Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Planned Parenthood. Show all posts
Monday, November 30, 2020
The Most Popular President Ever!
Behold the octogenarian face of the most popular presidential candidate in all of US history. 80 million votes! That's right, he won by a massive landslide, which is why all the down ticket votes went Red. What did Goebbels say, if a lie's big enough anyone'll believe it?
Then the jubilant President Almost Elect got attacked by one of his dogs, Major. Dogs don't like possessed people, they can feel the evil and fight against it. Now the remarkably popular presidential candidate has to wear a foot brace, a boot, as he hobbles to one pre-recorded meeting after another.
Planned Parenthood celebrates the incredible, historic, unprecedented popularity of the foot braced, dog attacked, octo presidential victor. Yes, he promises to make Moloch even richer. And who knows, maybe he'll send us to war again, plenty of cash in that.
Ask yourself, if you have the bandwidth, how the Creeper got rich to the tune of millions of dollars over the course of almost 50 years public service. Then explain that wealth in terms of socialism, Millionaire Socialism.
When you've achieved this not inconsiderable feat, stand back in awe at the sheer, luciferian genius of the thing. There you are, fat cat politicians waxing large off the fat of the land to the tune of massive mansions, houses you could never even dream of affording, right there on Martha's Marxist Vineyard:
"But look, we'll have transsexual toilets and open borders and the green New Deal will save the planet, because we're not Nazis!"
Wake up, idiots, and smell the fraud.
Your Friend,
Friday, February 8, 2019
Can't Think Won't Think
So it's a good thing we have Cardinal Ratzinger doing the heavy lifting for us, from Truth and Freedom, 1996:
"Ye shall be as gods." This promise is quite clearly behind modernity's radical demand for freedom. Although Ernst Topitsch believed he could safely say that today no reasonable man still wants to be like or equal to God, if we look more closely we must assert the exact opposite: the implicit goal of all of modernity's struggles for freedom is to be at last like a god who depends on nothing and no one, and whose own freedom is not restricted by that of another.
"Once we glimpse this hidden theological core of the radical will to freedom, we can also discern the fundamental error which still spreads its influence even where such radical conclusions are not directly willed or are even rejected. To be totally free, without the competing freedom of others, without a "from" and a "for"—this desire presupposes not an image of God, but an idol.
"The primal error of such a radicalized will to freedom lies in the idea of a divinity conceived as a pure egoism. The god thought of in this way is not a God, but an idol. Indeed, it is the image of what the Christian tradition would call the devil—the anti-God—because it harbors exactly the radical antithesis to the real God.
"The real God is by his very nature entirely being-for (Father), being-from (Son), and being-with (Holy Spirit). Man, for his part, is God's image precisely insofar as the "from," "with," and "for" constitute the fundamental anthropological pattern.
"Whenever there is an attempt to free ourselves from this pattern, we are not on our way to divinity, but to dehumanization, to the destruction of being itself through the destruction of the truth. The Jacobin variant of the idea of liberation (let us call the radicalisms of modernity by this name) is a rebellion against man's very being, a rebellion against truth, which consequently leads man—as Sartre penetratingly saw—into a self-contradictory existence which we call hell."
Because I'm a nuanced commentator I'll just say this, nails it.
Saturday, February 2, 2019
I'm tempted to reflect on the strange double standards of the age we live in. How it's not OK for Justice Kavanaugh to have an immature excerpt in his high school yearbook but it is OK for Governor Ralph Coonman Northam to go all Grand Wizard in his.
Weirder still, it's apparently terrible to separate children from their parents at the border but it's a triumph to separate them from their lives at the moment of birth. Surely no one's benefiting from the sale of body parts. That's all too unthinkable, except that it isn't.
It's almost as though there's two different sets of laws or standards at work here. One for the Rainbow Moloch and another for everyone else. But let's not go there; here's the collect for Candlemas:
ALMIGHTY and everliving God, we humbly beseech thy Majesty, that, as thy only-begotten Son was this day presented in the temple in substance of our flesh, so we may be presented unto thee with pure and clean hearts, by the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Light up those candles and pray, it's needed.
God bless,
Friday, December 8, 2017
Planned Parenthood's Circle Of Hell
Do you remember Planned Parenthood, America's wealthier-than-the-Rolling-Stones abortion mill, with a revenue of $1.3 billion? You know, the same non-profit that's subsidized some $500 million a year by the taxpayer.
Sure you do, but perhaps you've forgotten millionaire socialist Cecile Richards, net worth $4 million, who runs Planned Parenthood. She earns $520,000 because she's in charge of a women's health charity. Nice money if you can make it.
How much of this money comes from the sale of baby parts? Don't act all shocked, everyone knows that Cecile's operation adds to the charitable bottom line by selling bits of babies to the highest bidder. After all, charity doesn't come cheap.
But at what price? Maybe the DOJ will discover the temporal value of Cecile's infant body parts vending. Good luck, and what about the eternal value? About the eternal quality of a soul that says killing babies and selling them equates to health.
I'll hazard the circle of that particular Hell is very deep and cold indeed. Good luck, MillSoc Cecile.
