Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biden. Show all posts

Monday, February 8, 2021

Dog Faced Pony Soldier


It ain't much, but it's honest work. And that's why I like it, in contrast to our nation's political probity. I mean really, does anyone, in their heart, believe Joe Biden won the election fair and square with more votes than any other candidate in history? 

Smart libs don't, but think themselves justified in the steal because Orange Man Such Nazi. Congratulate yourselves, progressives, when the Thought Stasi comes knocking at your door.

0400 hrs arrests aside, we live, I feel, in a world of deceit and lies. Of big money, lust for power and greed masking itself under the veneer of a pseudo civil rights movement. "Oh look! Now men can be womyn and have babies!" At last, at long last, the poor, downtrodden masses are free. Yes, to use the bathroom while reinventing themselves per Frankenstein. And on.

That in mind, I'm investing in the Peoples Currency, $DOGE. We set the price, and let's see it surge all the way to the Moon.

Your Friend,


Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Fog of Olde Texas


Mist, gentle rain, and the fog of war against our old enemy, The Weather. It's like Aberystwyth in June or Oxford in July but no, this is Texas. Not that I'm complaining, it's good to get some Skywater. Speaking of which, they say that if you collected all the rain that fell here you'd have enough water to last the year. So word to the wise, build cisterns for when the grid goes down and civic infrastructure with it.

In other news, the most popular Administration in the history of popularity's promised to "codify Roe v. Wade," thus making access to abortion the "law of the land" and the potential for SCOTUS to overturn Roe moot.

Gerard V. Bradley, a legal prof at Notre Dame, gives an excellent analysis at First Things, you can read the whole thing here. A snapshot:

If the Court were to recognize the unborn as the persons they are, then all the problems Roberts catalogued would disappear. For when the unborn are counted as “persons” equal to others, the universally applicable legal norms about justification and excuse would pertain to them too. In a certain sense, it would be business as usual; abortion would scarcely be a special case at all.

Let's see how this plays out and in the meanwhile, pray that the wickedness comes to an end. As it is, we have a group of vehemently anti-life politicians in control of our country. For them, the right to kill your child in the womb equates to sexual equality, and with it money and votes, a level playing field in the workplace between men and women. 

With abortion, both sexes are free to pursue careers and economic independence without all those inconvenient babies. And what are you worth if you're not out in the workplace earning money? 

Nothing, obviously, said no Marxist ever.



Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Sermon


This short sermon for Gaudete Sunday is a photograph. Draw the parable as you see it.



Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Follow The Science

Are you old enough to remember the catchy if smug election slogan follow the science? Here at the Compound we're all about science and discovered some startling scientific facts.

This is a woman. Science.

And this is an honest politician. Go on, ask Science.

Look, this isn't a baby. Thanks, Science.

And hey, here's a free and fair election, with no cheating, courtesy Science.

Compelling, eh? Check out this science.

Good old Science,


Monday, October 26, 2020

It Began to Rain


Yes, it's raining as I type this letter from the front, the front of our War Against The Weather (WATW). But unlike Wales, the Republic of Texas allows its citizens to leave their homes and buy things, or just drive around or even walk about outside. 

You can't do that in Wales because buying things, driving, and walking in the land of the leek will give you the China virus and then you'll die, except that you won't. Instead, you have to stay at home and work hard at not killing everyone in your miserable bedsit.

Can't Buy Things in Wales or You'll Die

In other news, the Isle of Wight has apparently become a Mohammedan pirate haven. Just yesterday an oil tanker was hijacked by bloodthirsty corsairs to the east of the mysterious island, forcing the fabled Special Boat Service (SBS) to board and seize the ship. They did so in 7 minutes, quick work by anyone's standard. Well done. Anonymous, if you were in on it, congratulations.

Left: Isle of Wight Pirate Haven. Right: Tanker Captured by Pirates Seen From Pirate Haven

Speaking of anonymous, one reader has questioned the reality of Clown Masses. Is this for real? Is seeing believing or some kind of twisted satire? No, it's all true and plays to the point that clowns have taken over the cathedral. Here, look at this, from from Southwark:

A Typical Worship Scene in Southwark Cathedral

But more on the ecclesial clown phenomena later. In the meanwhile, as warming chili simmers in the pot, I leave you with zombies.


Be safe, we're all in this together!



