Friday, February 28, 2025



"You're all dressed up today," said 47 to the dwarven Ukrainian Narco Money Launderer as he met POTUS in DC. The encounter escalated into all-out disaster for Cocainsky as he talked over, disrespected and acted out like a spoiled child in the Oval Office.

You'll note his veiled threat below. Viz. The Atlantic's not going to protect you anymore. Whereupon Trump goes full Don:

Wow. Never seen anything like it, ever, and it ended with Z getting booted out of the White House and staffers eating his lunch. Dam. Even Lindsey Graham, a war mongering UKR hawk, excoriated the diminutive, disrespectful and insulting Ukrainian vassal puppet.

Keen-eyed readers may remember a scene in Pulp Fiction. In the meanwhile, Z returns to Ukraine. Will he face prison when he gets there?



PS. Is Z high?!? Serious question. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025



Yes, Pam Bondi, JD Vance and all of that, but what about the actual Savage, the Savage Club in London. Good question. The illustrious Savage began in 1857 at a pub in central London, as a place where journalists and theater people who couldn't make the Garrick could hang out. Bohemian gentlemen, if you like.

For decades the Savage moved from place to place, finding a home in the jolly old NatLib until they were kicked out for not allowing wymxn to join. Now brother savages have found a new home off of Covent Garden. I look forward to visiting the new club house later in the year.

Their tie features a Red Indian with feathered head-dress. What an excellent symbol for an excellent Club.

Felicitatis Petenda,


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Take Out The Trash


Keen-eyed readers of this shallow mind blog may recognize the headline as a veiled admonition to go to Confession, and so we should in case of grievous sin. That in mind, perhaps you've noticed news of pervert kink treason in the sacred rainbow halls of our beloved Intel Community:

 Well that's nasty, it get's worse:

Here at the Compound OPERATION CLEAN UP has moved into phase 2, and we're getting rid of the dirt. Good luck, Tulsi, on cleansing the above Augean Stable. What filth, and to think, paid for by you, the taxpayer.  They're laughing at us. No, I take that back, they really hate us.

Throw this garbage out.



PS. Long ago, back in the halcyon days of the 90s. I smashed a glass at a clergyman's house in Maryland, "Well," I exclaimed, "At least it wasn't family crystal." He looked at me, "We don't have any." Oops.

Monday, February 24, 2025

Clean Up The Compound


Now look here, so-called 'LSP,' all that silver and crystal ain't gonna clean itself. To say nothing of guns, if you still shoot, which we doubt. Admonition in mind, I set about cleaning the Compound today, polishing the sterling, shining the floorboards, and glinting up the glassware.

Must get more and better servants, I uttered grimly, all the while polishing mahogany, cleaning up Steuben, it glitters, and making silver shine. And don't forget guns; clean those dirty beasts to inspection level. Good work, Commandant. Next step? Vacuum all those Moslem rugs and take the cleanliness evolution upstairs, to the rooms of the Mess.

Well, whoever said life'd be easy, eh? So we clean our houses in the same kind of way that that the house of government should've been clean but most clearly wasn't, up until now, we hope. Speaking of which, what's you're take on Bongino?



Sunday, February 23, 2025

Suicide Machine?


A human zoo, a suicide machine?

Say no, and rise up against the Satanists who hate and would destroy you.

Your Old Friend,


Love Your Enemies - A Short Sunday Homily

"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you," turn the other cheek, says Jesus, and it sounds a bit like a pacifist manifesto, but isn't. Our Lord is not issuing a divine command to the Joint Chiefs of Staff forbidding the use of lethal force in a just war or self-defense. He is ordering us to love our enemies, which means willing what's good for them and acting accordingly.

This doesn't mean we've got to like or agree with them, much less feel romantically inclined towards them, but we must will and act in their best interest as opposed to lashing out in wrathful hate-filled vengeance upon them when they attempt to destroy us. So tempting, don't do it. Our Lord sums up the spirit of the thing:

Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven..."


