Showing posts with label NWO globalists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NWO globalists. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018


As all the world knows, Justice Anthony Kennedy's resigned from the Supreme Court, leaving the way open for another Trump appointment.

And lib heads are fragmenting into spaceborne shards of enraged impotence at the spectacle of SCOTUS being pushed potentially forever beyond their degenerate culturally Marxist grasp.

Sorry, Frankfort School, you lose this round. And nearly forgot, does anyone remember THE CHILDREN fauxtrage, no? Neither do we.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Russians Did It! Or, The Stupidest Guff You Ever Heard in Your Life

The Democrats can't seem to get over the fact that the worst candidate they ever ran for President in history since Julius Streicher  the highly qualified, competent, experienced and polished Hillary Clinton didn't win the election.

There it was, drip, drip, drip, a daily diet of DNC inner-circle emails, damning the Democratic Party rulers for an unsavory, scheming, bi-coastal millionaire socialist elitocracy that didn't give a damn about anything other than power. Those emails, Hillary just couldn't get away from them. 

Then out popped the Weiner days before the election, and the FBI had to do something. They still are, in fact. Well, it didn't look good and the country noticed; sorry, Hillary, we're not voting for you, you're too freakishly deceitful and corrupt. 

And you have this terrible voice, and you're sick, and John Podesta worships Satan. And by the way, you and your globalist millionaire socialist pals have given all our jobs to Asia.

So she  lost but it wasn't her fault, it couldn't be, she's so awesome! And the scapegoat factory went into overdrive. Who to choose? Putin, of course, the nationalist nemesis, who may be a millionaire but he's not a socialist player in the mega rich New World Order elitocracy. It's his fault. Boom. Russian hackers did it, they stole the election from the most brilliantly qualified candidate ever.

If you believe that, you're even stupider than you look. Go on, ask Keith Olberman.

Sorry Libs. You misread America and you lost, you lost hard.

Gun Rights,