Showing posts with label thieves. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thieves. Show all posts

Thursday, February 6, 2025

What A Gang Of Crooks


What. A. Gang. Of. Crooks.

Boy's on fire, and so he should be. Europeans, I think, have a hard time parsing our grift, chicanery and sheer, unadulterated malfeasance. Yet there it is for all to behold, thanks, DOGE. That in mind, how do you feel about your tax dollars going to fund Bloomberg, Politico, the WaPo, NYT and lesbian theater workshops. Did you vote for that? Some solace, Rat Claw Rubio's threatening to axe USAID from some 10,000 employees to 297. Go, Rat Claw.



Friday, September 3, 2021



One of the things we love about America's elite rulers is the way they've led us to success and prosperity over the past few decades. It's not as though they've been traitorously asset-stripping the land for personal gain or anything like that. Here, have a look.

Gary Indiana. You'll note how much better things are now, far more prosperous. As in, a lot. Everyone's standard of life, from civic environment on down is so much better.

You see how we're so much more prosperous now that the experts are in charge. And what about Detroit. Check out this typical Motor City school:

The Kakistocracy's done well, clearly. But maybe you're not convinced. Here's another school, back before trans bathrooms improved the curriculum.


Stunning, isn't it. But seriously, how have we allowed a gang of crooks, mountebanks, grifters, profiteers and corrupt clowns to run our country, destroy our cities and with it, the lives of our people, especially the poor. And here's the rub. 

The very people who say they're about "lifting up the oppressed" are the ones looting them. But don't worry, at least you'll be able to get a sex-change on the public dime as you collect your welfare.

Arduus Ad Solem,


Saturday, December 21, 2019


Yes readers, it's that time of year again, the WINTER SOLSTICE. You heard that right, time to get down to the Stones and party down. Or not, but hey, your call.

Maybe you don't want to get down and dirty with a crew of thieving hippies in the English countryside, maybe you don't want to worship the Moon Goddess with a cocktail of cheap red wine, fake hallucinogens and Special Brew. Then again, maybe you do.

Here at the Compound we don't judge, knock yourselves out, just don't be surprised when you wake up in a ditch and your wallet's been ripped off by an unwashed emissary of Giaia.


Saturday, November 23, 2019

Chow Thief

Note the Thieve's Claws

Yes, he may look innocent but this Blue's an inveterate chow thief. Ask LL, who witnessed Blue Voracious steal a delicious fried cherry pie from the Compound's dining room table. Ask Ma LSP, who saw the aftermath of a raid on a couple of fine New York Strips.

Not Innocent

Go right ahead and ask the neighbor's chickens, who mysteriously vanished without trace apart from a few small feathers which somehow, strangely, found their way onto the muzzle of Blue Eschaton. Yes, a chow thief.

What's The Difference Between Hillary And a Ham Sandwich? You Can Indict a Ham Sandwich

And that's why I hesitated to put a tasty ham sandwich on the kitchen counter. Sure enough, a ravenous, unprincipled someone was looking for targets of opportunity. Only to be thwarted by the watchful eye of his Commander-in-Chief. Still, he got a consolation prize in the form of Alpo Variety Snacks. Ahem, yum.

So Close Yet So Far

Speaking of chow thieves, why is LTC. Vindman still working at the White House? For that matter, why's US Navy Secretary Richard Spencer still employed? Or any of the other thieves, crooks, knaves and placeholders responsible for locking up soldiers for killing head-chopping savages.

Your Old Friend,


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hippies, Cause Or Symptom

Why are we in the mess we're in today, and it is a mess. A super athlete bloke is hailed as woman of the year. We're told that a country without borders is patriotic, that abortion's healthcare and the more you're taxed the richer you will be.

For that matter, we're supposed to believe that it's somehow OK for a duly elected president to live under a 2 year+ investigation for "Russian Collusion" without a shred of evidence, and all at taxpayer expense. Well, don't say Deep State and they never thought she'd lose.

But regardless, throw a dart at the board and get a nasty story. From Syria to Abolish ICE to trans bathrooms as the new sacrament of civil liberty, the whole edifice of Western Civ seems to be going down the pan. Whose fault is it? Hippies?

