Showing posts with label Paris Olympics 2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris Olympics 2024. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Some Good News For A Change


Just as the creative directors of the Paris Olympics were finalizing plans to blaspheme the Lord's Supper, a remarkable event took place in America, the very opposite of the demonic Parisian mockery of the Eucharist. Some 60,000 faithful Christians filled Lucas Stadium in Indianoplis for a Eucharistic Congress from July 17-21 to adore and celebrate the living presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Altar.

Such a thing hasn't occurred here in over 80 years, and how timely. Right at the moment the institution of the Eucharist was being mocked with satanic, perverted, derision the Real Presence of Our Lord was being worshipped by tens of thousands of the faithful, and in North America no less. Congress organizers of this grass roots movement of the Faith likened the event to a "new Pentecost" and an "historic outpouring of grace." 

Here at the Compound we pray that it is, and ask you to reflect, whatever your belief, on the contrast of faithful Christians giving themselves in love to our Savior in his sacramental presence and the mocking, derisive, degenerate, condescending, weird, thin attack on that same Presence. One is holy, the other most manifestly not.

Let's see which side of the medal will be blessed by God.

Ad Maiorem,



An aeon ago I was at an Anglo-Catholic seminary in Oxford, and a well-meaning reverend lecturer asked the class what we'd do, PR style, to grow the Church. I suggested a return to triumphant liturgy and sunburst monstrances. He hated that and thought it backward and perhaps stupid. He was a creature of the late '60s and early '70s, not unlike the present Pope. Sorry, LP, I was right and you were wrong. Saying.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Paris Olympics


The phone rang, a Calgary number, "Hey, have you been watching the Olympics?" I replied, quick off the mark, "No, I have not," and was told that maybe I should have been because "there is some crazy evil, satanic weirdness going down, an homage to Marie Antionette, decapitated, a gang of drag queens mocking the Last Supper, and you know what? In the middle of it all, the bells of Notre Dame rung for the first time in like five years. The presenters ignored it. What utter satans."

The Left hates this just as it hates women and children themselves

The bells of Our Lady of Paris rung out, for the first time since that great church was burned down, just as the mockery of Christ and Antionette played across the screens of the world. What contrast. Degeneracy, and the Faith. Blasphemous parodies of men and women and the purity of the Gospel and Our Lady. Who will win?

How Abhorrent

The Faith, obviously, that's assured. In the meanwhile, expect all kinds of turbulence, enough to "deceive the very elect." This too is assured, but have you noticed Satan's puppets are decreasing in value, that they're becoming somehow thin, lacking in substance? Of course you have, just look at Biden, Harris and the so-called performing art of the Olympics.

At some point, perhaps in the not so very distant future, their lies will come home to haunt them and they'll be blown away, like smoke before the wind.

In Hoc,