Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fish Fry

"Hey, Padre, good news and bad news," went the early morning text. You see, these days churchpeople tend to text instead of call and in fairness it takes ring-tone beastliness out of your morning coffee, so I'm not complaining. 

The bad news? Someone had to stay in hospital an extra day or two, she's eager to be out, and the good news was a ticket for the FFA (Future Farmers of America) fish fry. Would it be welcome relief from the National Menstrual Equality Day or a trial?

So, after a hard day's sweating over a hot computer I drove off to find out. Turns out it was good, it felt great to be in the countryside and see my friend's place, it's been awhile. I asked him, "How's it been?" and he replied, "Busy, busy, and busy." 

I told him I was "busy learning to walk again," which he seemed to like, "You're doing pretty dang good at that. Could've been doing pretty dang bad." We parted ways, he had work to do, organizing the operation.

And I tell you, what a good crew of straight-up people having fun in the clean country air of a Texan evening, everyone getting convivial and taking it easy, the food was delicious too. But then it was time to leave JM's not inconsiderable Compound and head back to mine in the light of the setting sun. I won't say it wasn't beautiful because it was.

There was a time when I'd have laughed and accused you of being a deluded fool if you'd said I'd end up in rural Texas. God, it seems, is full of surprises.

Your Friend,


Friday, October 18, 2019

Feast of St. Luke

You're probably finding it hard to tear your eyes away from the revolt in Spain, Brexit in England and here in the US, the Star Chamber of Secrecy which is working desperately behind closed doors to destroy the President and overthrow an election. 

Why the Star Chamber furore? Because 45's a Ukrainian Crime Lord, apparently, unlike say, the Bidens or Nancy Pelosi's son. All this to say nothing of ongoing unrest in Hong Kong where you'll see more US flags than at any Democrat debate, cubed. Seriously, do these people hate our country?

By way of antidote, reflect on St. Luke, whose Feast is today.  He was a physician, a healer, a close friend and disciple of the great Paul and loved Our Lady. Tradition has it that he drew the first portrait of Mary, making him an artist as well as a doctor. 

Of course physical and spiritual healing go together and we see this outwardly in the life of Luke, to say nothing of inwardly in his Gospel and Acts. It's summed up in the Collect:

ALMIGHTY God, who didst inspire thy servant Saint Luke the Physician, to set forth in the Gospel the love and healing power of thy Son; Manifest in thy Church the like power and love, to the healing of our bodies and our souls; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Have a blessed Feast and may the powerful intercession of Luke and Our Lady come to our aid.

Love not hate,


Thursday, October 17, 2019

Tree Top Flyer Best Version Ever

Because this shallow mind blog's all about CSNY, here's what we at the Compound think is the best version of Mr. Stills' Tree Top Flyer. Perhaps there's better, if so, send it on.

C Troop 6-6 Cavalry? Respect.


Magnum Mysterium!

I drove to Waco this morning to visit the sick in hospital and by some miracle didn't end up in hospital myself, given the driving on I35. All well and good, even though I wasn't able to visit the remarkable, awesome, amazing, Magnolia Moneyspinner Rip-Off Silos. 

People travel from all over America to visit the Silos. Why? It's a mystery, and when I got back to the Compound I found another. Here it is.

Who could possibly have done such a thing? Did some intruder, possibly a Ukrainian, break in and attempt a little quid pro quo, a little legal-pad-shredding malfeasance only to be chased off by a ferocious Blue Guard? Or was there another culprit?

Perhaps, readers, we need a closed door inquiry.



Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hippies Stole My Boat

Yeah, right, it's all "peace and love" 'til the nearest hippie rips off your boat. What then? 

Southern cross.

Your Friend,


Snake Demon or Just Another Millionaire Socialist?

Socialist Nancy Pelosi's estimated net worth is over $100 million making her one of America's richest politicians. Which is interesting because her salary as Speaker of the House is $223,000. 