Sunday, October 25, 2020

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Presidential Debate


Did you watch Biden's scripted, stumbling, lying, fakey, fraudulent, unconvincing, pathetic, weak, pale, corrupt, inconsequential, China scripted attempt to debate Trump? Remember the sinister Urfa Man? 

Wow, that's your boy, Democrats. To say nothing of Alpha meets Beta.

E Pluribus,


Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Joe Biden Urfa Man


Did you watch last night's presidential debate? If so, you may have noticed the Grim Creeper's uncanny resemblance to Urfa Man. It was the eyes, staring out at you like dark, soulless obsidian. 

Never mind the insults, interruptions and outright deceit, look at the eyes set in a face of skin-stretched plastic surgery. The face is fake, the message is fake, a collection of media endorsed talking points, but the eyes are real, a window into the soul.

And what do they reveal? A void. A hollow candidate with nothing to say beyond worn out agitprop, Racist! Virus! Nazi! And all from what was once a man who used to boost segregationalist klansmen Senators. Back to Urfa Man. Trump's not fake, he is who is, good or ill.

Biden's something else again, unreal and inhuman, a career politician who's made millions from inside-the-beltway graft. Seriously, like a wicked game show host he's grown rich off the fat of the land. 

And as with the obsidian-eyed statue, he has no soul, he's hollow, his essence has been sold to the highest bidder, and what looks out at you is an ersatz facsimile of what used to be human.

To put it another way, he's a demonstrably corrupt, lying, phony, evil career politician, who's made millions of dollars through plying his faked-up trade. He's at it still, in his wired 78 year old dotage.

I ask you, what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Good question, eh?


Monday, September 28, 2020

C'mon Man! Yet More Elder Abuse And Thuggery


C'mon, Man, have you no pity? Good question but we have to ask why the Democrats aren't even pretending to campaign, much less running the most useless, pathetic, hollow, fake of a candidate in living memory.

Surely they don't know they'll lose and aren't hedging their bets on voter fraud or some kind of coup. Heaven forbid, and this raises a serious point.

Jacob Blake Dindu Nuthin

The Left hypocritically refused to accept the result of the last election and, on form, tell us they'll refuse to accept the result of this one if it goes against them. Don't concede under any circumstances, says Hillary to Joe.

Saint Breonna Dindu Nuthin

So much for liberty, representation and our constitutional republic. But they care nothing for that, they want power and want it badly, at any cost. Devil, literally, take the hindmost.

Angels we have heard on high Dindu Nuthin

Be prepared, when 45 becomes 46, for Democrat cities to burn themselves down. Natural selection? Quite. In the meanwhile, a black pimp is running law enforcement on the streets of Seattle.  He's a Street Czar, no kiddin, and they're paying the pimp $150k a year. You couldn't make it up if you tried.

Big Pimpin Dindu Nuthin

In the meanwhile, our Marxist necromancer friends at Black Lives Matter have been paid millions of dollars, conservatively, by guilt ridden opportunists and we have to ask; how much of that not inconsiderable amount of cash has been used to help the life of even a single black person in our country's multiple, Democrat run slums?

Monkey Dindu Somethin

I'm not a betting man, but I'll wager the fighting monkey against six of your priestesses that the sum's not a penny.

Guinea on the monkey, what?

Your Old Friend,


Monday, September 21, 2020

Elder Abuse and a Short Sermon

This is Joe Biden campaigning in Wisconsin today. His mask is upside down and inside out. As we reflect on this unsettling parable of elder abuse, here's Kim Klacik's latest:

Wow, you cared about black lives more than our own Democrat leaders. People like Joe, Hillary, Obama and the grand author of the welfare plantation himself, LBJ. To say nothing of their GOP partners in crime. 

Picture the massive sums of money they've made at the expense of the people they pretended and still pretend to serve; the mansions, jets, servants, the sheer power of the thing. 

With this in mind, do you remember the words of Christ? 

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? 


The devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 

Good luck Kim,

Your Friend,


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Pentagon UFO Disclosure

The Department of Defense has finally declassified three previously leaked UFO videos taken by US Navy aircrew in 2004 and 2015. Labelled FLIR, GOFAST and GIMBAL, the films show unidentified aerial craft performing maneuvers beyond the capability of known tech. So what are these UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) and why have they been declassified now?

In answer, no one knows, including the airmen who took the video, they're clearly baffled and excited by the strangeness of what they're seeing. But we can speculate: Hi-Tech ET's, space aliens, extra-dimensional beings, ourselves from the future, demons, random ACoC experiments in theology, secret government tech?