Some say yes, the hippies are responsible. They're thieves, liars and mountebanks, just look what they did to Joni! And, at the drop of a dreadlock they'll rip off your sailboat and trash your land.

Still, are hippies the cause, the symptom or both?

Your call,


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Get A Haircut, Hippy

Joni, stay clear of that lecherous deadbeat

Life is full of challenges and we rise or fall on them as we move down the fast flowing stream of life. Here's a snapshot. 

You look deep into the black depths of the scrying glass and see a monstrous reflection staring back at you, some kind of long haired freak. 


Who is that? you ask the polished obsidian and realise, in shock, that it's you. And the challenge is on, getting a haircut in this rural Texan haven. No, you're not scared, so you hit the road in your rig.

First stop, Quality Cutz but Quality Cutz is shut, unsurprisingly, because Cutz couldn't cut hair. It wasn't his strength, I hope he moved on to better pastures. I liked Cutz.

Cutz is Gone. He Couldn't Cut

Next stop, Creative Designs, all holed up in a half abandoned strip mall. No. Every chair was full of elderly women with tinfoil in their hair. Do you give up? On the contrary, you face the challenge and meet it head on.

This meant ending up at something called Salon 110 and that's trying because all I'm really asking for is an old fashioned barber. But they're gone in this farming community so you adapt and survive.


A pleasant young woman with pink hair got to work; cutting hair was her "passion" she told me and more power to her. About half way through she asked, "Did you go to Woodstock?" I resisted the temptation to say damn your impudence, "No, I missed that one."


Did I miss the teaching challenge and forget to tell her that "hippy" is synonymous with dirty, thieving, lying beggar? And that Joni Mitchell is a Devil Witch?

You be the judge,


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Florida Looters

As Hurricane Irma barreled down on the unfortunate state of Florida, small crews of looters took advantage of the opportunity to rob displaced citizens and businesses.

A SWAT team stopped looting at an Academy sporting store, where looters were attempting to steal firearms.

Other looters were caught on camera thieving running shoes from sportswear stores and two others were caught robbing homes in Fort  Lauderdale. 

And on; after all, it's early days yet in this developing catastrophe. But ask yourself:

Apart from a fondness for sports stores, is there a common denominator among the looters? Is there something they all have in common, apart from the desire to rob and steal brand new Nikes and firearms?

You be the judge,


Thursday, January 12, 2017

MAGA Shines Upon Texas

The MAGA Light shines brightly in Texas, perhaps because Rick "He May Be A Fool But He's Our Fool" Perry is the nation's new Energy Secretary. Well, there was plenty of energy spilling out of the heavens on the way to Mass this evening.

And there was steak, which is cheap and plentiful in Trump's America. I mean for goodness sake, you can buy a solid Threeper for $15 at the commissary.

MAGA At Every Level

I like Strips, seared in heavy metal, brought to heat in a 400* oven and served with whatever. Maybe vegetables, maybe not. Some, most, would call that winning. Unless they're Austin vegans who live off tofu, bark, nuts and other people's money.

Austin Hippies Goofing Off

They scorn the MAGA Light, like Soros, who lost a billion big ones after the election. Bad luck, George, you lose, Trump wins.

Hangin' At The Tower

In other news, Le Pen was seen in the Golden Tower. Who knows, maybe France will become great again, too.

Ban the Burqa,


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Scorn Hippies, Again

What's the connection between A Train Robbery and hippies, you ask yourself, wonderingly. Simple. Hippies are notorious thieves.

Of course these days we don't have train robberies because there aren't any trains to speak of, sadly. And why hold up a train when you can rob an entire country?



Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hippies Are Traitors And Thieves

A famous clergyman once said, "When I was in seminary, there were a lot of people there who were simply evading the draft, so they didn't have to fight in the Vietnam war." I replied, "Traitors." And that's the way it is with hippies.

You see them hanging out in a park, maybe strumming a  guitar or eating some yummy fried tofu, and you think, "Hunh, look at that freakish looking deadbeat." Unpleasant, but so what, harmless. I mean to say, what's the worst they can do, hassle you to buy some beads? Yeah. Think again.