Is Nancy a Snake Demon or just another run-of-the-mill Millionaire Socialist, or both?

You be the judge,


Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cadet Update

Far-sighted readers of this inconsequential mind-blog might recall that my eldest boy walked away from a life of Canadian basements and Scandanavian Death Metal to a life in the US Army and, presumably, yet more Death Metal. Good call, kid, and he's in Basic right now at Fort Benning. How's it going?

Well, it seems. The kid's in White Phase, which is all about weapons and fitness, and he shot "expert." The Cadet wrote, "I can shoot an M4, apparently." 

And so you should. No excuses, only results, not that there's any, ahem, parental pressure. He can also run, he tells me, which is important in the Infantry and a miracle given sheer laziness leading up to his ordeal in Georgia. But hey, 19 years old and ready to go, well done.

Some kids, he writes, are so unfit they have to be recycled through BCT again, how did they get past the recruiters? Quotas, I'd imagine. Regardless, the boy's doing well and respect, he's made a good turn 'round. I do not say that lightly.


Next step? Blue Phase and Graduation, I'll be driving over to the Army in Georgia for the occasion. Of course he's fixing to go jump school... easy tiger.

God bless,


Monday, October 14, 2019

Peak Degeneracy?

This is GQ's New Masculinity issue. You've probably seen it and scratched your head wondering how some simperer dressed up in a sleeping bag dress counts as masculine. Good question.

Here at the Compound we think what used to be called Western Civilization's getting close to peak degeneracy, and reached out to readers to see if they agreed. Here's a sample.

"It's horrid. Ridiculous. And obscene. #SATAN running amok." Strong words from MW, who's a stylist in Dallas. GBW, writing from Georgia had this to say, "So hot and beautiful and awesome. Kill it with fire."

GQ stands for "Gentlemen's Quarterly." Some kind of joke? Feel free to disagree.

Your Old Pal,


Happy Columbus Day!

Here at the Compound we'd like to wish everyone a happy Columbus day as we celebrate the discovery of America by the great explorer and navigator. 

Of course the Left's outraged by the heroic Captain and want to turn Columbus Day into the catchy, let's party, Indigenous Peoples Day. Who knows, maybe they'll get their way and we'll all be dancing beneath the jolly old Skull Wall this time next year.

Speaking of which, the Conquistadors certainly had their faults but human sacrifice and cannibalism weren't amongst them.



Sunday, October 13, 2019

Church of England Seekers Flock to Hill in Thailand

It may sound like science fiction but UFO seekers are flocking to a hill in northwest Thailand in the hope of spotting the venerable if illusive Church of England. They say it's the same old rock and a journey.

"We use a crocodile-infested lake as a portal from their planets, " said one user, "Pluto and Loku. And while it may sound like science fiction, messages from aliens arriving in spaceships include plenty of off-beat if culturally normative religious teachings too -- yes, I believe they are actually from the Church of England."

"It's all happening three hours by road or rail north from Bangkok in Nakhon Sawan, there it is, the Church of England," opined another church-watcher, "which translates to 'Not The City of Heaven.'" Others aren't too sure.

"Without all the UFO hype, it's just a laid-back small town, risible joke," said a local expert, "But followers believe that if you meditate on Khao Kala hill, outside of Nakhon Sawan, you'll hear the talkative silver bishops as voices in your head, speaking whatever language your thoughts usually chatter. Ignore them."

Ignore them? As you were.

Ad Astra,


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Have We Devolved?

Such was America in 1962, via Borepatch. Ha, ha, but pretty much innocent and edifying with it. You can imagine the Bolshevik  revolutionaries at Columbia U snarling at the bourgeois excrescence of it all, and their seething hatred of mainstream America, an America which stood between them and a Marxist Utopia.

Flash forward to today.

Haven't we devolved. And look how the radical Left has shifted their gaze from the working class, which they've sold out to China and to, yes, trannies.

Here at the Compound we argue that if you can't see through this BS you're seriously blind.