Love, mercy,  forgiveness. Divine values which conform our hearts to the heart of Christ, instead of the satanic anti-values, vices, of hatred, vengeance and wrath. Embrace the former. That in mind, a churchman came up to me after Mass and said:

"Father LSP, I've thought a lot about those verses and know them by heart, but here's the thing. A few years back someone stole all the tools out of the back of my truck in Itasca," bear in mind, readers, that this is a contractor who needs those tools for his livelihood. He continued, "Well, we got his license plate on a game cam and reported it to the police, who did nothing."

"Huh," I replied, "That's entirely useless," and he agreed, "Right, so what we did was trace that plate to an address, a meth lab, loaded up with AR15s and shotguns and paid those boys a night time visit." I pondered the scene: 

Midnight, meth lab, pock-marked malfeasants cooking away under fluorescents with a shop full of stolen tools as our guys turn up, weapons hot, "What then?" My friend looked me in the eye and said, "They gave us our tools back. Was I wrong, Father?" I looked him right back in the eye and replied, "No, you were not. Good thing the place didn't blow up, eh?"

If you had told me, back in the early '90s, that I'd be a rural mission priest in North Central Texas some 30 years later, I'd have laughed. You know what? I'm not complaining.

Here Endeth The Lesson,


Saturday, February 22, 2025

US And Europe


I say again.

This is, punters, a Royale with Cheese. But totally your call. In the meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the show. I, for one, am enjoying the dismantling of our beloved Bureaucratic State, deep or otherwise.

Whatever, you get the point. Because metric system.

Rock On,


Abolish The IRS And All Of That


Go back in time, punters, back to the misty, trans dementia days of the Biden administration. Remember them? I do, though the memory's vague and indistinct; still, some things emerge out of the miasma, like the IRS hiring 87,000 agents to take your money.

Who would've thought, back then, that reversing 1913 and abolishing the IRS would be out there and on the table. Yet here we are, remarkable. In related news, a young Sergeant tells me, he's Signals, that a number of trannies have been given AAMs (Army Achievement Medal) and let go. Bye-bye.

Speaking of which, there seems to be an issue with non-combat arms. You'd expect, let the reader understand, that Expeditionary Signals would be combat trained and proficient, if only at a basic level. As opposed to being... something else. 

You can bet your M4 that Russkie Signals in UKR know how to use a weapon. Maybe Hegseth will look into this issue.

Arduus Ad Solem,


Friday, February 21, 2025

You Shouldn't Do That


Do you think, dear friends, that some kind of switch flipped and DJT was allowed to take power? That the Deep State is and was controlled by a deeper State?  You know, they got fed up with  green trans agitprop and the Zelensky fraud.

Just putting it out there, don't say audit the Pentagon.


Thursday, February 20, 2025

European Elite Hate This



Less than a 70 years ago, well within living memory, Russia lay under the blood-stained tyranny of the  Bolsheviks and their successors. Those devils hated the Faith and attempted to stamp it out. They failed. Now their cousins in Corporate Rainbow Marxist Europa are howling and shrieking over the prospect of America walking away from its proxy war on Christian Russia.

you are utter fools if you think you can defeat this

Howl, shriek and rage all you want, Eurocrats, why should we pay a single penny in defense of the European Trans Rainbow? So go on, Brussels, London, Berlin, Paris and beyond, and send your mighty armies to Ost Front. Oops, you don't have armies because all those immigrant votes don't come cheap. Maybe you shoulda done the math.



It's Freezing


It's freezing here, seriously freezing, there's ice in the dog's water bowl and snow on the ground. "What is this," I thought to myself grimly, "North Central Texas or Ice Station Zebra?" The latter, apparently, and here we are at the Compound wrapped in layers of protective clothing against the biting cold and piercing wind. What's happened?

Clearly this. Our Old Enemy the Weather decided to change, outraged at being cheated of EPA billions. Tribute denied, it changed the climate. So yes, the War on Weather continues, with hardy Texans ice fishing on Lake Whitney, doing their best just to keep alive in the new Ice Age.

some guy's photo of our W Nelson muriel

In related news, the UK's committed itself to producing zero carbon emissions by 2030, or something like that. So the Sceptered Isle's going to end family farming because kill all Kulaks and cover the land with wind turbines and solar panels. That'll save the planet, obviously, and who knows, maybe all the rainbow energy will power Two-Tier Kier's mighty army all the way to Moscow itself. 