The same crew of goof-off clowns that wouldn't fight the commies who ruthlessly killed millions of people, eclipsing the abhorrent Nazis, are now living high on the hog of local and state government. They were traitors to western civilization then, back in the daze, and they're traitors still.

And oh, lest we forget. Remember that hippy who ripped off your stuff? Well, they're still at it, only this time they've ripped off entire states, like California, or Austin. And a couple of them want to steal the entire country.

Don't be fooled when they come at you panhandling, putting out sob stories about how unfortunate they are. All they're after is your cash and they'll take it by force if you let them, all in the name of their compassionate trans workers utopia.

The Choom Gang

Still, with all of the above in mind, and it's a lot, I still hope Bernie Sanders beats the sachs out of Hillary.

Never trust a hippy,


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Bernie Sanders Kicked Out of Hippie Commune For Not Working. Chortle.

An upcoming book, We Are As Gods by Kate Deloz, tells the world that presidential hopeful, Bernie Sanders, was kicked out of a hippy commune in Vermont, Myrtle Hill Farm, in 1971 for "sitting around and talking" and not doing any work.

Sanders’ idle chatter did not endear him with some of the commune’s residents, who did the backbreaking labor of running the place. Daloz writes that one resident, Craig, “resented feeling like he had to pull others out of Bernie’s orbit if any work was going to get accomplished that day.”

Do You See Sanders? No, You do Not.

Sanders was eventually asked to leave. “When Bernie had stayed for Myrtle’s allotted three days, Craig politely requested that he move on,” Daloz writes.

Sanders moved on, though the commune remained until the 1980s, when police found some $200,000 worth of marijuana and a small arsenal of weapons.

What did Bernie do after Myrtle Hill? Steal food out of people's fridges, apparently:

“You get out!” my mom yelled, hitting the man on his skinny ass. “Out, out!” Under her tan skin, my mother’s face was red with indignation. We didn’t have much in our fridge, but my mom would fiercely defend it. The man pulled his head out of the fridge, dropping the food on the shelf. His hair was curly; a cherub’s full-bodied curls framed his startled face. Chagrined, he loped off to the other apartment housed in my family’s converted two-room schoolhouse in Huntington, Vermont, the site of a late-night mock-up session for The Vermont Freeman, the alt-weekly my parents published. Years later, I’d find out that man was Bernie Sanders.

During that time Bernie wrote Man and Woman, and what can we say? Getting the order of the boot for not working at a hippie commune is pretty special, and we all know that hippies are thieves. But I'll tell you this, Bernie Sanders may be an old compol leftist, but he's not an Illuminati Devil Witch like Hillary Clinton. He just isn't.

Illuminati Devil Witch

Democrats, all -10 of you that read this so-called "blog", vote for Bernie. At least he's an honest commie and not part of the DC power elite that are doing their best to turn us into a nation of serfs and slaves.

Kick out the JAMS.


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Summer Solstice Hi-Jinx

It's the Summer Solstice, or Litha, when hippies like nothing better than to go to an ancient stone circle, goof about, get brewed up and rip each other off. Some get all mysticke and worship the Sun gods.

Here's a sample ritual:

Gods who bring us light, we honor you!
Hail, Ra, whose mighty chariot brings us light each morning!
Hail, Ra!
Hail, Apollo, who brings us the healing energies of the sun!
Hail, Apollo!
Hail, Saule, whose fertility blooms as the sun gains in strength!
Hail, Saule!
Hail, Helios, whose great steeds race the flames across the sky!
Hail, Helios!
Hail, Hestia, whose sacred flame lights our way in the darkness!
Hail, Hestia!
Hail, Sunna, who is sister of the moon, and bringer of light!
Hail, Sunna!

We call upon you today, thanking you for your blessings, accepting your gifts. We draw upon your strength, your energy, your healing light, and your life giving power! Hail to you, mighty gods and goddesses of the sun!

Just a bit of harmless tomfoolery, right? 

Remember this. It's all fun and games until you wake up and find a demon gnawing on your elbow.

Your Pal,