Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Great Art


Art, remember that, when talented people used to paint beautiful things? You know, as in to uplift the human spirit. Yes, we vaguely remember that, back in the day of bourgeois aesthetic oppression. So awful, so thank Gaia we've freed ourselves from that. In a spirit of liberation let's have a look at the new art which has freed us.

Good work, Rothko, now I don't feel oppressed. Just because it's gross and oppressive doesn't mean it isn't beautiful, said Satan, and check out Marina, famous art witch to the rich and powerful. Here she is, art busy Spirit Cooking:

Leading Democrats were part of Abramovic's degenerate, satanic, perverted "installation," and what can we say? Surely not devil worship. As if.

What gets me is how anyone who calls themselves a Christian can vote for these demoniacs. Yet they do, in their millions, adding their apostate names to the tally of everything that's against the will of God. They can't even, in their infernal confusion, define a woman and a man, much less unite to produce children.

They're literal nihilists, and therein lies hope. They won't reproduce and we will.



Some Good News For A Change


Just as the creative directors of the Paris Olympics were finalizing plans to blaspheme the Lord's Supper, a remarkable event took place in America, the very opposite of the demonic Parisian mockery of the Eucharist. Some 60,000 faithful Christians filled Lucas Stadium in Indianoplis for a Eucharistic Congress from July 17-21 to adore and celebrate the living presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar.

Such a thing hasn't occurred here in over 80 years, and how timely. Right at the moment the institution of the Eucharist was being mocked with satanic, perverted, derision the Real Presence of Our Lord was being worshipped by tens of thousands of the faithful, and in North America no less. Congress organizers of this grass roots movement of the Faith likened the event to a "new Pentecost" and an "historic outpouring of grace." 

Here at the Compound we pray that it is, and ask you to reflect, whatever your belief, on the contrast of faithful Christians giving themselves in love to our Savior in his sacramental presence and the mocking, derisive, degenerate, condescending, weird, thin attack on that same Presence. One is holy, the other most manifestly not.

Let's see which side of the medal will be blessed by God.

Ad Maiorem,



An aeon ago I was at an Anglo-Catholic seminary in Oxford, and a well-meaning reverend lecturer asked the class what we'd do, PR style, to grow the Church. I suggested a return to triumphant liturgy and sunburst monstrances. He hated that and thought it backward and perhaps stupid. He was a creature of the late '60s and early '70s, not unlike the present Pope. Sorry, LP, I was right and you were wrong. Saying.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

JD Vance Is So Totally Weird


JD Vance is so totally weird, it's like, he's got this family, with children, a wife and all these flags. So weird and creepy. Democrats, do you really want to say this? Well they all are, it's like a universal trope, JD Vance is "weird." Unh hunh.


Look, there's even a video. How very normal.



And by way of compendium


But don't forget the entirely, utterly normal Dog Handler.


Or the nekkid staffer getting rainbow down in the halls of power. Remember he/his?


Unlike JD Vance, who is so very weird, said the Party who went Spirit Cooking with Marina Abromovic and who knows what else. How weird, just look at his absurd little family, with its bizarre children and some kind of "wife" figure. He even flies American flags, how weird, what a cis-normative oppressor weirdo.

I tell you, these people are off the hook.

Your Pal,


Monday, July 29, 2024

Welcome To Oakland


California dreaming? Here's Dre and 2 Pac:



What Kind Of American Are You?


Me? Dual passport Texan.


Archbishop Vigano Strikes Again


Outspoken critic of all things rainbow globalist woke, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has blasted the Paris Olympics as "Satanic," which they clearly are, and ripped into French President Emmanuel Macron's wife, "Brigitte," denouncing "her" as a "transvestite." Is she/her? Let's have a look.


Your call. Not content with exposing the French Premier's indeterminately sexed spousal partner, Vigano went on to state the obvious, outing Michelle Obama as a "muscular man in a wig." Well said, excommunicated Archbishop.


On the other hand, Pope Francis, titular leader of the world's Roman Catholics, has not condemned the mockery of the Last Supper, showcased for all the world to see in Paris, though the French bishops did manage to say they weren't in favor of the blasphemous, demonic, deranged, degenerately Olympian display of perversion. Well done them, I guess. The river Seine, you'll note, has been judged too filthy for Olympic sports.

