Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Life's Not Easy In The Village Of The Damned

Mueller's testimony was supposed to be a special moment of triumph, a death blow to Orange Man Bad. A hearing like no other, leading to Trump's impeachment and indictment for being literally Hitler, a brazen Russian spy. But no, it didn't work out that way.

"Caught off Guard, Mumbling, Bumbling, Stuttering, Confused, Doddering, Nervous — COMPLETELY LOST!"  shouted The Gateway Pundit, "Dazed And Confused," announced Drudge. "Stumbling, bumbling, unclear, dithering," commented Piers Morgan, and on.

In short, the Democrats' star turn was such an epic fail that even the libs had to admit as much. Here's Michael Moore:

What a disaster, the President just keeps on winning. Unlike his NWO, Illuminati, abortionist, open borders, Arkanciding, spirit cooking, comshill, MillSoc opposition. And it wasn't supposed to be that way, Satan promised better things, like a successful coup and mansions all 'round. 

Well hey, whoever said life'd be easy in the Village of the Damned? 




LL2 said...

The bumbling, stuttering, Mueller, who must be as old as poor old Joe (Slow Joe) Biden, was never ready for prime time. He was a third stringer who wasn't ready to investigate anything. And it showed. The hearing was a sad benediction to the career of a man who worked in the most responsible jobs in the land.

And the New World Order took another solid hit.

But Fat Ronnie Nadler and Shifty Adam Shift have sworn to solder onward toward impeachment, fueled by George Soros' money, and other donations from Trump haters.

Adrienne said...

I watched one little clip. It was scary. I have no interest in any of this Kabuki theater. None!

Jim said...

I hate to think how much money was squandered on this whole business. Now if it had been spent investigating a certain former Secretary of State, it could have been wrapped up more quickly, cheaply, and with a sure conviction.

Infidel de Manahatta said...

......and to think my moral and intellectual superiors here at CBS news all felt sorry for Mueller: "Look at him! His feelings are hurt! His integrity has been questioned!"

Integrity? In the swamp?

LindaG said...

Except they (Clintons) know where everyone and everything is buried, so it will never happen.

LSP said...

I like this newer, kinder, gentler persona, LL2!

As I see it, Satan keeps promising them all this stuff, and they take the bait.

In the process they're driven insane by their dark lord's infernal logic. The Devil sees this, "What use are these demented fools?!?" He asks.

And discards his broken toys.

LSP said...

Such rubbish, Adrienne, but what a dem disaster. They need to hire more and better PR.

Not that they will, doubling down on demented's their method.

LSP said...

Jim, maybe Eppy will help with that, if he survives...

LSP said...

Linda, I really hope you're wrong. But fear you're right.

LSP said...

Infidel, you're a brave soul working in that hotbed of iniquity.

What's "CBS"?