I pondered all of this as a cold sun set in the rear-view after Mass, the revealed Word proclaimed and Sacrament confected. No small thing, the Mass must go on, even in the face of our ancient adversary, the Weather.



Kash Confirmed


Kash in at the FBI by 51-47 votes.

Let's go,


Not One More Cent


I don't recall voting to give Cocainsky a single cent. Here's Douglas McGregor:

Let's keep in mind Zelensky represents transgender-ism, LGBTQ on steroids, the destruction of religion in his own country and widespread censorship.

All of these things were celebrated by the elites in Europe who are now angry that they have been excluded. 

All of these people are on borrowed time.


In the meanwhile, European rulers and the marionette MSM are seething and raging at the prospect of peace in the Ukraine and broader American/Russian detente. Seethe and rage all you like, you irrelevants, as you remember NATO without the US amounts to effectively nothing.

Not One More Cent,


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Fire On The Mountain


Let's hear it for MTB and all you horsemen out there, not least Bud Munroe, Ronnie Storrs, Oswald Clarke, June Jordan, Phyllis Lewis and on. RIP. Speaking of which, I recall meeting Clarke for lunch at the Cav & Guards Club in London, back in the far off, misty days of the '90s.

We walked up the illustrious stairwell of the Club, overwatched by paintings of famous charges and I remarked, foolishly, "That must have been quite a thing." Clarke replied, "Of course, but not much use against tanks. We trained to do just that on the Downs in the '30s." And so he had.

After Beef Wellington at the bar, delicious, we retired to a quiet part of the Club because "they do bellow so." What a gentleman of the old school. He was, I understand, both surprised and pleased that I became a horseman in subsequent years and was, to his dying day, a stalwart defender of the Catholic Faith as received by Anglicanism. Rest in peace.

Riding now? There's been an hiatus since an incident with a mad Arab, but plans are afoot to visit the Clubs of the old Raj and put heel to stirrup.

Don't Fall Off,


PS. Apologies to WSF who's forgotten more about horsemanship than I will ever know.

Time To Audit Time To Jail


Is this true?

Chelsea Clinton receives an annually-recurring funding from USAID, allocated by Obama for her Foundation, which provides afternoon meals to children in Africa, India, and Bangladesh.

However, as of today, the reported number of meals served stands at 11,886, implying an astonishing cost of $1,410 per meal.

Net Worth $70 Million

Husband Net Worth $45 Million

Inheritance $52 million

USAID Earnings $3.9 Million per year

Real Estate Assets $25 million

Monthly Spends $100,000

Car Collection Eight

And of course there's absolutely nothing Deep State corrupt about the Clinton Foundation, at all. In  related news, those lovable pranksters at DOGE discovered the Treasury's sent out 4.7 TN$ in untraceable payments to, errrr, someone. 4.7 TRILLION to persons and parties unknown. That's equivalent to an entire year of US tax revenue, and we haven't even gotten to the Pentagon.

We have to ask; if  rampant, egregious, underhanded, systemic, fraud, corruption and grift were cut out root and branch, would we be running a grievous, country-destroying national debt? Serious question, punters. 

Let's see our money back,


Monday, February 17, 2025

God Save The Tzar


Maybe you scorn antichrist. That in mind, God save the Tzar and the holy martyrs of the Russian Royal Family who fell to demonic red rage.

Pay attention and salute:  

Woe to you, Red Devils, the Romanovs will follow you like Furies. Your witchcraft will fall in on itself.

Боже, Царя храни!


Presidents Day Steak

Can you afford steak, fellow serfs? Hardly, but if you're clever enough you can find it on deal at Brookshires, which is a kind of supermarket in North Central Texas. I bought a 4 pack of strips for 20 bucks, not bad, and here's one way to cook 'em.

Yes, Heavy Metal style. First, pat the room temp steaks dry, apply salt and pepper to both sides, add olive oil to your cast iron skillet, then heat that beast up until it's smoking hot. Apply steaks to skillet, observe them sizzling for two minutes like a forward observer and then flip, adding a generous cut of butter to the seared side. 

Then let those bad boys do their thing for another two minutes, that's it, two minutes max. Then remove from heat. Let 'em rest, tented with foil, for 5 or so minutes, and fall upon your scoff.