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream

Your call, though I gravitate towards secret government tech or ETs. After all, it can't be the Anglican Church of Canada (ACoC) as that left the planet long ago, and if demons they'd surely be more aggressive. Are they us from the future or another dimension/timeline? If so, are they condemned to a continuous temporal loop? Bad place to be, see Many Dimensions

And why official Navy/DOD/Pentagon imprimatur now? There they are, telling us there's unexplained flying objects in the atmosphere and there it is. Fact. What is this, phase one of Full Disclosure?

You be the judge and stay tuned.

Ad Astra,


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Empty Soulless Shills

It's Super Tuesday and what have we here? Three contenders for the DNC throne of total, absolute power. Yes, the presidential nomination itself. So just who are these people?

Joe Biden, handle Groper. Net worth $9 million, a Socialist. Supports up to birth abortion. Age: 77.

Bernie Sanders, aka The Bern. Net worth $2 million, a Socialist, kicked off the commune for thieving from fridges. Supports abortion to the point of birth. Age: 78.

Michael Bloomberg, street name Mini-Mike. Net worth: $64 billion, a dwarven Socialist who hates guns and has no soul. Supports abortion to the point of birth. Age: 78.

Which one of these millionaire, sorry, billionaire socialists will claim the prize? Money's on Biden unless, of course, Michelle decides to run. And will the Anarcho-Marxist Bernists decide to riot? Hey, bring it on. 

Michelle, age 56, has a sturdy socialist net worth of $70 million and she's married to an anointed God King to boot. Roll over, Joe, and let the big dogs in. 

Is Liawatha even in this thing? I forget.

Your Old Friend,


Friday, September 20, 2019

All The News That's Fit To Print

What a blizzard of news. Where to begin? Let's start with a superstar celebrity actor who identifies as female, millionaire socialist Megan Fox.

She's dismayed that her son's being bullied at school, which is why she persists in sending him there dressed as a girl. Smart or what, Megan, but that's not all. Canada's Premiere has been exposed as a serial blackfacer. 

Will Justin "Minstrel" Trudeau be dethroned from the Great White North's rainbow dais only to become Governor of Virginia? Time will tell.

Further afield, the US Navy, in a rare moment of candor, has admitted that three videos of UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) are real. Like no joke, here are these craft the Navy can't explain performing gymnastics in front of fighter pilots, and it's real. 

So where are they from? Good question, as is this. Will the comet that's approaching our solar system slow down when it gets here? If it does we might be glad of a powerful Space Force.

All this to say nothing of millions of children being taken out of school across the globe to have breakdowns about The Weather. Some call it child abuse, others wonder why the organizers love abortion, just think of the children. But here at the Compound we wonder how many weather strikers are boys, miserably forced to wear frocks by their witch mothers.

But not to worry, Biden's interests in the Ukraine are safe as leaking houses, the Wall's being built, and there's a rumor of rain in Texas.

Please, God, let this last thing be true.

Your Old Friend,


Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Democrat Slate

Nailed it? Via Armed And Dangerous:

How the D candidates would introduce themselves at the next debate if they were honest
Hi, I’m Joe Biden. I’m the perfect apparatchik – no principles, no convictions, and no plan. I’m senile, and I have a problem with groping children. But vote for me anyway because orange man bad.
Hi, I’m Kamala Harris. My white ancestors owned slaves, but I use the melanin I got from my Indian ancestors to pretend to be black. My own father has publicly rebuked me for the pandering lies I tell. I fellated my way into politics; put me into the White house so I can suck even more!
Hi, I’m Elizabeth Warren. Even though I’m as white as library paste, I pretended to be an American Indian to get preferment. My research on medical bankruptcies was as fraudulent as the way I gamed the racial spoils system. So you should totally trust me when I say I’m “capitalist to my bones”!
Hi, I’m Bernie Sanders. I honeymooned in the Soviet Union. I’m an unreconstructed, hammer-and-sickle-worshiping Communist.
Hi, I’m Kirsten Gillibrand. I used to be what passes for a moderate among Democrats – I even supported gun rights. Now I’ve swung hard left, and will let you just guess whether I ever had any issue convictions or it was just pandering all the way down. Tee-hee!
Hi, I’m Amy Klobuchar, and I’ve demonstrated my grasp on the leadership skills necessarily for the leader of the Free World by being notoriously abusive towards my staff.
Hi, I’m Robert Francis O’Rourke. I’m occupying the “imitate the Kennedy” lane in this race, and my credentials for it include DUI and fleeing an accident scene. The rumors that I’m a furry are false; the rumors that I’m a dimwitted child of privilege are true. But vote for me anyway, crucial white-suburban-female demographic, because I have such a winning smile!
Hi, I’m Pete Buttigieg. I was such a failure as the mayor of South Bend that my own constituents criticize me for having entered this race, but the Acela Corridor press loves me because I’m fashionably gay. And how right they are; any candidate you choose is going to bugger you up the ass eventually, but I’ll do it like an expert!
Hi, I’m Bill de Blasio. I’m as Communist as Bernie, but I hide it better. And if Pete thinks his constituents don’t want him in this race? Hold…my…beer!
Hi, I’m Cory Booker, and I’m totally not gay. OK, maybe I’m just a little gay. My city was a shithole when I was elected and I’ve done nothing to change that; I’m really just an empty suit with a plausible line of patter, especially the “I am Spartacus” part. But you should totally vote for me because I’m…what was the phrase? Oh, yeah. “Clean and articulate.”
Hi, I’m Marianne Williamson. If elected, I will redecorate the White House so it has proper feng shui. I am the sanest and least pretentious person on this stage.

