Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gun rights. Show all posts

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Go For A Shoot

It's important to get the young 'uns shooting, so we loaded up the rig with guns and headed for the range. A CZ 20 SxS, an AR15, a Chicom SKS and a Ruger American .22. 

First things first, try out the shotgun against the clays. Sling 'em up and shoot 'em, at least that's the theory,  the initial praxis? Pathetic. But we warmed up and got on target well enough and I have to say, I'm a total convert to 20s. Swift, easy on the shoulder and guess what, they work. 

Some call them "girl guns" because they don't have the roar and weight of a 12. This misguided opinion is an error.

Next up, the SKS. Big fun to shoot and a proper little blaster; metal plates took a beating from this workmanlike tool of the revolution. Plenty of power behind that stubby little 7.62x39 round, designed in 1943.

But the AR15 seems light and nimble compared. This one made quick work of soda cans and steel plates. Its Primary Arms red dot was on, apparently, nice.

We finished up with some .22 plinking which seemed tame in comparison, but don't scoff. Rounds down range are rounds down range, and these connected against steel with great satisfaction.

Then it was time to head for home in the setting Texan sun, a good job well completed.

Don't fear the reaper,


Monday, November 26, 2018

Cooking With LSP -- Cyber Monday Pie

"Oh, cooking with LSP, where's that on the spectrum?" Good question. First things first, get a gun and put it on the table, I use a Glock 21 but that's just me. You might prefer a revolver, a Sig, a CZ or a Beretta. Up to you.

Next, boil up leftover beef bones or beef ends, the fatty, gristly stuff you don't want to eat. Add salt and pepper, you're making stock. Let it boil then reduce to a simmer for around an hour or so until the fat's rendering. You'll want around 2 cups worth.

While the stock's doing its thing, chop up an onion, a leek, a carrot or two and peel 4 or 5 cloves of garlic. Don't crush or mince the garlic, this isn't some kind of Macronite, faux Napoleon, globalist assault on traditional value. 

No, throw the whole cloves into the tin with the rest of the veg. Add olive oil and a few tablespoons of butter. Pour a cup+ of beef stock over the veg, then put that bad boy in the oven at 400* to roast. Why?

Because it'll taste good, trust me. Let the veg roast for around an hour, 'til it's starting to char, In the meanwhile, cube up some leftover roast beef, as much as you like, set it aside. 

Boil up a couple of carrots and set them aside, slice some mushrooms in half or leave 'em whole if they're small. Set them aside too. Well done, you're nearly there, so have a glass of wine or seltzer water, your choice. I chose wine.

Thirst assuaged, make a poor man's roux. I use 4 tbls of butter, flour, salt and pepper and a cup of milk+. Cook it up and behold the roux magically thicken, then pour in 1 1/2 cups of stock. Add more stock if needed, up to you.

Stir it 'round like a champion. Add the roast veg, beef, and mushrooms, stir and let simmer for a good 30 minutes. You'll see the roux change color from cream to brown. Such is cooking.

While the beast's simmering away and consolidating like a battle group about to go over the start line, roll out some pasty. I cheat and use pre-made and here's the orthodoxy; don't use puff pastry in a beef pie, use the other sort. But I like the rainbow riding puff, it tastes better. Whatever, your call.

Pastry rolled, pour the simmering awesomeness of beef and veg into a deep pie dish. Stand back and consider the completion of this phase of the advance. Perhaps play some baroque fanfares, up to you. Chivalric reverie over, don't say Agincourt, place the rolled out dough over the mix.

Decorate the in potentia pie crust with leftover dough, then glaze with egg white and put the whole thing in the oven at 375* for as long as it takes, around an hour.

Take it out, let it rest, and eat your scoff like...


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Going To A Gun Shop

Deadly assault rifles are a lot of fun, no doubt about it but they have their problems. They get dirty, just for a start, and then there's all these bits that keep the beasts together. Like the firing pin retaining pin. 

Broken, Useless

Lose that bit and you're in trouble, the same holds if the annoying thing breaks, which is exactly what happened to one of mine. There it was, a broken pin. Useless.

Fun Guns is Fun

To put it right I drove to Fun Guns in Waco instead of ordering the part on the information superhighway. Partly because I didn't want to wait and also because I figured it'd be fun to go to a store that wasn't Walmart. And Fun Guns is just what it says it is, full of fun guns.