In the meanwhile, our dear old Church of England's approved gay sex marriage blessing rituals and, as far as I can see, hasn't condemned the perverted degeneracy of Paris Olympics 2024. Neither has the traditional Anglican world. Who knows, perhaps the latter is too busy trying to work out the knotty conundrum of ordaining wymxn priestesses. 

The, ahem, Bishop of London. Don't Throw Up In Your Mouth

Word to the wise, ordained ecclesial decision makers in the US are unlikely, if at all, to go against the opinion of the ordained wives they met in seminary. Just saying.

Peace Out,


Sunday, July 28, 2024



Has it?

As always, your call.



A Short Sunday Homily - Christ Walks On The Water


Christ walks on the water to his Apostles in the midst of the lake, at around 3 am, the fourth watch, as they toil, tormented, against the storm. Behold the miracle, but we have to ask, why did Christ perform it, why did he choose this particular way to cross the sea of Galilee?

Consider the Old Testament context, where we find many aquatic miracles, including Elisha parting the Jordan with Elijah's mantle, Joshua parting the Jordan and preeminently Moses, who famously parts the Red Sea so that the Israelites can pass through, unscathed.

Granted, great signs of divine power in the persons of God's messengers and leaders, but Christ is more than this, and he does something only God can do, he walks on water. Scripture is clear, this is God's domain, "The Lord alone stretches forth the heavens and walks on the waves of the sea," (Job 9:8) which is exactly what Christ does. He says as much.

In the fourth watch, in the dead of night, as the storm blows fiercely, Jesus comes to the men on the boat and says, "Take heart, it is I, Have no fear." It is I; in the Greek, ἐγώ εἰμι, literally I Am. We've heard this before, Christ is telling the Apostles that He is the same God who spoke to Moses from the burning bush. Accordingly, they should have no fear. Our Lord then gets into the boat and the storm is stilled, leaving them "astounded."

Yes indeed, here is a man who is also God and the Apostles attempt to grapple with this fact. We leave them, astounded, in the boat. The same boat which we see from our vantage point as a model of the Church, making her progress through the waters of the world. The Church to which Christ comes in the fourth watch of Antichrist's storm and saves her, at his second coming, putting an end to evil and sin for all time.

Christ comes to us today, no matter how high or fiercely the tempest blows against us, and says as he said to his Apostles, "Take heart, it is I, Have no fear." And neither should we. In him, Jesus, who died and rose again we have found salvation, the forgiveness of sins and resurrection to eternal life. Nothing, not even the Olympic marketing team itself, can take that from us.

So be of good cheer and give God the glory.

Your Apocalyptic Pal,


Saturday, July 27, 2024

Beware The Rainbow Pony


We're supposed to go to war, not least against China, which we've outsourced all our industry to. And why? Because we have to defend Western Values. What are these? In the old days, they used to include freedom of the Press and Religion. 

You Sick Demoniacs

Now? Not so much, more like freedom to desecrate, blaspheme and mock every Christian virtue, see Paris and its satanic glitter rainbow trans Olympics. How degenerate and wicked.

what a vicious little beast!

The same parties who are paying for this deconstruction of Christian virtue are also baying for war. Go figure, their Father was a murderer from the beginning, but would you fight for that, put your life on the very line for this grotesesque mockery? 

Of course you wouldn't, no wonder the US Army faces a massive shortfall in recruits. So, why have the demons gone down this self-defeating path? Because, dear readers, they aren't rational. See Kamala Harris and her forerunner, Biden. And as always, beware the rainbow pony and its vicious thudding hooves.

Your Old Buddy,


Life In Texas And Everywhere


So how is life in the North Central Texas Exclusion Zone, so-called LSP? Good question, and I'll tell you. It's blissfully cool, seriously, in the 80s, and this is Texas in late July. Enjoy it while you can. On topic, which is worse, the HEAT or the COLD. 

I've lived in both, Alberta and Texas, and feel heat is marginally better, but only marginally, both can kill you. That in mind, what drove Europeans to settle these places? They faced the elements, utterly hostile, low-barbaric Indians and all of that. Possibly, on both counts, a death sentence. So why do it?

Adventure and opportunity for sure, come to the New World and make a new future for yourself. But also this. Things in the Old World, Europe, have to have been bad, so bad that they risked their lives to come here. No small thing, tough people, not least in Texas. 

