Showing posts with label Eva Peron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eva Peron. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2023

La Cruz de Borgoña


You see, all Spanish speaking people are culturally Marxist and vote Democrat. Here, just look at this.

Beautiful Eva Peron in case you missed it

I rest my case,


Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Midweek Roundup


Typical Texas Street Scene

It's a hard life. When not watching inspirational videos of Eva Peron who could, per LL, launch several B 52s, it's all about Vespers or Evening Prayer.

Speaking of which, do you remember our bizarrely incompetent retreat from Afghanistan? How much money, we have to ask, was paid to the "big guy," and why aren't the people he paid in full control of the Panjshir Valley? Apparently they're not. "Ban, ban, Taliban," as the song goes.

Let's see how the resistance plays out. In other news, more and more people are getting sick from the vax, China's facing a Lehman moment and Biden's popularity is tanking, which is weird, coz he's the most popular president ever in the history of popularity. 

And lest we forget, the millionaire celebrities at the Emmys were exempt from masking because they're "performers." Quite unlike you, the serf. Maybe we need some frontier justice?

Your Old Pal,


Saturday, September 18, 2021

March Of The Morons


Biden, aka "The Corpse" is the most popular President ever, say morons. That in mind, I liked the Corpse's magic protective circles, like pentagrams but round, offering precisely zero protection to the unseen forces of evil. Have a look at the photo and do the alchemical math of moronicity.

S'up, boys? Off to a "nightclub"?

Then there's the great INSURRECTION of all those people who dared to question the US' time honored if moronic tradition of voter fraud. Good thing we put up barbed wire around the Capitol to protect our selfless pols from a faked up, moronic PR stunt today! Said every moron.

Note Commie Chorus and Masked Skirt Serf

But look at this. A socialist on a paltry 174k a year goes to a Met Gala event wearing a 30k dress, only to sit at a 200k+ table. She is unmasked, obviously, being a Democrat Elite, but her male maid isn't. He lifts her your-years-salary-skirts as a chorus of adoring commies cheer her on. Don't say moron, say follow the science.


OK, it does look a lot like moronism, but note. AOC's flashing an Imperial German Army salute. Is she a DAARPA construct, recruited by some dark money intel agency we will never, ever hear about? Is she /our girl, a White Hat, as opposed to a mere white dressed emblem of the ascendant moronocracy? Mysterium.

As always, you the reader be the judge,


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Inspirational Sundays

Well, well, well. Who's to blame for not one but two mass shootings right on the heels of the epic fiasco of the DNC debates? An old pal from the Rustbelt, aka Detroit, supplied the answer. It's the President's fault for "openly fomenting hatred of Latinos."

Flummoxed, I went right to the source, Eva Peron, "Did 45's brazen, literal racism towards people of color, towards mujeristas from the countries of Latin and South America, cause the tragedies of El Paso and Ohio?"

Eva replied with typical heart-winning candour.

Do not be ridiculous. These were crazies, freaks, a mental health issue. One, a deranged socialist and Devil worshiper who loved the so-called "Fauxchahontas," the other? An eco-nut. Deranged.
And why blame guns? Are they more deadly than in 1947? Why so many shootings now as opposed to then?  Is it the gun's fault? No, it is the person, the people, society. This has become sick."

Chastened, I returned to the City of God and pondered the devolution of the West. It's a strange and abhorrent thing to watch the collapse of an entire civilization unfold before your very eyes.


Monday, February 18, 2019

Melania The New Eva

This inconsequential and rarely read mind blog's been accused of provincialism and a weird focus on Jussie Smollett's luvvie hate crimes. 

So to set the record straight we're broadcasting Melania blasting socialism. Thanks, Adrienne, for the heads up.

Well done, First Lady.