Showing posts with label Jimmy Savile the Beast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jimmy Savile the Beast. Show all posts

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Culture of the Damned

A friend asked me the other day if I believed in the Devil and I replied that I did. "Good," they answered, "Then maybe I'm not crazy, because things sure look satanic." 

Maybe you think that's an exaggeration and that there's nothing wrong with our new normal, a normal that says it's OK to sell baby parts and rewards the company that does it with your money. 

A normal that parses freedom in terms of Crowley's "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," and accuses you of hatred for daring to believe that marriage is something that takes place between a man and a woman, regardless of Bruce Jenner spending over $4 million to prove otherwise.

Or more seriously, a dominant worldview which says we come from nothing and return to it, so in the meanwhile live as though there were no tomorrow and place your bets on a financial system based on infinite debt and greed.

In short, a new normal based on the kind of radical nihilism described by Dostoevsky in The Devils. But go right ahead, look around you and congratulate our brave new world experiment in secularism, and wonder why people aren't getting any happier.

Then, as you ask that question, ask another. Has our culture stopped believing in God, or simply shifted its allegiance?

There's a boom in exorcism. Go figure. I'm off to clean a gun.


Saturday, July 5, 2014

Westminster Pedophiles

I try to keep this frivolous excuse for a "blog" lighthearted and entertaining. You know the score, Episcopal Church bishops as off-world space creatures, U.S. foreign policy as yet another example of malfunctioning DAARPA android technology, all interspersed with the odd outdoor firearms adventure. But humor aside, what's with Great Britain and the pedos

Cyril Smith Big Satan with the Beast

Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Cyril Smith (MP), Sir Peter Hayman, to name just a few, and now it seems that a dossier containing the names of up to 40 child abusing political figures has been conveniently "lost." It's the stuff of conspiracy theory meets conspiracy fact; just how many of Britain's privileged, wealthy, establishment elite have been and are involved in this disgusting crime. It's obviously far-reaching and goes to the top of that country's society. 

Rolf Harris, Little Satan

The church, horrifically, is no stranger to this evil and Pope Francis has likened it, correctly, to devilry, “A priest who has sex with a child betrays God. A priest needs to lead children to sanctity, and children trust him. But instead he abuses them, and this is terrible. I compare it to a satanic mass.” Well said Francis, and the same applies to any adult, or Member of Parliament.

Rifle Brigade? Hate to say it, No Excuse.

Like the successor of Peter, I smell Satan in this mix, and perhaps we shouldn't be surprised that a culture which enthusiastically kills its children in the womb shouldn't feel at liberty to abuse them sexually also.

Find that dossier and get rid of them, root and branch.