That in mind, here we are, with Europe in a state of, apparently, complete degeneracy, and our bicoastal elites fully inline with the Lesbitransgay++ agenda. Will the country as a whole, which is by no means rainbow woke, stand up against these tin-pot glitter Maoists, and say enough is enough? 

don't tea-cup the pistol, fool

To put it another way, will all the Christians stand up, go to the ballot box and vote against abortion and transing in such numbers that even a Deep State rig couldn't fix the result. I'm waiting.

Your Buddy,


Friday, July 26, 2024

What You See Is What You Are


That in mind, we see it, but is what we see really who we are? Have a look, here's the coronated Dem contender:

No one voted for her in the Dem primaries because she was so hated, stupid, and hated. Will you vote for this total unelected fraud in November? Or will you even bother to vote at all? I will, just for kix.

But your call, no "rule,"


Paris Olympics


The phone rang, a Calgary number, "Hey, have you been watching the Olympics?" I replied, quick off the mark, "No, I have not," and was told that maybe I should have been because "there is some crazy evil, satanic weirdness going down, an homage to Marie Antionette, decapitated, a gang of drag queens mocking the Last Supper, and you know what? In the middle of it all, the bells of Notre Dame rung for the first time in like five years. The presenters ignored it. What utter satans."

The Left hates this just as it hates women and children themselves

The bells of Our Lady of Paris rung out, for the first time since that great church was burned down, just as the mockery of Christ and Antionette played across the screens of the world. What contrast. Degeneracy, and the Faith. Blasphemous parodies of men and women and the purity of the Gospel and Our Lady. Who will win?

How Abhorrent

The Faith, obviously, that's assured. In the meanwhile, expect all kinds of turbulence, enough to "deceive the very elect." This too is assured, but have you noticed Satan's puppets are decreasing in value, that they're becoming somehow thin, lacking in substance? Of course you have, just look at Biden, Harris and the so-called performing art of the Olympics.

At some point, perhaps in the not so very distant future, their lies will come home to haunt them and they'll be blown away, like smoke before the wind.

In Hoc,


Thursday, July 25, 2024

De California


Dear Lord, Kyrie...

DLC Scorns This Nonsense, obvs

Maybe Mr. Skullhead wants to take a reality check. Please. 


That in mind, the United Kingdom has maybe enough bullets to fight a war for two days or weeks and the same applies to the rest of, cough, Fortress Europa. So, kids, how we gonna do it against Russia and China? Because that's what we're saying, industrial war against the Kremlin and the Forbidden Palace but whoops, we don't have the industry. We gave it all to Chyna. But we do have gaslight magicke.

Your Very Best Friend,


St. James Matamoros


Today's the Feast of St. James, Apostle and martyr. A close friend of of Lord, James was present at the raising of Jairus' daughter, the Transfiguration and the Garden of Gethsemane. He waas the first of the Apostles to be martyred, at the orders of Herod Agrippa.

Tradition has it that James evangelized in Spain before his return to Judea and martyrdom, and that his body was buried in Galicia. His tomb was discovered in the 9th century AD and a great church, Santiago de Compostela, built on the site, where it remains today.

In 844, the Apostle appeared to Pedro Marcio appeared to Pedro Marcio, whose Christian war band were fighting numerically superior Moslem invaders, and said:

Did not you know that my Lord Jesus Christ, while distributing the other provinces in the world to my brothers, the other apostles, luckily entrusted me the guardianship of all Spain and placed it under my protection? (…) Keep your courage, because I will come to assist you tomorrow, God willing, to vanquish all that big crowd of enemies surrounding you. However, many of your soldiers will be destined for eternal rest and will receive the crown of martyrdom during your struggle for the name of Christ. And so that there is no doubt you will see me dressed in white on a white horse, holding in my hand a white banner. Therefore, at dawn, after receiving the sacrament of penance with the confession of sins, after receiving the Communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord in the Mass, do not be afraid to challenge the Saracens’ squadrons, invoking God’s name and mine, and taking for certain they will fall to the edge of the sword.


The Apostle wasn't lying. The Reconquista was victorious and St. James is invoked as Matamoros, Moor Slayer. Here's the BCP Collect:

GRANT, O merciful God, that, as thine holy Apostle Saint James, leaving his father and all that he had, without delay was obedient unto the calling of thy Son Jesus Christ, and followed him; so we, forsaking all worldly and carnal affections, may be evermore ready to follow thy holy commandments; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Never, ever surrender the Faith,


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Those Crazy Kids Are At It Again!


