Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trump. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Current cagematch chanpion, the Grand Commander, Donald the Strong, has thrown down the gauntlet, threatening celebrity prostitute fighter, Stormy Horseface Daniels, that he'd "go after her."

“Great, now I can go after Horseface and her 3rd rate lawyer in the Great State of Texas,” tweeted the Grand Commander on social media. But the Prostitute wasn't far behind. "Game on, tiny," tweeted the famous pole dancer, after accusing the President of bestiality.

Justice For The Pimp!

The Commander's comments come after one of the Prostitute's lawsuits against the President was tossed out of court and the stripper's lawyer, Avenatti, was ordered to pay Trump's legal fees.

Game on, but who will win this white knuckle, seat of your pants fight to the last lawyer standing? For that matter, can CPL and the Prostitute even afford those fees; will this match be over before it's even begun?

Bets on!


Monday, July 16, 2018


Trump meets with Putin in Helsinki and before you can say possessed by Satan, Deep State heads are exploding in tooth-gnashing rage. Traitor is their catchword.

Ex-CIA Director John Brennan pretty much led the charge, tweeting that Trump was "imbecilic" and "treasonous." Treasonous, really? Strange patriotism from the man who voted Communist Party in 1976.

Then there's John McCain, who blasted and roared in multiple salvos of epic fury. "No prior president," bombasted the failed presidential candidate, "has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant." Oh my, Cato redivivus.

But don't forget the slick, elite, lying, pugnacious, venal mainstream media. CNN's thick in the fray, calling for a "shadow government" to rise up against the president, perhaps forgetting that this has been happening since or even before the election. 

Even the, ahem, moral Anderson Cooper called the president's behavior "disgraceful" and John King wasted no time, Trump simply "surrendered" to Russia.

And on and on, you can read all about it on the internet or, if you're unfortunate enough to watch TV, on the Uniparty's agitprop networks. There you'll see it, in all its howling fury. Trump is a TRAITOR. 

Like, how dare you sell out America by saying you'll co-operate with Russia on trade, nuclear non-proliferation, international crime, Islamic terrorism and foreign policy. You imbecile, telling a Russian President that you regard his country as a competitor instead of an enemy. What. A. Traitor.

Leaving aside the risible irony of people who oppose  the idea of America having an enforceable border calling Trump a traitor, imagine the reaction if Obama had said exactly the same thing in Finland. He'd have been lauded as the greatest statesman since World War II, the architect of an historic peace.

But no, this isn't Obama or even Hillary and we have to wonder, what really enrages Trump's enemies about peace with Russia? Good question.

The Military Industrial Complex bottom line, bought and paid for inside-the-Beltway special interests, don't say Browder, demonic possession, leftist nihilism, the enraged cacophany of evil found out?  All that and more, you name it, go right ahead and stick the tail on the wicked donkey. 

Speaking of which, Trump met one-to-one with Putin today and no one else but interpreters were present. Can you imagine, just for a second, Putin handing Trump a large envelope labelled "Clinton."

Hell hath no fury... I'll leave you to fill in the blanks.

Your Old Friend, 


Thursday, July 12, 2018

Thursday Evening Round Up

Thunder's booming and roaring overhead, the dog's asleep on a Moslem rug and you can smell the rain on the Texan wind.

Stormy The Prostitute

In other exciting news, Stormy The Prostitute was arrested, in a strip club no less and then released. Meanwhile, President Trump had the sheer, brazen, unashamedly fascist effrontery to suggest that the US taxpayer shouldn't pay for European defense; defense against what, the Kremlins? 

May The Traitor

Trump's also slammed Britain's notorious traitor, Theresa May, for failing to deliver on Brexit. Think about it, Traitor May. What's better, a deal with Germany or the US? America or Germany? And while you're at it, how popular will you remain if you ignore the 17.4 million who voted to leave. Don't say Peasants' Revolt.

Regardless, Melania touched down in the UK, looking good to an RAF honor guard. The Queen has apparently organised a parade at Windsor Castle to welcome a President that isn't Obama and we can all look forward to some martial pomp and pageantry. 

Melania Looking Awesome

It'll make for a pleasant alternative to watching bolshevik teenagers running around howling for open borders and a tofu burger on every plate.