Like a warrior,


Sunday, February 16, 2025

America Meets Europe

So, Rainbow Garden Fortress Europa's sidelined, excluded from UKR peace talks. Here's a video, check it out:

Do enjoy the infovid, and OK, perhaps this sub par post's an excuse to broadcast the awesome Pulp Fiction. 



Starmer Goes Ost Front


What? This nutgoon doesn't even have an actual army. Like WTAF. Perhaps the mighty UK will defeat Putin with its Hi-Viz vests. FFS, try not to throw up as you laugh in your mouths. 





There they were, sitting on an unelected deep state slush fund, their causes paid for by you, the US taxpayer. How do you feel about your hard earned cash going to fund the rainbow? I don't like it, though you might. Look, here's a parable in film:



Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Armed Forces Of Europe


The ambisexual, cocaine raddled, US rainbow proxy Vladimir Cocainsky's just advocated for a European Army to replace NATO. Why would the Powder Fuhrer say such a thing? Because obviously high and because its sugar daddy, you the US taxpayer, have had enough of fueling his addiction. No moar billions for you, Cocainsky.

Euro Rainbow Elites are howling, raging, seething. How dare the US not defend their plucky little laundry wash casino. Well it's an easy equation, Russia vastly outperforms the Rainbow West when it comes to, errrr, manufacturing. They still have factories that make things like ammo and tanks, unlike the EU. So without the US, where's this EU Trans Army gonna come from?

Good question. The UK doesn't have an Army anymore, maybe 50k combat troops max, the Germans are just as useless and the French? Well, it's hardly Old Guard. Who knows, maybe the indefatigable Poles will step up to the plate and conquer Lvov. Oops, not narrative.

So where's Euro grandstanding left after JDV's scolding? In no good place. One pal from the UK reckoned they might pitch to Chyna. Good luck with that.

In the meanwhile, Europoors aren't invited to the peace summit in Saudi because they don't matter. No troops, no industry, no ammo, no relevance, you see.

Your Pal,


Moar Storm


Well here we are. A storm, yes another one, is blowing in over North Central Texas, as it is over the country as a whole, and about time too. Billions of dollars in fraud, waste, mismanagement and corruption exposed every day. And all, dear friends, billed to you, the taxpayer. For example:

- $10M for "Mozambique voluntary medical male circumcision"
- $9.7M for UC Berkeley to develop "a cohort of Cambodian youth with enterprise driven skills"
- $2.3M for "strengthening independent voices in Cambodia"
- $32M to the Prague Civil Society Centre
- $40M for "gender equality and women empowerment hub"
- $14M for "improving public procurement" in Serbia
- $486M to the “Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening,” including $22M for "inclusive and participatory political process" in Moldova and $21M for voter turnout in India
- $29M to "strenghening political landscape in Bangladesh"
- $20M for "fiscal federalism" in Nepal
- $19M for "biodiversity conversation" in Nepal
- $1.5M for "voter confidence" in Liberia
- $14M for "social cohesion" in Mali
- $2.5M for "inclusive democracies in Southern Africa"
- $47M for "improving learning outcomes in Asia"
- $2M to develop "sustainable recycling models" to "increase socio-economic cohesion among marginalized communities of Kosovo Roma, Ashkali, and Egypt"

Like, what? Long story really short, the US taxpayer was funding global leftism and its purveyors to the tune of billions and making a lotta people inside the Beltway rich. You'll note DC house prices have dramatically declined.

What an exercise of industrial fraud, chicanery and malfeasance levied on the American people. I don't know, I hope there's a reckoning. But I do know this, nothing like it's occurred in our history, whether it's the fraud or its uncovering.

Will the perpetrators be brought to justice? Who knows, but it seems DC searches for off-shore banks, RICO, and defense lawyers are going exponential. As they should. In the meanwhile, Euro Elites seethe and rage as JDV and 47 sideline them for peace in the Ukraine.

Hey, did you vote to give billions of dollars to Ukraine? No, neither did I.

Your Pal,


Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentines


What a moving message from the White House! As JDV said in Munich, there's a new Sheriff in town. About dam time. In the meanwhile, I hope your day was filled with love.

