with COVID-19? Trump's lies? If so, name one, or Communist China? I mean it's not like they covered up the seriousness of their homegrown virus and allowed it to spread around the world or anything like that. So by all means sing about lies, you liar, but hit the right target.

Super talented, lying celebrity Socialist Barbra Streisand has an estimated net worth of $400 million. 

Das Kapital Forever,


Friday, January 31, 2020


Some said it'd never happen, that the European Union globalist, bankster, New World Order superstate and its bought and paid for elite shills would keep Great Britain under the heel of its rainbow wellie forever. 

Oh look, a racist

It sure seemed that way, with Theresa May and assorted NWO stooges sabotaging Great Britain's biggest ever democratic vote. And in the name of "democracy," all hail doublethink. Then Boris Johnson happened, the Millionaire Socialists got wiped out at the polls and Britain left the God-hating, nation-erasing, banker-enriching, corruption-dealing EU this evening. 

BREXIT Girls Rock

Americans on both sides of the political divide can find this perplexing. On the right of things, we tend to think of the Sceptred Isle as a kind of roll-over-and-die Sweden, a country fast and irretrievably in the grip of replacement strategy multicultural enrichment, and lesbian theatre workshops in Tower Hamlets. On the left, consternation, fear, loathing and gnashing of teeth as England asserts its sovereignty as a nation.

Typical UK Street Scene

So be it. To the Comsymp, pinkoid Left, suck it up and stop pretending that resistance to your corporate sponsored deconstruction of Christian culture is some kind of fascist trick. On the contrary, the reverse applies. And to the right? Don't underestimate the power of hearth, home and the spirit of the British people, to say nothing of our own here in the New World.

Independence Day

BREXIT/MAGA? Howling from the people who support infanticide up to and including the point of birth. Loud cheers from everyone in favor of solidarity and subsidiarity, that nations and their people should be sovereign.

And note this. Remarkable, isn't it, that a populist movement should be, you know, popular. Unlike the BBC. Let's see a landslide MAGA 2020 in the Fall.