Speaking of Great Britain, a Christian Pastor, Richard Smith,  was elected Mayor of Ferryhill in County Durham in May, but had to resign because of a hate campaign led by a local drag queen called Tess Tickle. No kidding, you can read all about it here.

A Typical FBI Traitor

Then there's bizarre case of FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who's been trying to tell Congress that he's a patriot despite being a traitor. Tricky. And lest we forget, there's a new nominee for SCOTUS, thus sealing the left like a doomed djinn into a bubble of impotent rage for decades if not millennia. 

Weird, isn't it, how the progressive, comsymp, NWO elite, Illuminati stooge, MillSoc left went from anguished grief about The Children to shrieks of pro-abortion, kill your kid in the womb mania in the space of a SCOTUS nomination. 


Thoughts on fauxtrage running skin deep aside, here at the Compound we have to ask. Would an impartial observer question the progleft's love of children?

Last but by no means least, England lost to Croatia but not before some 20 million pints of beer were drunk.

Don't say theater of the absurd, say roll on the parade.

Your Friend,


Thursday, June 28, 2018

Civil War

The left, in a fit of perpetual fauxtrage is calling for a civil war. At least that's the rhetoric and the reality runs to kicking people out of restaurants in ferocious displays of virtue signalling and bizarre attempts at rabble rousing by octoganerian crones. Risible.

But what if the fauxtragistes had their way and actually started a revolution. You know, a shooting war to make every bathroom trans friendly, all starting with assassinating the president, which is what they're threatening. 

If that happens, Mike Pence will become President, the "religious Terminator." Here's Wictor:

What will Pence, the Religious Terminator, do as President in the face of an insurrection? Perhaps the LA riots are instructional.

According to Wictor, we dodged a bullet.

Take out the trash, there's a lot people in America that voted for that and the left might want to think about how this'd look if it came down to it.

I'll leave you with a video.



Friday, June 15, 2018

So Very Vulgar

Some smart, cultured, conservative people don't like President Trump and didn't vote for him. Not so much because of what he had to say, like strong borders (Build The Wall), and smaller less corrupt government (Drain The Swamp, Lock Her Up), but because he's "vulgar."

No, This is Not Saudi Arabia

President Trump, vulgar?!? You mean he puts ketchup on his steak and builds GOLDEN TOWERS with his name on them?!? How very vulgar, can't vote for him; so much better to have one of our inside-the-beltway, political class elites run the country. 

You know, the same crew who've been country club asset-stripping the country for a couple of decades.

A Typical Millionaire Socialist

Yes, these conservative intellectual aesthetes effectively preferred Hillary over Trump, even though she was their ideological nemesis. No matter, she wasn't as crude as the Diet Coke drinking, fast food eating, orange Donald.

Then there's the progressive left, they think Trump's vulgar too and unfit to be President. But hold on, Kathy Griffin's "headshot" wasn't vulgar? What about Samantha Bee and Robert De Niro? For that matter, consider the Hillary campaign funded P**gate dossier. Nothing vulgar about that, at all.


And guess what, when faced with the polished MillSoc, bi-coastal elite spectacle of someone like Hillary running the country, the people voted for Trump. Aesthetics bedamned and rightly so.

What, after all, is wrong with an American President promising to put America first by bringing back jobs, lowering taxes, securing the border and cutting parasitical government corruption? For that matter, what's wrong with an American President actually being a patriot?

Sorry, Mittens, You're Not Vulgar Enough

How very vulgar. But sorry, Ivory Tower conservatives and Progleft Elitocracy, the people of America want this country to be great again as opposed to being a subset of a tyrannous New World Order.

That's all and good luck with your "blue wave."



Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Grand Commander & Little Potato

The Chinese call President Trump "Grand Commander."

Chinese Women Laugh At Trudeau

They call Justin Peoplekind Trudeau "Little Potato."

A Little Potato Starter Pack

Perceptive lot, the Chinese.

God bless,


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Not Happy

Lo and behold, World War III didn't start last night, at least not immediately, so that's all good. But it came dam close. 

Ask yourself this. Are we, and the West at large, in the grip of evil people, people who would destroy what's left of our civilization for the sheer nihilist joy of the ruin. And have these wicked people co-opted our government?

Good question. In the meanwhile, thank God the Russians didn't fire back last night, and I'll be straight-up. I'm not happy about this at all. 

