Saturday, September 18, 2021

March Of The Morons


Biden, aka "The Corpse" is the most popular President ever, say morons. That in mind, I liked the Corpse's magic protective circles, like pentagrams but round, offering precisely zero protection to the unseen forces of evil. Have a look at the photo and do the alchemical math of moronicity.

S'up, boys? Off to a "nightclub"?

Then there's the great INSURRECTION of all those people who dared to question the US' time honored if moronic tradition of voter fraud. Good thing we put up barbed wire around the Capitol to protect our selfless pols from a faked up, moronic PR stunt today! Said every moron.

Note Commie Chorus and Masked Skirt Serf

But look at this. A socialist on a paltry 174k a year goes to a Met Gala event wearing a 30k dress, only to sit at a 200k+ table. She is unmasked, obviously, being a Democrat Elite, but her male maid isn't. He lifts her your-years-salary-skirts as a chorus of adoring commies cheer her on. Don't say moron, say follow the science.


OK, it does look a lot like moronism, but note. AOC's flashing an Imperial German Army salute. Is she a DAARPA construct, recruited by some dark money intel agency we will never, ever hear about? Is she /our girl, a White Hat, as opposed to a mere white dressed emblem of the ascendant moronocracy? Mysterium.

As always, you the reader be the judge,


Friday, September 17, 2021



Popular, talented, superstar Nicki Minaj had the brazen temerity to speak out against biomed vax tyranny and the left went full meltdown. How dare a celebrity POC walk off the Democrat plantation. But Minaj, who is brave as well as a smash hit diva, doubled down, telling Tucker Carlson, “If you’re black and a Democrat tells u to shove marbles up ur ass, you simply have to.”

Minaj, who is justly famous, went on to slam America's corporate sponsored, neo-Maoist cancel culture on social media:

“We’re no longer even allowed to voice our opinions or ask questions?! So many of your favorite artists feel this way but they’re afraid to speak up”

What can we say? Starships were clearly meant to fly.

And while we're at it here's the awesome KLF:

What time is love? Time to love Nicki Minaj for daring to stand up for Radio Freedom against our self-appointed Maoist commissar thought police. Well done, let's see more of this.

Time is eternal,


Patrolling The Aposcalypse



One of the things about the Apocalypse is that it's searingly hot. Imagine a preheating oven and in its midst are tiny fragments  of combustible dust, super dry, ready to ignite. No kidding, Texas in mid-September is like an air bomb about to go off. Terrifying.

It didn't fortunately, but dove did explode out of the trees as I patrolled their welcome shade. A few years back I thought nothing of walking the treelines in 100+* and scaring up dove, snapshot!, and you never know, sometimes the shot would even connect. Let's see those poppers.

an old fraud

These days an armed stroll in the oven doesn't have quite the same appeal, but the excitement of wingshooting does. Message to market? Go for a walkabout with a #20, shoot some fliers, hopefully, then set up along the flight path with some mojos and have at it.

Then put those morsels of apocalyptic goodness into cream-cheese-filled jalapenos, wrap the beasts in bacon and off you go, to Valhalla and beyond. But word to the wise.

chicom rubbish

Keep your finger off the trigger till you're ready to shoot.



Thursday, September 16, 2021


Didn't Churchill charge in that action? More, please. And in the meanwhile, stop the Jihad. Unless of course you think it's a religion of peace. 

Good work, globalist deep state Bush for coining that jaw droppingly agitprop lie. 

Your Pal,


Alberta Goes Full COVID Stasi


Alberta, Canada's most conservative province, has gone full COVID Stasi. Starting today, and via Zero:

All Canadians must mask up at work, and any Canadians who can must work from home. Individuals must provide proof of vaccination, or a recent negative test, simply to enter a business - and the unvaccinated will not be permitted to attend any private indoor social gatherings as well.