Out Demons Out,
Friday, June 17, 2016
Satanists Team Up With Abortion Giant
In a shocking move that surprised no one, the Satanic Temple is putting its infernal might behind baby parts seller and abortion industry giant, Planned Parenthood.
You can read all about it here and if you do, note how certain members of the legal profession were batting for the worshipers of the Horned God.
Hillary Clinton is an avid fan of Planned Parenthood. There is no direct evidence linking her to the Satanic Temple, yet.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Earth Day, London Goes Baal
It's earth day today, and what better way to celebrate that than by setting up a life size replica of an arch, from the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, in Trafalgar Square.
Baal, meaning "Lord", was the fertility deity of the Canaanites and ranks first in the Goetic 72 spirits, or demons, of Solomon; he's said to satisfy sensual craving, confer knowledge and, curiously, impart invisibility. According to the Zohar, Baal is the demonic equal of Raphael in rank.
Baal's wife is the demon Astoreth, the infernal anti-type of the Virgin Mary. And before you breathe a collective sigh of so what, consider this. Baal was worshiped by sacrificing infants, with fire.
Odd, isn't it, how earth worship or our presently non-cultic modern equivalent, materialism, seems to demand that.
Will the arch in Trafalgar Square open up a portal to hell? Some argue that it's already there.
Mind how you go,
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Culture of the Damned
A friend asked me the other day if I believed in the Devil and I replied that I did. "Good," they answered, "Then maybe I'm not crazy, because things sure look satanic."
Maybe you think that's an exaggeration and that there's nothing wrong with our new normal, a normal that says it's OK to sell baby parts and rewards the company that does it with your money.
A normal that parses freedom in terms of Crowley's "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," and accuses you of hatred for daring to believe that marriage is something that takes place between a man and a woman, regardless of Bruce Jenner spending over $4 million to prove otherwise.
Or more seriously, a dominant worldview which says we come from nothing and return to it, so in the meanwhile live as though there were no tomorrow and place your bets on a financial system based on infinite debt and greed.
In short, a new normal based on the kind of radical nihilism described by Dostoevsky in The Devils. But go right ahead, look around you and congratulate our brave new world experiment in secularism, and wonder why people aren't getting any happier.
Then, as you ask that question, ask another. Has our culture stopped believing in God, or simply shifted its allegiance?
There's a boom in exorcism. Go figure. I'm off to clean a gun.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Everyone's watching the Superbowl, but I find myself thinking about demons. Some people think that they don't exist, others think they're hiding in plain sight.
Perhaps it's worth considering what a society that was influenced by the Devil and his apostate angels would look like. I'd say that one of its hallmarks would be infant sacrifice. Read the literature and correct me, but it does seem to be a constant.
With that in mind, consider the 1 million plus that's given in the US to Planned Parenthood by the government, per day. If that's not satanic, what is.
Enjoy the game,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
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No Gods, No Masters! |
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Top TEC Bishop, Sanger Supporter |
By way of interest, Sanger, who coined the phrase that a woman should be "absolute mistress of her own body" as well as that old classic, "No Gods, No Masters!" is avidly supported by the same team who brought The Episcopal Church (TEC) and it's little sister, the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC), women priests and bishops.
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Clergypersons |
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Exterminate! |
In the meanwhile, birth rates are falling to below replacement level; whence the urge to demographic suicide?
Lord have mercy.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Justice Ginsberg - getting rid of undesirables
Speaking to the New York Times, Justice Ginsburg had this to say about Roe v. Wade:
Q: "Are you talking about the distances women have to travel because in parts of the country, abortion is essentially unavailable, because there are so few doctors and clinics that do the procedure? And also, the lack of Medicaid abortions for poor women?"
Justice Ginsburg: "Yes, the ruling about that surprised me. [Harris v. McRae -- in 1980 the court upheld the Hyde Amendment, which forbids the use of Medicaid for abortions.] Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of. So that Roe was going to be then set up for Medicaid funding for abortion."
Question: Who was concerned about 'population growth' in the 1970s and just who is it that Ginsburg's 'we' would rather have less of? Surely not the poor people that Ehrlich wanted to eliminate in his discredited catastrophe theory "The Population Bomb." And what about Dr. John Holdren, Obama's new Science & Technology Czar? He was pretty active in the '70s too, advocating (see Lindy's Blog) that:
Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether they wanted to or not.
The population at large could be sterilized by infertility drugs intentionally put into the nation’s drinking water or in food.
Single mothers and teen mothers should have their babies seized from them against their will and given away to other couples to raise.
People who “contribute to social deterioration” (i.e. undesirables) “can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility” — in other words, be compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.
A transnational “Planetary Regime” should assume control of the global economy and also dictate the most intimate details of Americans’ lives — using an armed international police force.
You can look up Holdren's Sangerite theorising in his 1977 book, Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment. Or simply go to Musings from the Elephant Man.
I know this isn't about guns or country life, but it is about God. I think He's against Holdren, Ginsburg and their new school lebensraum.
Defende Nos.
PS. Food for thought - is there a link to the drug addict satanist A. Crowley in all of this? Note: The rascist eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a friend and lover of Havelock Ellis - so perhaps there is...
Margaret Sanger,
Planned Parenthood
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