Those crazy kids are at it again! /pol:

Something wild is happening, bros. My dad just got back from the lumber yard in Minnesota, and I asked him how the crew was handling the news that ol’ joey had decided to hang up his campaign trail boots instead of running for office again.

He told me that, honestly, a lot of them had been leaning towards Trump for a while. Keyword: had. Now there's a buzz around the yard that's electric.

A lot of the guys are really pumped about Kamala stepping up as the new frontrunner. My dad said that even the yard's legendary prankster, Timber Tim, mentioned that he and his partner donated their entire tax refund to Kamalas campaign just yesterday.

Most of us thought he was setting up another of his classic jokes, but Timber Tim had the receipt to prove it. When the other guys saw that, many of them started pulling out their smartphones and making donations to Kamala too. I can't even begin to describe what the excitement is like here on the ground in Minnesota for Kamala Harris 2024. Ol' Oakland Kam got my vote.

Is the Cackling Whore not the best presidential candidate in the history of history? And don't even think about calling she/her a DEI hire because that would be racist, deeply racist. 

Yes, strange, weird and hideously racist rumours that Kamala Harris is worth a paltry $8MN are entirely unfounded. As are disgusting slurs that her people were a wealthy slave-trading operation in Jamaica. A rich tradition, which Kamala continued by imprisoning slave labor in California.

Just watch as tens of millions vote for this evil, stupid, babbling, incoherent excrescence because always vote Democrat. Like wow. Are you sure, punters, that universal franchise is a good thing? 

And while we're at it, if the Deep State, WEF, Illuminati Global World Order was as dangerous as we think it is, and they surely are, why would they choose such obviously rubbish puppets? Does Satan have a quality control issue?



Tuesday, July 23, 2024

All Hail The Annointed One


notice her possessed eyes and scabrous lower lip

Gentlemen and women, do you think, at this point, that there's some kind of relevance in voting, at all? And while we're at it, is that a nasty flesh eating skin carcinoma on Harris' lower lip? Looks pretty flesh eating to me, and what would you expect from a creature who belongs to SATAN.

Who knows, perhaps Christians around the country will actually tear themselves away from Joeal Osteen and go out and vote. Same applies to you, so-called catholics. In the meanwhile, isn't she/her beautiful. Dear God, we've come to this.

Kyrie Eleison, let's put it right and have this back, please.

Dear friends, forgive this barely coherent post. I was and remain aghast.

Your Best Pal,


The Devil's Brigade March-In


Typical DLC Officer

OK, we've heard from the Heimat, now it's time for something different, the Devil's Brigade march-in, via Old TV Tech:

Always loved the movie. Thanks, Tech,


Beware The Ides Of July


That is all.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Up Comrades UP


Rock on, and don't take no for an answer. While we're at it, dam Grant and Sherman. What devils.  Well, they went on to kill the Indian and the buffalo. Good work, satanists. Here's a short video:

Your Unreconstructed Pal,


Sunday, July 21, 2024



Crazed leftist Bolsheviks slaughtered these people, "until the floor ran slick with blood." Think about it, there you are, a Red Commie, and what do you see? A woman, her daughters and a man in a basement. You HATE them and stab and hack them to death. This is working class retribution. No, it is satanic hell.

The same devil-possessed persons tore with their nails at the icons and iconostases of Russian churches, like enraged beasts. They hated Christ and his image. They hate him today. They will do all in their power to abolish and destroy his body, the Church, the Mystici Corporis, from the face of the earth.

That in mind, how can Christians in good conscience count themselves as Marxists or Progressives or whatever the hell they're currently passing themselves off as. Cut it out.

Instead, believe in the revealed Word of God and the Faith once delivered by Christ to the Apostles and find life instead of death.





What a Two-Bit Fraud

At last, the most popular president in the 81 million vote history of popularity has stepped down. And all it took was a simple message of resignation from the race on social media, not even his they/them staffers knew. So clandestine, so professional, so not a coup and wow, it didn't even take a vote. And the people rejoice, check it out:

Unreconstructed, eh?


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Some Kind Of Pathetic Joke?


Some buffoon called "Don" Lemon said that Michelle Big Mike Obama is more attractive than Melania. Yeah, right, that's really true, "Don," and here's the thing. These people, our mendacious, corrupt, bought-and-paid-for, malfeasant, duplicitious, condescending media live in the land of gaslight absurd.

Biden? Sharp as as a tack. Oops. Melania? So ugly compared to beautiful Michelle. Old Joe who didn't even bother to campaign, the most popular president in the entire history of popularity. Trump? Clearly a Kremlin agent in the pay of GRU. And on.

