Showing posts with label NetZero idiocy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NetZero idiocy. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

Free Falling

Free falling. Would that be Western Civ, the Church of England, our beloved Uniparty Globalist New World Order or just the song itself. Good question, and I drove to Dallas to find out. 

It wasn't hard, I35 was bizarrely clear at 0700, and there we were, in Downtown Dallas at 0830. Talk about free falling, every indigent POC that ever there was was gathered there today, slumped around the McDonalds, waiting for free Egg McMuffins.

what a total skeevehole

Like what's wrong with us? Every single one of our major cities is a major hell hole, seriously, and guess what, they're all run by Democrats and POCs. Weird, right? Surely there's no connection. Speaking of which, Heathrow airport shut down today.

How could that possibly happen, LSP? you ask with startled breath. Because, dear friends, the genius patrol in charge of Europe's largest air hub went NetZero and shut down their generator, or something like that. You can read about it on the internet.

Point being, punters, when is the collective West going to stop suiciding itself? Imagine yourself, if you can, in a small Irish town suddenly doubled in size and violence by Moslem imports.  I call, with all the charity in the world, trouble. To put it mildly.

We left Dallas on I35 heading south and the further south we went the better it got. Yes, here in the Texas Redoubt we will resist and defeat State tyranny. Check us out and see. Your Clubbable Pal.

See You at the Savage,