Showing posts with label #MillSoc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #MillSoc. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Snake Demon or Just Another Millionaire Socialist?

Socialist Nancy Pelosi's estimated net worth is over $100 million making her one of America's richest politicians. Which is interesting because her salary as Speaker of the House is $223,000. 

Is Nancy a Snake Demon or just another run-of-the-mill Millionaire Socialist, or both?

You be the judge,


Friday, October 11, 2019

A Savage Twist

The ongoing War Against the Weather (WAW) took a sudden and savage twist last night. Yes, we'd been lulled into a false sense of security by warm sunny skies, and no rain, what was that, skywater? It was like being in California but without the weird gun laws, the needles, the freaks and the mosques, an Indian Summer we thought would never end. Then Boom.

Around 19:00 a fierce, chill wind kicked in from the east, thunder began to rumble and the first drops of rain fell on the Compound. The opening salvo, a foretaste of things to come, and followed all too soon by barrage after barrage of increasingly elemental fury 'til the house shook with the roar of it.

Blue Eschaton took it all in stride and laid down on a Moslem rug in the living room while I watched the celestial fireworks through the glass of the front door, listening to rain lash against the wooden walls of the house. 

It was like being in Aberystwyth, except this is Texas and accordingly larger, wilder, more ominous. Will the Compound survive, I wondered, idly gazing at a handy shotgun propped up next to a couple of obviously useful fishing rods.

Good question, so I went out on the front porch and stood there, resolute, Ahab against the storm. "Thank God I'm armed," I muttered grimly while lightning arced across the sky and flags whipped in the wind.

This continued well into morning, while our Old Enemy the Weather launched assault after assault on the freedom loving people of North Central Texas. Were we defeated? No, we were not, the Compound stands to fight again another day.

And this message is for you, Irish Bob, Beto O'Rourke. You will never be President and you and your millionaire socialist friends will not succeed in taking our guns and erasing our faith. Freedom to bear arms and freedom of religion is written into the DNA of this country, not least Texas. Mess with that and take your choice.

Aggressively yours,


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Minneapolis Resistance!

Everyone knows that President Trump went to Minnesota today for an epic America First rally, 20,000 people inside the stadium and even more outside. But it wasn't a one way street, protesters turned up too. The Compound's Minneapolis Bureau Chief, Dr. Swankenstein, was there to report.

Overhearing the "resistance" conversation is hilarious. Totally predictable, institutional Leftspeak, "Systemic systems of institutional patriarchy marginalizing oppressed LGBTQ indigenous persons of color. Love not hate!" Orange Man Bad, Orange Man Bad, blah, blah, blah, it's all commie buzzwords.

You (LSP) have been right all along, this IS a battle of good v. evil. These people are deranged. Minneapolis is a blue town, but get outside the city and it's red from corner to corner.

I think I'll move to Duluth, it's big enough to have all the amenities of a city, but it's rural enough to be a conservative town. And the outdoor life there is outstanding.

These people are truly in a cult. It's pouring rain right now so I'm leaving for the nearest bar. There are thousands of these freaks on the streets, and so much hate.

How do they have zero self-awareness, no sense of irony? Check out the Amazing Polly on how the Left is a cult, it's outstanding.

Thank you Dr. Swankenstein, keep the news flowing. We predict 45 will flip Minnesota red because, you know, the people of the state are sick of being sold out to China by a gang of Millionaire Socialist, asset-stripping oligarchs. To say nothing of the gender fluid washing out of Little Somalia, sorry, Minneapolis.

We will win this fight,


Friday, September 20, 2019

All The News That's Fit To Print

What a blizzard of news. Where to begin? Let's start with a superstar celebrity actor who identifies as female, millionaire socialist Megan Fox.

She's dismayed that her son's being bullied at school, which is why she persists in sending him there dressed as a girl. Smart or what, Megan, but that's not all. Canada's Premiere has been exposed as a serial blackfacer. 

Will Justin "Minstrel" Trudeau be dethroned from the Great White North's rainbow dais only to become Governor of Virginia? Time will tell.