Unbroken, Useful

Pistols, deadly assault rifles in several calibers, a few bolt actions and shotguns, optics, barrels, lower and upper receivers for AR builds, triggers, parts, ammo and all kinds of neat stuff. The people that run it are friendly too and don't have the rude, condescending attitude you meet in some gun shops. I like that.

Back Together Again

So I bought a few pins and a sling swivel, miraculously resisting the strong temptation to buy an S&W .357 Magnum, a new scope and an AK. These things will have to wait. And guess what? The new pin fits like a champ.


Thanks, Fun Guns, you make Waco a better place.

Shoot on,


Saturday, November 3, 2018

Get Out And Shoot

For a shooter you sure don't seem to shoot much, so-called "LSP." Good point, I hear the criticism, it's constructive. To put things right I loaded some guns into the rig and headed off for the country.

That journey took all of 10 minutes and there it was, the sylvan path to the glory that is rounds down range. I always think there'll be some kind of random game on this trail and a shot of opportunity but there never is, so far.

Instead, there was a mass tangle of fallen trees and brush blocking the path, the weather's been fierce here. I scouted it out; there wasn't a way to get clear short of a chainsaw and I wasn't going to risk the truck in the waterlogged clay of the fields. It's embarrassing to ask people to pull you out, so I parked up and walked in.

The grass was high, the sky was big and the shooting house had been blown over by tornado force wind. Whatever, I set up at the bench with a Desmond, a  Glock and a carbine.

First things first, the plates took a beating, so did the soda cans and, in the end, some reactive targets someone had left behind. At first I was shooting ironically high left, but sorted it out when I remembered the Desmond Tutu was zeroed at 100 yards and I was shooting at 50.

Tutu over, it was time to give the .45 a spin and it did famously, the elegant, workmanlike simplicity of Austrian engineering swinging the plates like fury. Satisfying. But what about the AR?

This one's a hybrid, an ancient CMMG lower and BCG married to a Bison Arms Barrel, Fortis lightweight hand guard, topped off with a cheap Primary Arms red dot. 

Odds and ends by Magpul. Well, the little beast shot like a champ, I was pleased.

Then it was time to head back to the Compound after an armed stroll through the grassy plains and big sky of Texas.

Gun rights,


Saturday, September 1, 2018

A Clean Gun Is A Happy Gun

Remember, if you don't clean the filthy beasts they don't work. To that end, here's a short inspirational video.

As you were, 


Saturday, August 4, 2018

What's Wrong With You?

Readers, all two of you, why is our art and architecture so ugly, why are the values, traditions and mores of our culture held in derision and more than that, attacked right down to the fundamentals? 

Why is gender, biology, family, the very givenness of who and what we are, all emptied of content as oppressive?

Why? Because we're dealing with an enraged, destructive spirit. NYU prof, Michael Rechtenberg, sounds the alarm:

We’re undergoing a Maoist-like Cultural Revolution — with the power of the corporate mass media, corporate social media, the academy, most of corporate America, the deep state, the shadow government, and most of the legal apparatuses behind it. Anti-western, anti-individual, anti-Christian, anti-liberty monsters are ravaging our cultural legacies as well as our contemporary arts and letters. Our entire culture is under siege and undergoing an utter and relentless social justice dismantling. Leftist totalitarianism is running amok.

Or to put it another way, in the words of Georg Lukacs:

I saw the revolutionary destruction of society as the one and only solution. A worldwide overturning of values cannot take place without the annihilation of the old values and the creation of new ones by the revolutionaries.

In sum, we're dealing with nihilism, a parasitic evil whose end is destruction, pure and simple, and whose author is demonic. No wonder Saul Alinsky dedicated Rules For Radicals to Satan.

This battle is spiritual, it's an affair of the heart and mind. We must counter it likewise, spiritually, with love and truth as opposed to hate and deceit. 

If that inward and spiritual grace is belied outwardly by 7.62, so be it.

Deus Vult,


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Cooking With LSP, Korhai Al Mexicani

"What?" you splutter indignantly, "You can't cook with LSP, that's totally absurd." Not so fast, High Tories, you can cook with LSP and here's how.