Your Old Pal,


Vance On Fire


JD Vance was on fire today at the Munich Security Conference, delivering a withering attack on the EU and UK's ruling elite, chastising them for tyranny. The very same countries who won the Cold War have become, increasingly, facsimiles of the evil power they defeated. The threat to our common security, he said, is "from within." At length, via the Spectator:

... the threat that I worry the most about vis-a-vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China, it’s not any other external actor. What I worry about is the threat from within. The retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values: values shared with the United States of America.

I was struck that a former European commissioner went on television recently and sounded delighted that the Romanian government had just annulled an entire election. He warned that if things don’t go to plan, the very same thing could happen in Germany too.

Now, these cavalier statements are shocking to American ears. For years we’ve been told that everything we fund and support is in the name of our shared democratic values. Everything from our Ukraine policy to digital censorship is billed as a defence of democracy. But when we see European courts cancelling elections and senior officials threatening to cancel others, we ought to ask whether we’re holding ourselves to an appropriately high standard. And I say ourselves, because I fundamentally believe that we are on the same team.

We must do more than talk about democratic values. We must live them. Now, within living memory of many of you in this room, the cold war positioned defenders of democracy against much more tyrannical forces on this continent. And consider the side in that fight that censored dissidents, that closed churches, that cancelled elections. Were they the good guys? Certainly not.

And thank God they lost the cold war. They lost because they neither valued nor respected all of the extraordinary blessings of liberty, the freedom to surprise, to make mistakes, invent, to build. As it turns out, you can’t mandate innovation or creativity, just as you can’t force people what to think, what to feel, or what to believe. And we believe those things are certainly connected. And unfortunately, when I look at Europe today, it’s sometimes not so clear what happened to some of the cold war’s winners.

If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you

I look to Brussels, where EU Commission commissars warned citizens that they intend to shut down social media during times of civil unrest: the moment they spot what they’ve judged to be ‘hateful content’. Or to this very country where police have carried out raids against citizens suspected of posting anti-feminist comments online as part of ‘combating misogyny’ on the internet.

I look to Sweden, where two weeks ago, the government convicted a Christian activist for participating in Quran burnings that resulted in his friend’s murder. And as the judge in his case chillingly noted, Sweden’s laws to supposedly protect free expression do not, in fact, grant – and I’m quoting – a ‘free pass’ to do or say anything without risking offending the group that holds that belief.

And perhaps most concerningly, I look to our very dear friends, the United Kingdom, where the backslide away from conscience rights has placed the basic liberties of religious Britons in particular in the crosshairs. A little over two years ago, the British government charged Adam Smith Conner, a 51-year-old physiotherapist and an Army veteran, with the heinous crime of standing 50 metres from an abortion clinic and silently praying for three minutes, not obstructing anyone, not interacting with anyone, just silently praying on his own. After British law enforcement spotted him and demanded to know what he was praying for, Adam replied simply, it was on behalf of his unborn son.

He and his former girlfriend had aborted years before. Now the officers were not moved. Adam was found guilty of breaking the government’s new Buffer Zones Law, which criminalises silent prayer and other actions that could influence a person’s decision within 200 metres of an abortion facility. He was sentenced to pay thousands of pounds in legal costs to the prosecution.

Now, I wish I could say that this was a fluke, a one-off, crazy example of a badly written law being enacted against a single person. But no. This last October, just a few months ago, the Scottish government began distributing letters to citizens whose houses lay within so-called safe access zones, warning them that even private prayer within their own homes may amount to breaking the law. Naturally, the government urged readers to report any fellow citizens suspected guilty of thought crime in Britain and across Europe.

Free speech, I fear, is in retreat and in the interests of comedy, my friends, but also in the interest of truth, I will admit that sometimes the loudest voices for censorship have come not from within Europe, but from within my own country, where the prior administration threatened and bullied social media companies to censor so-called misinformation. Misinformation, like, for example, the idea that coronavirus had likely leaked from a laboratory in China. Our own government encouraged private companies to silence people who dared to utter what turned out to be an obvious truth.

So I come here today not just with an observation, but with an offer. And just as the Biden administration seemed desperate to silence people for speaking their minds, so the Trump administration will do precisely the opposite, and I hope that we can work together on that.