For goodness sake, the sheer level of lying drivel being spewed at us by our agitprop press and beloved rulers has reached dropped-on-head-as-infant levels of Soviet imbecility. Have you ever seen anything like it, here in the West. I haven't, this is a whole new stage of weirdness. And where will they go, they being our unelected rulers whom we love so much.

Mitchell, as a swoop in save the party kinda deal, Kamala, the Whore, a corpse? Well, we've got one of those in the Oval Office right now. Who knows, all cards are on tha table. But I do know this, the Trump Train has momentum, energy, unity and common sense.

Reestablish the border, make our cities safe, bring jobs back to the country, boys are boys and girls are girls, no more drag queens messing with our kids, stop the neo-Maoist crazy, lower taxes, rebuild our manufacturing base, make everyone better off, not just our financialized millionaire class. And on.

Common sense, I'd say, but to the Left? NAZI, NAZI, NAZI. Unhinged or what, and that's just what you'd expect from persyns who think men can be women and vice versa, emph on vice.

Your Old Buddy,


Operation Golden Calf


A Typical Bunkhouse of Bishops

A guest post by your favorite and mine, the Dyslexic Deacon:

Archbuckaroo of Canterbury Justsin Wobbly is riding roughshod over members of the General Sodyn opposed to ‘Operation Golden Calf’ - his plan to turn Anglican pastures, lawfully the preserve of sheep, over to cattle.

In an interview for The Church Crimes he said unleashing Buckarette of London ‘Shotgun’ Sarah Doolally to stampede herds over all in their way was ‘a radically inclusive response to an urgent pastoral need’. Any surviving sheep, he promised, will be corralled and safeguarded by the Bunkhouse of Bishops - pending a final solution.

Shepherds are arming themselves and preparing for a long shoot-out.



Yours Evre,


Thursday, July 18, 2024

DEI Hard


People accuse Americans of being without humor, as though they were Germans.

Are you DEI Roof sure about that?

If so, you might want to recalibrate your red dot

Beware, all you Feds, the sloping roof!

And can we once and for all indict DJ Trump as the literal Hitler, Russian spy, agent of GRU, Fascist, assassination evader, enemy of democracy, totally Hitler, racist, transphobe, enemy of Gaia and diversity is our strength DEI... (breathless? Ed.) can we please indict this sociopath, bullet missing NAZI and have done with it? Please?

Because Kamala, I never jailed a black man Harris, is the next great hope for a free, beautiful, rainbow utopia in our storied land. And if you believe that garbage you'll believe anything, which, apparently, is on the ballot. Let's see how it flies, not that voting means much anyway, but still, money on the monkey, what?

Guinea on Trump, takers?

DEI Hard,


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Some Kind Of Pathetic Warty Overweight Joke?


oh my, you're almost NULAND UGLY, and that's saying something

SS diversity hire Cheatle's said her SS (Excuse me! Uncle Sepp) couldn't control the Trump shooter's rooftop because it was sloping. Presumably her DEI agents would've slid down the sloping roof and fallen to their deaths if they'd tried. Cheatle, apparently promoted from Pepsi to the SS by Jill Biden, has told the world that the "buck stops with me." Yet she refuses to resign. So here we are. And what does "are" mean?

Some kind of total incompetence met with malfeasance, skullduggery, deceit and demonic influence in high places? Perhaps, and scriptural readers will note the Apostles' warning against "spirits of the air" and "against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Yes indeed. That's our fight. You will note Satan increasingly deploys defective staff; Biden's the latest and surely most obvious example. And, when his toys fail to perform he drops them, perhaps you'll have noticed this pattern at the risible presidential debate. So here's a question, and it's a serious one.

Why did Biden's handlers allow their puppet to ascend the stage? Why did they do that? No one in their right minds would've allowed that to happen, but they did. It's like, Trump didn't even have to say anything. Are we talking a coup or simply a rational meltdown in demonic ranks. Huh, I don't know.

On topic, the curiously named head of America's SS, the grotesquely ugly if massively rich Kimberley Cheatle, has a reported net worth of over $10MN USD, was paid >$1MN USD per year at Pepsi and now languishes, grievously onna lowball salary of $280k. But what shall it profit a possessed Clay Golem to gain the whole world and yet forsake it's soul? 

Exorcisms and nooses down the Mall, anyone?

Your Old Pal,