Thursday, September 8, 2016

How To Fillet A Sunfish

OK, you've set your objective and met it - catch enough fish for a meal. So you've got those Blue Gills in a cooler and, well, what next? Descale and fillet, that's what's next and here's how.

Put your fish on a cutting board and stare at it with respect, the ferocious predator died that you might live. Meditation over, get a knife, a kitchen knife will do, and remove the scales; you don't want to eat them. 

Next step, use a fillet knife to cut around the head, gill and fin of the fish, then work the knife along the the back of the fish, following the bones of the ribcage as a guide. When you're clear of the ribcage you'll feel it; push the knife through the fish and cut through to the tail, being sure to keep as close to the bone as possible.

That done, work the knife over the ribcage, severing the flesh from the bone. Don't be pernickity, cut the fish flesh off the ribcage when it's obvious that you'll have no more flesh. Then cut out the fillet.

Look at that small Sunfish fillet but don't be dismayed, it'll puff up several times when it's deep fried, making for a great snack.

So that's how it's done, at least in LSPland. There are different ways to do this and you can go out and do them, good luck to you, but there's no rule. At the end of the day it's all about catching your own fish, like a Sovereign, then prepping them and having a meal.

Fish On,


Why Comey Let Hillary Skate

The agents at the FBI are livid that Comey
> did what he did. They are claiming there was more than
> sufficient evidence to bring several indictments against
> Hillary Clinton. It wasn't a slam dunk case, but it had
> more than a good probability of a conviction for Hillary
> Clinton.

>Lynch and Obama made it clear to Comey that
> if he pressed for an indictment, he would be taking the
> Democrat nominee for president out of the election. If he
> failed to get a conviction he would be facing charges of
> tampering with and changing the outcome of a federal
> election, to which he would be facing the rest of his life
> in prison, and Obama and Lynch, as well as others, would see
> to it that he did.

You can read the whole thing here. Make of it what you will.


Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Sun Fishing on Bushcraft Wednesday

Right, I know, it's Bushcraft Wednesday when everyone's supposed to be out in the bush with rare Scandanavian knives, tinder boxes, buckskin clothing and an encyclopedic knowledge of how to live off the bush itself. 

A Typical Bushcraft Scene

All of that, as opposed to trudging about some supermarket in homage to your Overlords in the Nanny State.  Sure, I respect that, but I didn't get out in the bush today, I went to the water instead.

A Fish

Lake Whitney, in fact, where I thought I'd try my chances against the fish and the objective was simple; get enough for a decent meal. To reach that objective I tried the old weightless worm rig (WWR) method, which is just as complex as it sounds.

Kindly Old LSP (Get a Haircut)

Tie a hook on your line, thread a worm around the hook, a real worm, not a plastic one, and throw it in the water without a weight. Then watch the WWR sink into the depths; it will, albeit slowly. If you're fortunate, sunfish will start hitting the WWR on its way down. Be ready for that and set the hook! If they ignore the juicy worm, twitch it about a bit and experiment with different depths. Fishing wisdom.

Monster of the Deep

Well, the old WWR methold certainly worked this afternoon and I lost count of the fish reeled in. To be sure, lots were small and had to be put back, but others were a decent size and worth keeping. 

Mission Accomplished

I ended up with five, which is plenty for me, and would've had six, but he jumped off the hook, flopped into a crack in the limestone and was eaten by a snake. There's a moral in that, somewhere.

I'll fry those fish up tomorrow, beer batter style.

Tight lines,


Black Lives Matter, Brit Style!

The War on Weather took a new turn when London City Airport was brought to a standstill by Black Lives Matter activists who tied themselves to a large tripod, protesting the U.K's "racist climate crisis."

All of the airport BLM protesters were white, prompting one observer to ask if their leader was "Talcum X."

Talcum X, formerly known as Shaun King, is white but also black, and like Rachel Dolezal is a well known "blacktivist."

In similar news, California State University Los Angeles is building segregated housing for black students. 

How many of these will be white is presently unclear, and we have to ask, what next?

Separate seats on the bus?


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Is Justin Welby The Mekon?

Startling photo-analysis reveals that the top decisionmaker in the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Justin Welby, is the Mekon. 