In Washington, there is a new sheriff in town. And under Donald Trump’s leadership, we may disagree with your views, but we will fight to defend your right to offer them in the public square. Now, we’re at the point, of course, that the situation has gotten so bad that this December, Romania straight up cancelled the results of a presidential election based on the flimsy suspicions of an intelligence agency and enormous pressure from its continental neighbours. Now, as I understand it, the argument was that Russian disinformation had infected the Romanian elections. But I’d ask my European friends to have some perspective. You can believe it’s wrong for Russia to buy social media advertisements to influence your elections. We certainly do. You can condemn it on the world stage, even. But if your democracy can be destroyed with a few hundred thousand dollars of digital advertising from a foreign country, then it wasn’t very strong to begin with.

Now, the good news is that I happen to think your democracies are substantially less brittle than many people apparently fear.

To believe in democracy is to understand that each of our citizens has wisdom and has a voice

And I really do believe that allowing our citizens to speak their mind will make them stronger still. Which, of course, brings us back to Munich, where the organisers of this very conference have banned lawmakers representing populist parties on both the left and the right from participating in these conversations. Now, again, we don’t have to agree with everything or anything that people say. But when political leaders represent an important constituency, it is incumbent upon us to at least participate in dialogue with them.

Now, to many of us on the other side of the Atlantic, it looks more and more like old entrenched interests hiding behind ugly Soviet era words like misinformation and disinformation, who simply don’t like the idea that somebody with an alternative viewpoint might express a different opinion or, God forbid, vote a different way, or even worse, win an election.


Powerful stuff, and you can imagine the EU's beloved rainbow rulers seething in their seats. Vance continued:

I believe deeply that there is no security if you are afraid of the voices, the opinions and the conscience that guide your very own people. Europe faces many challenges. But the crisis this continent faces right now, the crisis I believe we all face together, is one of our own making. If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you. Nor for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump. You need democratic mandates to accomplish anything of value in the coming years.

Have we learned nothing that thin mandates produce unstable results? But there is so much of value that can be accomplished with the kind of democratic mandate that I think will come from being more responsive to the voices of your citizens. If you’re going to enjoy competitive economies, if you’re going to enjoy affordable energy and secure supply chains, then you need mandates to govern because you have to make difficult choices to enjoy all of these things.

And of course, we know that very well. In America, you cannot win a democratic mandate by censoring your opponents or putting them in jail. Whether that’s the leader of the opposition, a humble Christian praying in her own home, or a journalist trying to report the news. Nor can you win one by disregarding your basic electorate on questions like, who gets to be a part of our shared society.

And of all the pressing challenges that the nations represented here face, I believe there is nothing more urgent than mass migration. Today, almost one in five people living in this country moved here from abroad. That is, of course, an all time high. It’s a similar number, by the way, in the United States, also an all time high. The number of immigrants who entered the EU from non-EU countries doubled between 2021 and 2022 alone. And of course, it’s gotten much higher since.

And we know the situation. It didn’t materialise in a vacuum. It’s the result of a series of conscious decisions made by politicians all over the continent, and others across the world, over the span of a decade. We saw the horrors wrought by these decisions yesterday in this very city. And of course, I can’t bring it up again without thinking about the terrible victims who had a beautiful winter day in Munich ruined. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and will remain with them. But why did this happen in the first place?

It’s a terrible story, but it’s one we’ve heard way too many times in Europe, and unfortunately too many times in the United States as well. An asylum seeker, often a young man in his mid-20s, already known to police, rammed a car into a crowd and shatters a community. Unity. How many times must we suffer these appalling setbacks before we change course and take our shared civilisation in a new direction? No voter on this continent went to the ballot box to open the floodgates to millions of unvetted immigrants. 


Wow. He just went right out and said it. Mass migration, deliberate, conscious, demographic suicide brought on by the people who love us so much they want to replace us. If the rainbow elites were seething before, now they're really raging. Vance concluded with reference to John Paull II and God himself:

To believe in democracy is to understand that each of our citizens has wisdom and has a voice. And if we refuse to listen to that voice, even our most successful fights will secure very little. As Pope John Paul II, in my view, one of the most extraordinary champions of democracy on this continent or any other, once said, ‘do not be afraid’. We shouldn’t be afraid of our people even when they express views that disagree with their leadership. Thank you all. Good luck to all of you. God bless you.


