Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts

Sunday, November 19, 2017

All In A Day's Work

If you went to Mass, like a Christian, you might have noticed that the Gospel was all about servants being given Talents, vast sums of money which they have to give an account of at the Last Judgement. 

One miserable servant buries his Talent in the ground and gives it back to his returning master only to get roundly castigated, "You wicked and slothful servant!" 

Typical Brush Pile

It seems harsh until you compute the eternal cost of burying and ignoring your God-given ability, the Word of God and the indwelling presence of Christ in your life.

Imagine, when our Lord returns in clouds of glory and looks you straight in the eye and says, "What did you do with the skills I gave you, the Good News of salvation and Myself?" And you, looking shiftily at the ground reply, "Well, I buried all that in the ground, in a pit." It doesn't look good, does it.

Stand At Ease!

With that in mind, the Cadet and a Force Multiplier worked hard today after Mass, clearing brush behind the church. It's a significant job and they worked hard, using their God given abilities for the increase of the Kingdom.

Random Battle Rifle

And let the reader understand, it kept them off the streets and outta the bars. Well done, kids.

It's better outdoors,


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Unicorn Hunting

I can't remember a time when I haven't hunted unicorns but some times stand out, such as today. 

Consider the options. Stare, slack-jawed at the computer as it records Manafort's fall from grace or get out in the field, after the noble unicorn.

Thanks to Compound News, I chose the latter option. And you know what they say, better outdoors.

All the colors of the rainbow,


Thursday, September 21, 2017

LGBT Rules?

A well known equality activist sent us this infographic, and here at the Compound we feel it's only right to share it.

All the colors of the rainbow,


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Just Shooting The Breeze

One of the best things about shooting is how awesome it is and the other day's outing with my brother was no exception. Just a lot of fun, shooting the breeze with an AR and a Glock. 

A Typical Aberystwyth Pub

Rumour has it that the Dallas Light Cavalry (DLC irreg) is open to overseas recruits, as long as they have a solid Texan connection and can shoot. 

That might knock Prince Cider (Charles) into touch, but perhaps Aberystwyth is in the running?

One Flyer But Good Work

100 yard head shots with a red dot and pretty much totally fresh to the weapon. Not shabby at all, I'd say.

Well done, bro. Big fun to get out in the field and welcome to the Mess, irregular as it is.

Gun Rights,


Wednesday, August 30, 2017


In Aberystwyth you're not allowed to shoot Glocks or AR15s because they're far too dangerous. So when my brother drove over from Dallas, where he's taking a vacation from "Aber", I loaded up the rig with some deadly assault rifles and a couple of .45s. And off we went to the range.

First off, we tackled a green silhouette at 30 and 50 yards with a banned-in-the-UK carbine, topped with a Primary Arms red dot. It's a fun gun to shoot and my brother did well, handily putting down the green terrorist. Take that, paper aggressor, you lose.

Note Cooking Glock

Then it was time for some banned-because-Brits-can't be-trusted-with-pistols Glock action. Mostly against steel plates at 10, 18, 24 and 30 yards. Big excitement as the workmanlike bit of Austrian engineering roared in the hand with explosive fury. Great enjoyment.

The best shots of the day went to my brother, who scored a series of headshots at 100 yards against the green enemy. Not bad, given no magnification and a dot.

Moral of the story? Shoot more.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Range is Hot

Keen-eyed readers of this well known mind blog will have noticed that it's been raining in Texas because the state hasn't paid George Soros' hated Weather Tax. We prefer to stand free of that and other NWO, Green Globalist carry-on. 

With that in mind, two Top Experts drove over from Dallas to the Compound, in search of a shoot.

We set up at Chandler's, somewhere between Whitney and Waco and tested out a couple of rifles, a Remington 700, a Winchester Featherweight and a Sako nice-as-you-like-I-want-one. All chambered in 30-06, the American round. How did the weapons shoot? 

Right on the money. The Sako was new and topped off with some kind of German optic which the Experts wanted to sight in. They did; well done Team. A beautiful rifle and all the more so for its variable trigger. 

On one setting it's light enough and crisp; on another, achieved by cocking the rifle and pushing the trigger forward, it's super-light, maybe 1Ib. Just touch it and BOOM, off flies a mighty 30-06, 180 grain bullet. Nice work, Sako.

The Remington 700 did well too, cheers, pawn shop, sending rounds down range with far more accuracy than the operator warranted. Breathe, LSP, you'll be a better shot.

Shoulders battered by mighty cannonry, we headed for home and here's the thing. Time spent at the range is never wasted. At the very least you'll get some fresh air and the chance to reconnect with your marksmanship. 

Who knows, maybe that'll prove useful in the hunting field and elsewhere.

Your  Old Pal,


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cleaning Guns The LSP Way

People often ask me, how do you clean guns the LSP way? And I reply that it's much like any other way except it's mostly done on the porch, in Texas. But this evening I had a nasty surprise.

