Sunday, July 28, 2019


One of the problems with Baltimore is that it's a crime-infested, trash-filled, urban hellhole warzone where some 190 people have been killed this year.

Mr. Newman, in his classic '70s pop hit, states "the city's dying and it don't know why." Wrong, Randy. We know full well, NWO Illuminati asset-strippers allied with their useful idiots on the left did it or to put it simply, Black Caucus.

Trump called Elijah Cummings on this the other day and got pasted a racist for daring to criticize the rodent infested rathole that's presided over by a person of color. C'mon, who's fooled. That's not racist, more like realist. So look to your district, Cummings. 

But do you think he's capable? Here's a photo.

Your best friend,



Ed Bonderenka said...

Bernie agrees:

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Racist is not calling out bums, who are bums, because of their ethnicity.

LL said...

Baltimore is said to be the 'City that God Abandoned'.

But it's not just Baltimore. The same can be said of many American inner city hells where people of color call the shots for and in behalf of the Democrat Party, which has a vested interest in keeping people poor, miserable, and voting Democrat. When poor, miserable people are dependent on government allotments, and are threatened by their masters that if they vote another way, all that largess will be taken away, they vote out of fear. Sure, the dead vote too in those places as corruption reigns supreme.

Baltimore is a plantation society run by black people. The same can be said of many slum cities in the US. But it's not just corrupt black politicians, it's the cynical detritus of President Johnson's Great Society.

President Trump's economic reforms may even reach to those dark, rat infested places, given time. Jobs and dignity can be returned to people by an economy that 'floats all boats'. And that fills the deep state with unimaginable dread.

Fredd said...

How come Baltimore gets all the attention as a crime infested hell hole? Chicago is just as much a hell hole if not worse. With a new progressive mayor (what other kind is there), the body count each week is the same as under all of the old progressive mayors: lots and lots of dead bodies, wounded bodies, mugged citizens and burglarized residences.

Baltimore ain't got nothin' on Chicago. We want a 'hell-hole - off.' Bring it, Baltimore.

Kid said...

The only thing Cummings is capable of doing is stealing money.