The Mekon

"The Archbishop of Canterbury's large, hairless, oval domehead, narrow chin and slit mouth are sure giveaways," stated one Xenologist, "And he sits on a throne, like the Mekon. He can never lose."

Justin Welby

The Mekon was created by scientific experimentation, and engineered for a very high intelligence. As such he has a swollen head containing his massive brain and atrophied body. His goal is the domination of the Anglican Communion by the Episcopal Church.

Artist's Impression of an Anglican Primate

The Archbishop of Canterbury has announced plans for a Primates Meeting in 2017. Will the primates obey their off-world ruler?

Lambeth Palace declined to comment,


Hillary's Cough

Following recent bursts of uncontrollable coughing, it's become apparent that presidential hopeful, Hillary Clinton, is sick, very sick. Alex Christoforou, writing for TheDuran, suggests that Hillary's cough is psychosomatic, the result of brazen, pathological lying. Christoforou proposes a radical four point cure:

Hillary’s cough will go away for good when she does these four things:
1. Admits that the Russian hacking story was a made up thing, created by her marketing team to divert attention away from her cheating during the Democratic primaries
2. Admits that Vladimir Putin is a democratically elected statesman, and one of the few leaders trying to enforce international law and geo-political stability
3. Admits that the Clinton Foundation is a pay-to-play slush fund that took in billions in exchange for political favors
4. Admits that she murdered Gaddafi, destroyed Libya, funded ISIS terrorists, invaded Syria with jihadist radicals, and instigated a coup in Honduras.

Others believe that Hillary's cough is evidence of a revenge spell, cast by Bill Clinton's spurned mistresses, or a sign that the Devil is discarding her like a used and broken toy.  Members of the scientific intelligence community have even proposed that Russian operatives have found a way to hack into the Hillbot's circuitry, causing its body to malfunction.

Hillary's cough - caused by lying, dark magic, a failing pact with Satan, or a hi-tech Russian hack?

You, the reader, be the judge.


Monday, September 5, 2016

Hillary Clinton Coughs up the Devil

Watch, as Hillary magically self-destroys. Has Satan discarded her, like he did with the unfortunate Weiner? Has her pact run out of currency? Has her power of speech, as it was at Babel, been withdrawn?

These and other questions, like the proverbial Press Conference, remain unanswered. In the meanwhile, Al Pacino says this. Hillary's been well-rewarded by the "last humanist." Perhaps that deal was short-sighted.

In God we trust,


Labor Day Dove Walk

Sometimes you have to take some time out from polishing your Felix Dzerzhinsky bust and get out in the field. My friend from New York agreed and tore himself away from the minutiae of Das Kapital and off we went, x in search of dove.

Felix Dzerzhinsky

In a normal season, one which hasn't been sabotaged by 5th Column Weather Activists, we'd have flushed a few birds from the treelines and adjacent fields. As it was, a couple of avian acrobats lifted off from the grass and a few shots were fired, but they were long and the birds got away to fight again another day.

Escape From New York

Still, the armed stroll was good in itself; there you are in the country under the big Texan sky, gun in hand. There's peace in that, for me, and excitement too, when you get that split second of explosive action.

A Typical Deadly Assault Rifle

Walkabout over, we fell back to the cow skull with a carbine and gave it the old red dot treatment. Take that, skull, and word to the wise. 

The Skull

If you're fixing to strap on a cow skull as some kind of magic protection against 5.56, don't. It won't work, trust me.

Look, Buddy, it's not Gonna Work

So that was that. A good day was had by all and who knows, maybe the dove will start flying at some point soon. Hill County hopes. 

Happy Labor Day,


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Hillary Visits The Vineyard

HIllary, Obey Your Mistress

Where do the Globalist New World Order Elite go when they want to raise some pocket change? To Martha's Vineyard, of course, which is why Hillary Clinton stopped by Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild's HRC campaign fundraiser.

A Typical Rothschild Party

The select NWO event hosted 30 people who paid $50,000 each in support of their friend, Hillary. Barack Obama was also on the exclusive millionaire socialist holiday resort but didn't attend the Rothschild party.


Donald Trump didn't attend the Martha's Vineyard Rothscild fundraiser either, he was in Detroit, in a church, promising to help poor people.