Further afield, the US Navy, in a rare moment of candor, has admitted that three videos of UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon) are real. Like no joke, here are these craft the Navy can't explain performing gymnastics in front of fighter pilots, and it's real. 

So where are they from? Good question, as is this. Will the comet that's approaching our solar system slow down when it gets here? If it does we might be glad of a powerful Space Force.

All this to say nothing of millions of children being taken out of school across the globe to have breakdowns about The Weather. Some call it child abuse, others wonder why the organizers love abortion, just think of the children. But here at the Compound we wonder how many weather strikers are boys, miserably forced to wear frocks by their witch mothers.

But not to worry, Biden's interests in the Ukraine are safe as leaking houses, the Wall's being built, and there's a rumor of rain in Texas.

Please, God, let this last thing be true.

Your Old Friend,


Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Black Rifle Beto Blow Out!

Do you remember Millionaire Socialist Irish Bob "Beto" telling America that he'd confiscate your deadly assault rifles when he gets to be President? 

Gun shop owners across the nation certainly did, and weren't slow to offer cut-price Beto blowouts on AR 15s and AK 47s. 

Thanks to Beto's marketing genius, guns are flying off the shelves as semi-auto, gas-gun mania grips the hearts, minds and pocketbooks of freedom loving Americans everywhere. And who can blame them?

Why spend more on one of these modular, adaptable, handy, easy to shoulder, these days accurate, annoying to clean but fun to shoot liberty rifles than you have to? And that's where the famous Beto discount kicks in. 

Thanks to Irish Bob we can all add to our existing armories at hundreds off the regular price, allowing the smart shooter to invest in more ammunition and further firearms. Useful when the SHTF, right? So well done, Irish Bob, you've done us all a favor.

But seriously, why is it that pretty much everything the Libleft proposes or enacts produces the exact opposite of its stated effect? It's like some kind of axiom.

Gun rights,


Friday, August 23, 2019

#MillSoc Mountebanks

Millionaire socialists Barack and Michelle Obama, estimated net worth $135 million, loved their seaside summer rental so much they decided to buy it, for less than $14.85 million. 

That's right, this socialist paradise of a summer house, featuring seven guest rooms, servants quarters and so much more, costs less than $15 million. And it's a prime oceanfront property.

But wasn't global warming going to raise sea levels, flooding out the coasts? Wow, that's really serious, like War on Weather serious, which is why Barack said this in his 2015 State of the Union address, "No challenge – no challenge – poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change."

Yeah, that's why you bought a mansion on the Atlantic coast, you #MillSoc mountebank. But hey, at least it cost less than $15 million so when the waves wash it all away, not so bad. Plenty more cash where that came from, and we have to wonder. 

"There’s only so big a house you can have,” said Barack to South Africa,  “There’s only so many nice trips you can take. I mean, it’s enough.” Quite.

Leaving aside egregious #MillSoc hypocrisy, are the Obamas corrupt, ignorant, deluded, living-in-a-bubble liars, or all that together? Have they reached Marie Antionette (RIP) levels of hubris? Your call. 

And their multi-million dollar house is common.



Friday, August 16, 2019

Regime Change?

Some say we need to sort out Puerto Rico first. Here at the Compound we say, "Whatever, let's have that island."

Nothing Says Green Like A Gulfstream

Speaking of which, the noted millionaire socialist, Illuminati celebrity couple, Prince Harry and Meghn are back from well needed R&R in Ibiza. You know, 'coz nothing says Green like a Gulfstream.

Come A Long Way From The D List

So what? So a lot. How dare these outrageously rich, and by extension powerful people, be such canting, commie, leftist, elite, champagne SJW hypocrites instead of working to make the world a better place. As in leading instead of goofing off to leftist platitude.

Proles Partying in Ibiza, Spot Harry & Megynn

Which they could do, given their cash, influence and standing. But no, all these Illuminati shills are apparently capable of is turning an anointed monarchy into a laughing stock. That, to me, is outrageous.

Go Green On A Gulfstream

Harry, sort it out, or others will for you.