The unvaccinated will not be permitted to attend any private indoor social gatherings. Better stay in your pod, unvaxxed serf and starve, because science. That's not all, the vaxxed are allowed to leave their slave quarters and even enjoy the privilege of "indoor social gatherings,"  but only if ten vaxxed people or less are involved. From Alberta's new "rules on social gatherings":

Vaccinated: Indoor private social gatherings are limited to a single household plus one other household to a maximum of 10 vaccine-eligible, vaccinated people and no restrictions on children under 12.


Lucky Albertan children, you're exempt from showing vax papers, for now.  In the meanwhile, who or what got to Jason Kenney, the province's premier. Apparently, in a fit of tragic science, the "health system being overwhelmed" did it. 

Now where have we heard that before. Perhaps you remember the hospital ships and pop-up "Florence Nightingales" which hardly saw a single patient. Then again, keen-eyed readers of this incisive mind blog might remember Obama's maskless birthday party or the equally maskless Met Gala, maskless unless you're a serf, obviously.  

You Malfeasant Frauds

You'd almost think our overlords didn't believe in their own mandates, as though they were the sort of people who'd buy million dollar socialist seaside property in the face of catastrophic climate change. Again, I ask, who got to Jason Kenney?

It's a fruity little dictatorship

Good luck, Canada,


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

These People Are Sick


This is the man Leftists are attempting to erase from history beacsue he was such a racist. Read on and thanks, RHT, for the recall:

Presiding over the devotions was the Rev. Dr. Charles Minnegerode, the church’s rector for almost a decade. He had been similarly engaged on that fateful April 2 when, just prior to Holy Communion, the church sextant hurried over to the pew of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and handed the chief executive a message telling of the collapse of the defenses around Petersburg and the necessity for evacuating Richmond that night.

Now, as Minnegerode again attempted to administer the sacrament, upheavals in temporal affairs elbowed their way once more into the spiritual domain. When the front ranks of the congregation rose from their seats, a well-dressed black man advanced to the altar and knelt before the railing to receive Communion. In that instant, centuries-old conventions of racial hierarchy and social propriety were being cast aside, and it literally paralyzed the attendees. There was absolute silence in the church for some moments, as the remainder of the communicants remained fixed in their seats. Minnegerode himself stood motionless, uncertain how to respond to this sudden, palpable demonstration of all that Confederate defeat signified.

Then, without a word, General Lee rose from his family pew midway down the length of the church on its eastern side. He strode down the aisle to the chancel rail and kneeled reverently alongside the stranger. The lesson was unmistakable and the effect magical. The living embodiment of the South had pronounced by his action an acceptance of racial coexistence, rejecting the differences between black and white in favor of a shared Christian identity. Lee’s fellow parishioners, who moments before would have recoiled at such a suggestion, followed their old commander’s example and began to do likewise.

Whoa. This is the man our new corporate sponsored Maoists are screaming about because he was such a POC hater? What? Watch, as hubris evolves into nemesis. Yes, these people are sick.

Your Friend,


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Well What Have We Here


Well, well, a Millionaire Socialist (#MillSoc) mountebank. Like really, you pay $30k or someone does for you to attend a dinner with a table price of over 200k. And guess what, you're not standing. Don't say bad optics.

But so what, wear that ha-ha-irony frock and have fun, photogenic AOC, while all your masked POC slaves wait on your whim. What brazen, literal, in your face hypocrisy. 

Imagine. There you are, a waiter, a poor Latinx POC, wearing a mandated mask, while your wealthy, elite Hollywood Congressional rulers live it up, maskless and free. 

You get the message, knuckle under, you masked serfs, and maybe you'll get a big tip from your rulers. If you're lucky.

How utterly disgusting, at every level.

Your Upbeat Pal,


Exaltation of The Holy Cross


Today's the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and our province of the SSC (Society of the Holy Cross) met for the start of its annual Synod. Things started off with Evening Prayer followed by a Solemn High Mass and I tell you, there wasn't a single guitar playing nun or liturgical dancer in sight. Or a priestess, for that matter. They're not allowed.

