Showing posts with label Tom Petty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tom Petty. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

Free Falling

Free falling. Would that be Western Civ, the Church of England, our beloved Uniparty Globalist New World Order or just the song itself. Good question, and I drove to Dallas to find out. 

It wasn't hard, I35 was bizarrely clear at 0700, and there we were, in Downtown Dallas at 0830. Talk about free falling, every indigent POC that ever there was was gathered there today, slumped around the McDonalds, waiting for free Egg McMuffins.

what a total skeevehole

Like what's wrong with us? Every single one of our major cities is a major hell hole, seriously, and guess what, they're all run by Democrats and POCs. Weird, right? Surely there's no connection. Speaking of which, Heathrow airport shut down today.

How could that possibly happen, LSP? you ask with startled breath. Because, dear friends, the genius patrol in charge of Europe's largest air hub went NetZero and shut down their generator, or something like that. You can read about it on the internet.

Point being, punters, when is the collective West going to stop suiciding itself? Imagine yourself, if you can, in a small Irish town suddenly doubled in size and violence by Moslem imports.  I call, with all the charity in the world, trouble. To put it mildly.

We left Dallas on I35 heading south and the further south we went the better it got. Yes, here in the Texas Redoubt we will resist and defeat State tyranny. Check us out and see. Your Clubbable Pal.

See You at the Savage,


Friday, January 26, 2024

I Won't Back Down


Situation developing, but it seems like Governor Abbott is holding the line, he's not backing down and neither are some 25 other states. Who can blame them? They're not enthralled at the prospect of being flooded with hundreds of thousands of invaders. Likewise, they're not too keen on the new Democrat import-a-vote crookery, which threatens their jobs, and no wonder, they'd lose the local power they've worked so hard to gain.

So here we are. The Old Crook's told Abbott he has to back down by end of play today or else. Or else what? Are the Feds gonna go and arrest Abbott in the Governor's Mansion? Maybe III Corps will roll outta Fort Hood on Austin with armored phantom fury. Who knows, maybe local LEO will simply close in and arrest Abbot and put him in gaol. Hunh.

Or, on the other hand, perhaps some court will declare Texas an insurrectionist state and bar it from the electoral college in 2024. Boom, guaranteed Blue Tsunami except that the Rainbow Party will have to disenfranchise 25 other states, with their military, with all their guns and all of that; I don't see it. We are, it seems, at an impasse, make of it what you will. Whatev, here's a song to aid reflection:

Go Abbott,


Monday, November 9, 2020

I Won't Back Down

Back down, surrender? In the face of a gang of thieving, powercrat kleptos, masquerading as rainbow Marxists? To the trans glitter #MillSoc fraud machine?

No, I don't think so. And note, Xi and Putin haven't endorsed the Corpse.

Your Pal,


Friday, September 21, 2018

Won't Back Down

Remember the way China charges loads of money on US firms importing to China and we don't? China protects its economy with tariffs, unlike us, so all our industry went to China.

What did that leave us? Everyone living on welfare and loving the decaying slum of our inner city hellholes, while the tasseled loafer brigade laughed all the way to the bank and the nearest NWO approved country club.

Trump said he'd reverse this iniquity and all the people who'd been asset-stripped to hell and back voted in favor. The crew of elitists getting rich off the stripping didn't see it coming, they thought the working men and women they'd shafted were too stupid to get it. Big mistake.

Trump's working to reverse the equation and re-industrialize America, i.e. get us back to actually making things so ordinary people can make a living. That means putting an end to our trading partners' unfair advantage.

Our factories got shipped out of here. Wall Street made a fortune. The private equity made a fortune. Right now President Trump’s focus is on stopping it.

Read the whole thing here and rock on MAGA.

And don't back down,