I'd no sooner stripped down the BCG (bolt carrier group) of one of the compound's deadly assault rifles when I noticed it was filthy dirty. Obviously the Russians had hacked it, in a desperate bid to subvert the weapon's democratic process.


Thanks to Hoppe's solvent, oil, a bore snake and a thorough scrubbing, the carbine was soon back in working order, kremlins removed. All's well, fortunately, that ends well.

Send Her To Raqqa

In related news, a grassroots movement to send Katy Perry to Raqqa, is sweeping America. Whether Katy will enjoy coexisting with the Caliphate remains to be seen.

Gun Rights,


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Unicorn Hunting School

One of the things English visitors to the compound like to do is hunt unicorns with deadly pistols and assault rifles. You see, they can't do that in the Old Country, because unicorns are protected and it's far too dangerous. But it's open season on the horned predators in Texas, so we loaded up the rig with weaponry and headed to the range.

The unicorn hunting evolution went well, with a brisk warm-up against steel plates, playing cards (thanks, LL), some pound coins and a couple of silhouettes. Watermelons featured too. And guess what?

The new pound coin doesn't stand a chance against a Glock 21, a .38 Special, an AR15 and a Ruger American .22. Then we got on the unicorn. Let's just say this, it met its match. 

Vicious little things, unicorns, they'll gore you with their horn so don't hesitate before squeezing the trigger.

Well done, JS and H. You are now unicorn hunters, good shooting.

Gun rights,


Sunday, April 2, 2017

Storm, Art, Flag, Bishop

The three or four Russian hackers that read this mind blog keep asking, "Tovarich, LSP, there are no posts! What is happening? Explain." Alright, I will.

Things have been incredibly busy at the Compound, with Lent talks, Stations of the Cross, an Episcopal Visitation, storms, flying the flag and making art.

It's a simple installation; a plain color field whose center is an absence, a void inviting projection as we journey downwards and beneath the image. Is it a reflection, a mirror, an image of the other or none of these things? It's called "X Ring," serious inquiries only.

Great art aside,  our enemy the Weather has launched a ferocious offensive, unleashing thunder, lightning and torrential rain. Our bishop braved that this morning to visit the missions; well done, Jack Iker.

It will probably storm again tonight and the Compound, like the prow or bridge of a ship, will stand tall against the fury of the elements.

Be safe,


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Shoot! It's Spring

The day didn't start off well; I wasn't happy about the marketing stunt Walmart had pulled on its T shirts. These have been rebranded as "Extreme Sports Temp," in the hope that no one notices that once good T shirts are now flimsy rubbish. Way to go, Marketeers. So, to put things straight I put some guns in the rig and headed out to the range to celebrate the first day of spring.

As always, it was great to get out in the country with the guns, in this case an AR15, a Glock 21 and a Ruger American .22. Nothing too adventurous, just some relaxing target practice in the sunny Texan spring. And some pest control.

That's right, a unicorn had sneaked into the range and had to be dealt with. They're a menace, I tell you. Just look at their horns, they'll gore you, given half the chance.

So I didn't waste any time dealing with the threat. Will 5.56 and .45 take down a unicorn? Yes, they will and the Glock 21 proved especially effective at neutralizing the deceptively fluffy enemy at close range. Take that, unicorn.

Herd control over, I finished off with some gentle plinking against the range's steel plates. Remember to breathe, was my note to self.

Shoot over, it was time to head back to the Compound, mission accomplished and a good day had by all, except the unicorn. You can watch aspects of this curious adventure here.

Gun rights,


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Visit To Ray's

Perhaps you've had all your teeth removed and look like someone's smacked you 'round the face a bit. Whatever, visit the gunshop and buy a mug, or a gun.

I couldn't manage a gun because they're too pricey at Ray's but I'm happy with the mug.

Gun rights,


Friday, February 24, 2017

Shoot The Glock

So you get up, shower, say your prayers, walk the dog and buy a coffee from the local pick 'n steal, then you visit the sick; congratulations, you're on task, but what next?  Get out in the field and shoot, obviously.

I chose a Glock 21 because I like it, you might favor another weapon, like a .357 Magnum and that's fine. There's no rule. 

Targets were simple. A steel turkey at around 50 yards, steel plates at 25 and a Gatorade bottle wherever I felt like putting it. Fine, but did I still know how to shoot? Good question.

In the end, yes, but it took about half a box of cheap Federal .45 ACP to get back in the swing of things. BOOM. Tink. Down goes the turkey and BOOM, take that, Gatorade bottle as you fly through the air. The steel plates met their match too, once I'd warmed up. Boom, tink, swing.

Satisfying and, for me at least, exciting. There's something about the explosive power of a handgun that gets the adrenaline up, big fun. Still, if you plan on hitting your target you'd better practice. I reminded myself of that today.