God bless you. A final coal heaped by a faithful Catholic Christian upon the heads of the demons in attendance.

What a speech,


Thursday, February 13, 2025



Look, just a typical scene at the Compound. And you'll forgive repetition. I feel life bears it, perhaps you agree, punters.

It's a busy life in the DLC motor pool, by the way.



Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Prinz Eugen


What can we say? Nothing if not practical.





No, not the ancient skinhead movement in what used to be Great Britain, but a literal storm in North Central Texas. Seriously, it woke me up in the middle of the night as rain lashed against the wooden frame of the Compound, while thunder rolled and lightning arced down from heaven.

Exciting. Yet again, the climate had changed, which prompted me to venture out onto the back deck and behold the fury of our Ancient Adversary, the Weather. It was ferocious, no doubt angered by a tragic decrease in funding from USAID and the EPA. Or perhaps it was elemental rage at Tulsi becoming DNI Suprematrix? 

Possibly so. We do, says the Good Book, fight against "powers of the air." Not unlike, when you think on it, Britain during the Blitz. In related news, I feel it's important to join this club. It's called REFORM, and sits on Pall Mall in Whigish splendour. Call it, if you will, a long march through the institutions.

Your Old Pal,


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

What Hucksters


Do you not think it's better in song?

What a gang of Hucksters.



Plain Language - Via NFO


Here's some tell-it-as-it-is truth from OLD NFO, what @elonmusk is doing with DOGE, and why he’s doing it that way.

First of all, he’s fully aware that, for the past 20 years or so, a gang of thieves has replaced the US federal government, and is wearing it as a skinsuit.

But I don’t think he wants to belabor that point out loud, because a lot of people haven’t realized this yet, and it’ll sound like a loony conspiracy theory until they do.

So he decided to show them.

That’s what targeting USAID is about.

When you have to eat an elephant, the way to do it is “one bite at a time”, but there are some very specific reasons why he selected USAID as the first bite.

USAID, you see, is a slush fund.

Way back in the days when the grass was still green and the pond was still wet and the clouds were still clean, and the song of the Swomee-Swans rang out in space…

When the US federal government was a real elected government…

The houses of congress had the power of the purse. They set the federal budget.

The problem with this, from the standpoint of a thief, is @RepThomasMassie. Or someone like him. There’s one or two in every congress.

If you want to put some kickback or patronage or theft in the congressionally-approved federal budget as a line item, then he’s going to find it, as he and his staff comb through that bill.

And he’s going to get up in front of congress and the press and tell everyone about it. And then the opposition party, whichever that happens to be, is going to pile on, because they smell blood in the water, and its going to get cancelled and you’re going to be embarrassed.

You need a way to hide your expenditure of federal tax dollars.

So how do you hide a rock? In a gravel pit. How do you hide a man? In a crowd.

And how do hide a fraudulent expenditure?

In a general fund.

So here’s what you do. With the help of friendly presidential administrations, you create a bunch of agencies with names like the Federal Bureau of Saving Cute Puppies With Waggy Tails.

These are nominally part of the executive branch, handling detail work, but they are staffed by hired (and therefore not elected) bureaucrats, and they are funded in lump sums by a single line item in that budget.

Now, you don’t have a whole bunch of “$50K for a transgender opera troupe in Bangladesh” items.

You have one item, which is “$50 Billion for the Federal Bureau of Saving Cute Puppies With Waggy Tails”.

And if Thomas Massie starts asking questions, you act shocked and outraged, and demand to know why he wants cute puppies to die.

So what is all this money actually for?

Well, it’s for stealing. You give it to companies owned by you, to do silly things. You give it to companies owned by your friends, to do silly things. You give it to publishing companies, to do silly things, and then later, when you leave office, they give you a $65 million book deal for an autobiography no one’s gonna read. You give it to Wall Street firms, to do silly things, and then they regularly pay you a quarter of a million dollars to come give a twenty minute speech. You give it to literally anyone, to do silly things, and then they make a donation to your private charitable foundation. Or they put your cousin on the board of directors, for half a million dollars a year to do two hours of work a month.

See the common theme?

Doing silly things.