Here at the Compound we hope you appreciate this lighthearted satire.

Your Progressive Pal,


Friday, April 26, 2019

Fly The Flag

It seemed right to upgrade the flags at the compound and that's exactly what happened, prompting one noted nature theologian to comment:

#porch #MAGA
Like, make America great again... by giving back to the STATES their rightful SOVEREIGNTY.
I'm looking at you, "Biden" and Bootyjugjug.

Sounds like a Cause, eh?

States Rights,


Thursday, November 9, 2017


I know, you're thinking this is a post about the exotic Tooth Djinn, Huma Abedin, whose hopes for power were shattered by the repellent Weiner. 

Then again, maybe you think it's about Huma's special friend, the Old Crone, who was renowned for her fine teeth before she found herself "lost in the woods."

Or perhaps you're thinking it's about Joe "Trans" Biden, whose prize winning teeth were thwarted of presidential ambition when their billionaire backer, Prince Wally, got himself thrown in the Ritz slammer thanks to the Magic Kingdom's recent night of long knives.

 Good call, vast international readership but not so fast. Because this well known mind blog isn't remotely narcissistic, the teeth in question belong to me, kind of. It started back in January when I pulled myself together and marched into a catastrophically expensive dentist.

"Holy Horseman," he announced like a cowboy, "I'm gonna have to weld those sonsabitches together in case you sneeze and blow your teeth all over the cabin of that plane to London!" He did, and I managed a trip to England without losing the all important front runners. They stood firm, like our brave men at Waterloo or Jackson at Bull Run.

Once back in the Lone Star State, I dodged the Maseratis to get into the dental clinic. "Why howdy! They all gotta go," was the cheerful verdict and damning xray evidence backed it up. There was all kinds of infection lurking around the sturdy jawline. And that's bad because it can mysteriously navigate down to the heart and kill you, stone dead.

So out came the few remaining ivories, in went a couple of implants and on popped a set of falsies and a couple of bottles of synthetic opium. Opioids, they call it and apparently they're a scourge. Just see the video page of this blog and you'll see, QED.

Since then, life has been mostly about driving to Dallas to get the teeth seen to and today was no exception. You see, readers, getting bionic teeth replacement may sound like a walk in the park but it isn't. Still, thanks to the Diocese of Fort Worth it's possible. Thank you, Bishop Iker, 100%.
I file this story under "teeth in rural and not so rural Texas."

God bless,


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The New Despotism

I know. This so-called blog is a frivolous mixture of clowns, guns, side-swipes at random mountebanks and anything else I care to get into. But here's some serious thought, from Guido De Ruggiero, summarizing Tocqueville:

“As compared with old-fashioned personal despotism, this new despotism which is growing up in the democratic nations of our day is more sweeping and less painful; it degrades men without torturing them. It expresses itself through an absolute State power, detailed, uniform, provident, and mild, which would be paternal had it been designed to prepare men for a life of maturity; but its true intention is to arrest them permanently at the stage of infancy.”

Ruggiero was writing in the 1920s, Tocqueville in the 1830s and I'd say both are right on the money today.

Thanks, DC, for that.