Of course all this is banned in England, but not to worry, Brits. Nanny State will protect you.

Gun rights,


Monday, February 20, 2017

So What's England Like?

There's a lot to love about England, the pubs, butchers, cheap food, being able to walk around the towns, beautiful countryside and the history of the place. All that and more, such as the greatness of the Victorians who pretty much built, with bricks and mortar, what we see today. 


Go to Trafalgar Square and look out at the buildings and consider the Victorians who built them as they conquered the world. They were giants, obviously, but are today's Britons pygmies? Has the Sceptered Isle that produced Palmerston, Gladstone and Disraeli become a cossetted realm of beta cucks sipping foamy coffee in plush onesies as they cuddle their favourite unicorn?

LSP Goes Postal

I don't think so, go ask your nearest Millwall fan and see how far it gets you. That said, perhaps Great Britain's been co-opted by the Caliphate and you'd be forgiven for thinking that, given London's Muslim Mayor and the Church of England's fondness for the call to prayer. But no, the England I saw wasn't lost in the grip of the global Jihad, thank God. If anything it was overrun by Russians, who are clearly a Putinist 5th Column intent on subverting what was once a great liberal democracy.

So all that's good but is there a downside? Unfortunately there is. England's very regulated. For example, pretty much wherever you go you're being filmed. Driving, shopping, walking around town, whatever, smile, you're on camera. Are there microphones in the hedges? Who knows.

Smile, You're on Camera

Maybe this has something to do with geography and size of the population, some 60 million people crammed into a country the size of a shoe box; without a lot of rules there'd be chaos. Perhaps, but it's a far cry from Britons never, ever, ever shall be slaves. And of course today's Englishman, sorry Englishperson, isn't allowed to defend themselves, that's up to Nanny.

I Love Pubs

America in general and Texas in particular, seems to have a broader horizon. It's less settled, it's much larger, and the frontier isn't that far behind. That lends itself to an expansiveness and sense of opportunity which England doesn't have. And hey, I can go out and buy a Glock and a deadly assault rifle and blaze away without being sent to gaol via CCTV. You can defend yourself here and you can't in England, who's more free?

The French House Flies The Union Jack

Still, there's a greatness to England and maybe that's getting greater now that the country's decided to throw off the dead hand of Brussells and BREXIT. Let's see how that goes. I'm looking forward to a return visit.

Cheers and Rule Britannia,


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Unsafe Space

Don't get me wrong, it's great to be on retreat, but it's not very safe because we're not allowed to defend ourselves.

Shia LaBeouf

There you are, quietly saying your prayers when up pops Shia LaBeouf with a pump action and takes the Rural Dean hostage, all the while screaming "he will not divide us!" 

Churchill's Back

You, steady as Winston Churchill's bust in the Oval Office, tell the deranged performance artist that he's "not allowed to bring a firearm onto the premises"  and had "better cut it out." Lawless  millionaire socialist Shia then proceeds to go postal. Disaster.

Looks Safe, Isn't Safe

Think, that nightmare scenario would have been averted if a few good men had been armed and knew how to use their weapons. But no, the Jesuits are intent on making their rural Texan haven unsafe in the name of safety.

Such casuistry.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Should Englishmen Be Allowed Firearms?

Maybe yes, maybe no, but I wouldn't want to be the Jihad when it all kicks off. To quote the Iron Duke:

I don't know what effect these men will have upon the enemy, but, by God, they frighten me.

Thanks, JS, for the infovid.

England Forever.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Russians Did It! Or, The Stupidest Guff You Ever Heard in Your Life

The Democrats can't seem to get over the fact that the worst candidate they ever ran for President in history since Julius Streicher  the highly qualified, competent, experienced and polished Hillary Clinton didn't win the election.

There it was, drip, drip, drip, a daily diet of DNC inner-circle emails, damning the Democratic Party rulers for an unsavory, scheming, bi-coastal millionaire socialist elitocracy that didn't give a damn about anything other than power. Those emails, Hillary just couldn't get away from them. 

Then out popped the Weiner days before the election, and the FBI had to do something. They still are, in fact. Well, it didn't look good and the country noticed; sorry, Hillary, we're not voting for you, you're too freakishly deceitful and corrupt. 

And you have this terrible voice, and you're sick, and John Podesta worships Satan. And by the way, you and your globalist millionaire socialist pals have given all our jobs to Asia.

So she  lost but it wasn't her fault, it couldn't be, she's so awesome! And the scapegoat factory went into overdrive. Who to choose? Putin, of course, the nationalist nemesis, who may be a millionaire but he's not a socialist player in the mega rich New World Order elitocracy. It's his fault. Boom. Russian hackers did it, they stole the election from the most brilliantly qualified candidate ever.

If you believe that, you're even stupider than you look. Go on, ask Keith Olberman.

Sorry Libs. You misread America and you lost, you lost hard.

Gun Rights,