Their End is Destruction

The Rothschilds have an estimated net worth of at least $400 billion and are notorious for their masquerades. With that in mind, what God do you think they worship? Hint, it's not Christian.

Give it Money!

Hillary, here's some spiritual advice,  ipse venena bibas.

Vade Retro,


Saturday, September 3, 2016

Mission Accomplished

Farsighted readers of this country life mind blog may remember that today started off with a plan. Viz. Put rod, reel and gun in the rig and head out for action, and that's what happened.

First stop, the Big Pond, hook up for Bass and cast off. I used a pink worm, I don't know why, it just seemed right. Perhaps I thought the sluggish-heat-of-the-afternoon-fish would be stirred up by the shocking pink plastic of the thing.

Whatever the case, it worked, and before too long out came a very decent Bass. Good result, they want the pink worm, so keep it coming. Sure enough, I didn't have to wait long before the hook was set and the line was playing out again. In a big way. 

It felt, in my mind, like a Leviathan Bass or a big Catfish, so imagine my surprise when I finally reeled in a turtle, a big one. Both it and the Bass lived to fight again another day.

Then it was time for dove and I joined some of the team, who were merrily shooting down an avian acrobat the size of a Condor. No kidding, it was a huge dove and that got my hopes up. I've entered the Land of the Giant Dove (LGD), I thought to myself. But it was a false peak, the birds weren't flying, though it was fun to look out on the bucolic paradise of Olde Texas in eager expectation.

After an hour or so of that, everyone fell back to HQ for a grillout and fun and you know what? That's what it was, a lot of fun in the countryside, and there's nothing wrong with that, at all.

Your Old Friend,


The Plan

So what's the plan? It's simple, read up on  Luke's Gospel, drink some coffee, fry up a steak and couple of eggs, then load some rods and a gun in the truck and get out in the field. And who knows, maybe catch a fish or two and shoot some birds. I think you'll agree, a clear, compelling, achievable plan.

Bill Clinton has a plan, too. He plans to fill Detroit with Syian refugees. Well, hey, they've got to go somewhere and Martha's Vineyard is already booked, by millionaire socialists.

Champagne all 'round!


Friday, September 2, 2016

You Dirty Rat, Knife Review

Every once and a while something catches your eye, like an Ontario Knife Company Rat 1 in Walmart's discount sporting goods section. There it was, lying in a confusion of camo baitcaster reels, SOG novelty items and unwanted Gerber knick knacks. The knife looked solid and workmanlike against the rolled over detritus of the outdoors industry.

It felt good, too, fitting the hand well and weighing enough to let you know you're holding something (5.0 oz), which you are, over three and a half inches of AUS 8, full flat grind, 58-59 HRC, satin finish steel. And it was even sharp, very sharp. So I bought that knife and took it home.

The Ontario Knife Company describes their product, which is made in Taiwan, thus:

The immensely popular RAT folders are among OKC's top selling products. Featuring versatile AUS-8 stainless steel and a nylon handle, the RAT folder comes in a variety of styles including different blade and handle colors. The RAT folders are an ideal and affordable every day carry.

That's the marketing, what's the reality? 

Fit and finish are fine, with metal liners and scales flush and no upwards, downwards or sideways movement from the blade when it's in the open position, or when it's shut. Dual thumbscrews provide ambidextrous opening and the jimping is pronounced enough to do its job. The scales (handles) look like G10 but are, in fact, Nylon 6, but don't worry, they're attached to the metal liners with 5 screws. Yes. Five. What about the blade? It's sharp, really sharp, and deploys well, with an authoritative click, like a magazine coming home. I like that. The verdict?

Does it work? Oh yes, my Rat 1 sliced through a frozen pie package as though it were butter. The knife is sharp. Does it feel good? It fits in the hand well and has a good heft to it and it's not too big to fit in the pocket. Do women like them? They love them. A lot. Is it tactical? You better believe it is, just look at that black handle. But how much does it cost? It costs the grand total of $15. Seriously, 15 bucks, that's all.

So go out and get this knife if you're looking for an inexpensive workhorse folder. The only downsides, to me, are that it's made in Taiwan and the Nylon 6 is a bit slick, G10 would be better. But look, for $15 you can't go wrong with this knife. Get one, I don't think you'll be disappointed. The specs are here, and elsewhere.

Don't be a rat, get the knife,