Chop up an inch or so of ginger and throw it in a korhai, or a pot, with appx 4 tbls of vegetable oil. Then add 3 minced garlic cloves and stir it about. 

Don't burn the garlic like some kind of fool. Enjoy the aroma and add 1/2 tsp of turmeric, 1 tsp coriander, 1 tsp cumin, as much chili powder as you like and salt and pepper to taste. 

Squeeze in some lemon, stir and if needs be add a little water to stop everything grinding to a burning, sticking halt. Keep stirring for a short while and if this starts to get boring, look at your gun, safe in the knowledge you're protected against dangerous ingredients.

Satisfied with your culinary genius, add a couple of chicken breasts, cut into chunks. Fry 'em up until they're white all over. Then add two diced whole tomatoes, skin on, along with a couple of jalapenos (I recommend 2 or your Al Mexicani curry will taste too Mexicani) and simmer until the tomatoes dissolve.

Let it simmer for around an hour, adding water if the beast threatens to dry up, which it shouldn't. While you're doing that, don't listen to Motorhead, or Werewolves of LondonAnd when it's done?

Eat your scoff like a warrior. And don't fear the reaper,


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Double Up!

OK, fishing's great but you have to shoot too and part of that involves shotguns, yes, double barreled shotguns or "doubles." Thanks to a friend who's moving overseas, I was able to pick one up today, a CZ Bobwhite.

It's a handy side by side 20 gauge, Jeff Quinn calls it "svelte," with double triggers, 3" chambers, extractor-only action, straight English stock, case hardened receiver,  and 28" barrels.

For a budget SxS, I'd say it's attractive and it certainly seems to handle well, coming quickly to shoulder and putting your eye straight down the rib. But does it work?

If my friend's testimony is anything to go by, yes, he's had all kinds of success in the field with this gun. 

Now it's my turn, right in time for predove season warm ups against the clays and then the avian acrobats themselves.

Thanks, TC. God bless your trip to the Emerald Isle.

Gun rights,


Friday, June 29, 2018

Check Your Privilege

There was a time when this simple mind blog was all about shooting and riding, fishing hardly ever got a look-in. That's because I hardly ever fished. Then everything changed.

Perhaps it was the cost, cheaper than bullets, perhaps it was making up for lost time or maybe it was the sheer, addictive, primal thrill of the drag playing out as some leviathan hits your line. And hey, they're all monsters when your setup's light.

Leviathan Hybrid

Today was no exception, 100* heat at a mystery lake in North Central Texas, and the temperature's no obstacle. Out goes the line, a perch rig, thank you very much. And sure enough, it caught a few Bluegill, some the size of dinner plates.


It also caught a monster mudcat, which fought like the force of nature it was. Massive fish on a light hookup, big fight. All of this to say nothing of a largemouth bass and its massive hybrid cousin.

Decent Little Largemouth

Great fun; good work, perch rig. And with yet another encounter with the piscine adversary it was time to head for home and the Compound.


Did I check my privilege? Oh yes, every step of the way.

Fish on,


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Gun Girl Kaitlin Challenges Twig Arms Hogg To Arm Wrestle

Kent State gun girl grad, Kaitlin Bennet, has challenged teen anti-gun celebrity, David Hogg, to an arm wrestling match to decide the fate of the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms.

"C'mon twig arms, you win you take our guns, I win we keep the 2nd amendment," tweeted AR10 toting Kaitlin.

Puny leftist Twig Arms Hogg hasn't replied to Gun Girl Kaitlin's challenge. 

Twig Arms Hogg

Now, I'm not a betting man but I'll wager my fighting monkey against any three yes, three, of your priestesses that the 2nd Amendment's safe.

A Typical Gay Cake

In other heartening news, SCOTUS has ruled by a strong 7-2 majority that bakers don't have to make gay cakes. Per Adrienne's Catholic Corner:

Let's get something straight (no pun intended.) Businesses are not refusing to serve people who are homosexual. Christian-owned businesses are simply not wanting to use their art to participate in practices that are clearly wrong. That would include a baker refusing to make a cake with a Nazi symbol on top, or any other offensive depiction.

A Famous Fighting Monkey

Well said, Adrienne.

Gun rights,