Then it was time for dinner and a chance to get together with fellow clergy, what a good group of men. And let's be clear, they're priests and bishops who've stood and continue to stand firm for the Faith in the face of the rainbow apostates who appear to have taken over the Church. But appearances can be deceiving. Christ is King over the Church, his Body, and the Cross is his throne.

We should glory
in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ,
for he is our salvation,
our life and our resurrection,
through him we are saved and made free.

God bless,


Monday, September 13, 2021

Russia Is Our Enemy

Do you remember how our media and ruling elites told us, day after day, that Russia was our enemy, that they'd somehow "stolen the election"? Putin, clearly, wasnt just Lord of CHAOS but of SPECTRE as well. Hey, he was a KGB Colonel, unlike, say, Biden, who's never been anything other than a two-bit senatorial crook.

Regardless, what a risible, astroturf, manufactured, faked up agitprop crock. But maybe a Christian Russia, led by a Mass-going Orthodox Christian leader, Putin, is a threat. Yes, a threat to Baphomet's rainbow, globalist tyranny.

Russia, by the grace of God, is the one that got away from beneath the talons of the Bolshevik Beast. No wonder the anti-kingdom of the West hates it.

Your Friend,


The Masked Man


Joe Biden's easily the most popular US President in history, hands down. Over 80 million persyns cast their ballot for lovable "Old Joe," with his bright smile and twinkling eye. But disturbing photo analysis tells a different story. Could the Biden America loves be a masked imposter?

Photos from the 9/11 memorial event show what appears to be the  most popular president figure ever, Old Joe, flashing his signature smile. Closer examination says otherwise, revealing the pull tag of a mask at the imposter's right ear. 

Further analysis reveals the clear outline of a full-face mask, prompting insiders to state that the President we all voted for isn't "Honest Joe" but an animated cadaver wearing facial synthskin.

Yeah it's a shock," said one White House staffer on conditions of anonymity, "but that's not Biden. The Big Guy's been dead for years and we've been wheeling out this masked corpse. It moves and everything and looks like Joe, but it's just an animated corpse. It's really scary. DAARPA does the mask thing, they call it synthetic skin, synthskin, but maybe it's real, taking it [sic] from living humans.


Others sources report the Biden figure's just a body double in a plastic mask, fooling the world into thinking "Joe" actually runs America, for the sake of appearances.

Here at the Compound we have to ask, is our President a living human being, an imposter in a mask or a reanimated corpse?

You, the reader, be the judge,


Arkansas Sheriff Says No To Tyranny


Arkansas Shriff Chris Brown has refused to mandate COVID vaccinations for his department's employees, accusing the Federal Government of "absolute tyranny." Via Facebook:

Cleburne County Sheriff's Office - Arkansas

September 10, 2021

Re: COVID Vaccine Mandates

Since March of 2020, we have seen much controversy over COVID, mandates, restrictions, lockdowns, vaccines, and a number of other things. We have watched as this topic has divided families, friends, and coworkers. We have seen an unprecedented amount of division, hate, and contention among Americans. With the rollout of the COVID vaccines, that division has become more and more widened, and the vitriol more intense between those who believe in the vaccines, those who don’t, and those who are undecided.

As law enforcement officers, our first duty and what we swear an oath to, is to support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Arkansas. It is in that defense and the defense of individual liberty that the Cleburne County Sheriff’s Office has not, and will not mandate the COVID vaccine for any of our employees. Just like with the flu shot, their choice to get vaccinated or not is theirs and theirs alone, and we respect their decisions.

I am not pro-vaccine, and I am not anti-vaccine. I am pro-freedom, and I am for each person’s ability and responsibility to decide for themselves (in conjunction with their doctor) whether or not to get the vaccine.

I am appalled at some of the absolute dictator-like things we are seeing from the Federal Government, and several of the State Governments. It is absolute tyranny, and completely abhorrent. It flies in the face of everything our country has always stood for, and is only furthering the damage and division done to the people of this wonderful nation.

CS Lewis said this: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

It's time for our politicians and other public servants to stand up and remember that their first responsibility is to protect people’s rights, not to run their lives.

Sheriff Chris Brown

Well said, Sheriff,