Showing posts with label #tanface. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #tanface. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Person of Color?

Superstar Hollywood celebrity activist Alyssa Milano is under fire on social media for making herself up in "blackface." Here's a close up.

World famous for her role as a cute teen witch in the smash hit series Charmed, Milano claims she didn't intend to denigrate and demean people of color, just a rival star, Snookie.

As a prominent Millionaire Socialist with an estimated net worth of $10 million, Alyssa Milano was quick to put the blame on Russia's leader Vladimir Putin. "Cancel culture," asserted the rich socialist on social media, "is being weaponized by the right/Putin."

As the sinister head of Spectre and Kaos, Putin's reach is notoriously long. But really, Alyssa, were you high? In other news, Nantes' 15th century cathedral was set on fire yesterday. More on that crime and the ongoing attack on the Church later.

In the meanwhile, will the Left be destroyed in a fire of their own making? Don't Say Russian Revolution.