Regime change?


Saturday, August 10, 2019

Epstein's Dead

Millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's dead.

The camera that was supposed to be watching him malfunctioned?

How very convenient.

To put it another way, don't mess with the Clintons.

But has Epstein's case, in which the rich and powerful are implicated in sex orgies with underage girls, gone away?

Good question,


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Beto's A Furry

OK, so you've got three enormous screws in your hip, whaddya do? Hop, literally, into the rig and drive to Dallas. Gotta change it up. The next day, mission accomplished, swing by 7/11 for early morning coffee and donuts. Take pics of the neighborhood while you're at it, such is the marvel of modern technology.

And why not, the old place looks pretty good. Well done Ma LSP for getting a house here back when you could afford them without being some kind of big tech, MillSoc mountebank. 

That in mind, a few months back all these $500k+ bungalows were awash with Beto signs. Remember him, Beto? Confused? Me too, so I reached out to a member of the community for clarification. What is this "Beto?"

"Beto? He's a washed-out has-been that never really was. Like an imaginary faux Mexican sandwich that somebody forgot to make. I was looking forward to Wonderbread but all I got was this ersatz Irish stew faked up as charro beans with hot sauce. And he's a Furry."

Whoa, a Furry?!? What's a Furry? The internet says this:

A furry is a fictional (make-believe) animal character who has human traits, like walking on two legs or talking. People who like this art are also called furries, and together they make up the furry fandom. Another word for furry is anthropomorphic, which means "people-like."

Beto failed to seize control of Texas because no one wanted to vote for a Furry. Now he's pitching at the Presidency. Will his bizarre blend of faux mex meets faux fur meets MillSoc Irish rich boy make it at the polls?

You decide,


Monday, August 5, 2019


Watch this inspirational video and ask yourselves why our MillSoc, rainbow riding, globalist overlords don't like Russia. The same country that got away from under the talons of the Beast and's building 1000+ churches a year. Hope for us all?

Speaking of which, some think the Ukraine was supposed to be the start of a "color revolution" that'd overthrow Putin and install an  Illuminati LGTBQTI++ regime in the Kremlin. Hillary had nothing whatsoever to do with that, obviously.

God bless,


Friday, August 2, 2019

Behold Your MillSoc Rulers!

Everyone knows that the billionaire leftists that run Google invited their rich-beyond-your-wildest-dreams friends to Sicily to get it together and talk climate change.

Prince "Barefoot" Harry, Obama, superstar pop genius diva Katy Perry, Leonardo "Bear" Di Caprio, you name it. All flew to the sunny Med in their private jets and yachts to talk about how you, the proles, can stop polluting the environment.

Easy solution. You aren't allowed to travel because guess what? Your wages'll be so low because of immigrant labor and asset stripping that you won't be able to afford a flight, much less a yacht. Like, how dare you pollute the planet, serf?

In the meanwhile, our Millionaire Socialist overlords cavort and play, unless they're Epstein. He's in jail without bail, let's pray this encouraging trend continues.

Lock them up,


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Life's Not Easy In The Village Of The Damned

Mueller's testimony was supposed to be a special moment of triumph, a death blow to Orange Man Bad. A hearing like no other, leading to Trump's impeachment and indictment for being literally Hitler, a brazen Russian spy. But no, it didn't work out that way.

"Caught off Guard, Mumbling, Bumbling, Stuttering, Confused, Doddering, Nervous — COMPLETELY LOST!"  shouted The Gateway Pundit, "Dazed And Confused," announced Drudge. "Stumbling, bumbling, unclear, dithering," commented Piers Morgan, and on.

In short, the Democrats' star turn was such an epic fail that even the libs had to admit as much. Here's Michael Moore:

What a disaster, the President just keeps on winning. Unlike his NWO, Illuminati, abortionist, open borders, Arkanciding, spirit cooking, comshill, MillSoc opposition. And it wasn't supposed to be that way, Satan promised better things, like a successful coup and mansions all 'round. 

Well hey, whoever said life'd be easy in the Village of the Damned? 