Because it doesn’t really matter what the tax dollars are paying for… it matters who the tax dollars are being paid to. It’s obscure, it’s circuitous, but at the end of the fiscal year, it all makes its way into someone’s pocket.

And everyone who’s part of the network gets a taste.

Now, these bureaucratic agencies are nominally under the control of the President, but in reality, they start to have a power base of their own.

This is because their money comes from Congress, so it’s not easy to turn off the tap, and the head of each agency has to be approved by the Senate, so it’s not easy to dig into each agency and fire the careerists aiding the corruption.

Couple that with Congress delegating regulatory powers to agencies, and courts deferring to their judgements, and now you have a fourth branch of the federal government, with the powers of all three, whose whole job to loot the treasury.

That’s why all these “public servants” on modest salaries are retiring as multi-millionaires with three vacation homes, a huge stock portfolio, and a private jet. Because all that baksheesh is being spread around to everyone whose cooperation is required to make the scheme continue to run.

So what happens when you elect a billionaire real estate developer, who doesn’t need to loot the treasury, and would rather have a boom economy to do real estate development in?

He wants to take the steal machine apart.

And what happens when he appoints the richest man in the history of the known universe, the single least bribeable man on the planet, to audit all the federal departments and stop the theft?

Well, Musk knows he’s going to face fierce opposition. So he needs to get unstoppable political momentum and public support behind him, fast.

So he had to hit the ground running, before the Federal Bureau of Saving Cute Puppies With Waggy Tails could rally its behind-the-scenes power to get in his way.

Go to the center of power, follow the money, cut off the money. Work around the clock.

But he also knew that DOGE would be talked about, intensely, in its first few days and weeks, and these would set the tone for the rest of the 4 year term.

If it gained public support fast, any sort of defense or the status quo would be seen as evidence of corruption.

So he had to gain goodwill fast, and discredit the opposition. Coming off the election momentum of a hugely popular incoming president is great, but it’s not enough to carry support for a full four-year audit of the entire federal budget. He needed a target that would generate goodwill right away.

Some federal departments, like the IRS, and the ATF, are very unpopular….

… but there’s a better choice.



Because USAID is a special, maximally unaccountable, small-projects slush fund.

He knew that when his team wrenched the lid off it, all they had to do was publicize what they found… and force democrats to defend it.

The sheer ridiculousness of some of these small projects would frame the public discussion exactly as it needed to be framed.

Now the debate has become, not a difference of opinion on how much oversight agency spending should undergo, or whether Musk was the one to do so, but a difference of opinion on whether taxpayers should foot the bill for a $1.5 million effort aimed at “empowering women to adapt to climate change in northern Kenya.”

Try defending that.

Just try.

But they have to.


Because this isn’t just about turning the money faucet off. It’s about people going to jail.

These people fussing about how Elon Musk has access to your social security number through OPM — as if OPM hadn’t leaked these same numbers to criminals years ago — they aren’t trying to defend the slush fund.

The slush fund is gone. They know that. They are trying to generate enough counter momentum to avoid going to federal prison.

(Now think about what that deal with @nayibbukele was really about, and who was intended to see that. )

But here’s the thing. It’s too early for DOGE to talk about indictments.

Oh, the evidence is being gathered. Behind closed doors, names are going on lists.

But the verbal public support needs to be there. Because we are looking at possibly a huge number of arrests. Not just high-ranking careerists and appointed officials, but elected Reps and Senators.

Unless this idea is overwhelmingly popular, it would look like a power grab, and no one would pay attention for long enough to realize, hey, these people really are guilty.

That part needs to come from us. Every time someone in office, or a federal job, defends this stuff, or calls DOGE a coup… we need to call for investigations.

Suggest they are involved. (Because they probably are.)

Recommend they find a nice tropical island with no extradition treaty. (And pray they do, because when the first one breaks and runs, it’s really over.)

Target them. Personally. Make them so busy defending themselves that they have no energy left to defend the steal machine.

Meme them until they cry. Then make memes about them crying.

And be sure to remind everyone that politico had no revenue. It was just a propaganda puppet run with stolen money.

Your stolen money.

At some point no one will hear them scream because they'll all be locked up, please. What a gang of grifting frauds and self-serving mountebanks, all at your expense. Are you happy with that, punters?