We should be allies with Russia in the face of the twin evils of the Secularist and Islamic Jihad. Nationalist Trump and nationalist Putin should be working together, contra globalists. There's clear commonality.

Has that been hijacked by the Illuminati Death Stooges of the NWO? Don't say House of Saud and...

Don't fear the Reaper,


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Boycott Big Business Gun Control

Big Business or at least 12 chunks of it, has decided to jump on the anti-gun bandwagon by dropping sponsorship of the NRA in the wake of the Florida school shooting.

Companies like Delta and United Airlines will stop offering discounts and perks to NRA members as will their lesser allies, such as AVIS and Budget car rentals. You can read the list here.

Others, like Kroger, Walmart, Field & Stream and the curiously named Dick's Sporting Goods have also re-examined their firearms policy, with Dick's and Field & Stream banning semi-automatic deadly assault rifles altogether. The others have raised the age of gun sales to 21 years old and all appear to be lobbying for more stringent background checks, excluding the "mentally ill" from firearms purchases.

Sounds sensible, doesn't it. Not so fast, where does "mentally ill" begin and end. With being a vet, someone who once complained to their doctor about depression or a person adamantly refused to vote for Hillary Clinton?

President Trump added fuel to the fire, stating, "Take the guns first, go through due process second." Granted, the quote's out of context and it's unlikely that the President will abandon his base to woo leftist votes and their big money, millionaire socialist sponsors in corporate America.  Still, it doesn't sound good.

But the millionaire socialist corporate combine might want to take note. Trump, and with him an anti-left, anti-globalist, pro-freedom, 2nd Amendment administration didn't get elected because they were unpopular.

Message to market, we're going to boycott your stores and you will lose money. See Delta in Georgia. As a parting shot, why wasn't there a cry for gun control after the Mandalay Massacre in Vegas? Good question.

Reflect on that and the near total media blackout on the Vegas shooting. While you're at it, join the NRA if you haven't already.

Gun Rights,


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump Rules Kennedy Drools

President Trump took to the podium tonight to give his first State of the Union address. Tax cuts, energy independence, respect for the military, law enforcement,vets, God, the lowest ever recorded African American unemployment  and on.  

Trump came on like a blast from the American past, like the old America striking back. Speaking of old America, the Democrats trotted out their new pony, Joe Kennedy, by way of response.

Frat Boy Joe drooled and channeled Obama, jerking, stuttering and sounding just about as sincere. 

Spot the drool?

Memo to Joe, no one's convinced and why were you drooling? That aside, the Dems refused to stand for the President's speech.

Black unemployment? No, scorn it. US manufacturing? Can't stand. More money in your paycheck? Despise. Pull together to make America great? How hateful. Not unlike millionaire socialist, Nancy Pelosi's face itself.

Trump fans chanted USA, USA at the end of the speech. Democrats walked out.



Friday, January 12, 2018

Oh What A Freakout

Our lying, venal, mendacious, aggressive, corrupt, self-serving elite mainstream media has gone into full freakout because President Trump has reportedly asked the question, "Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They're shithole countries... We should have more people from Norway."


Or Sweden, Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Austria, England or wherever civilized people have found their lives made unbearable by an influx of immigrants from sh*thole countries. 

Come on you lot, move to America and help us MAGA as you leave your once great nations to the savages your governments invited in.


But seriously, when did it become somehow racist or fascist for a country to have borders? For that matter, who stands to benefit from a massive influx of unskilled, culturally dissonant immigrants? 

We don't have far to look for an answer. Corporations looking for a cheaper workforce, politicians desperate for votes and a Left which hates the West and wants to destroy it through immigration.

Kabul, sorry, Germany

Hungary, Poland and Eastern Europe recognize this and if the Reuters report is true, so does Mr. Trump. Why should we allow hundreds of thousands of savages to move to America when we've got more than enough as it is. Just look at Baltimore, Detroit, Chicago or any one of our urban hellholes. So why create more?


In the meanwhile, the NWO Illuminati shills in the media and their Party masters are melting down in fauxtrage because someone from the Ministry of Truth told it like it is.

Well said, Mr. President.

Build The Wall,


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Tax Cut MAGA

Sit yourself down, pour a drink and ponder this conundrum. What makes you richer, paying more money to the government or less? Tricky, right?

Feed The Beast

No. Not tricky. And well done Mr. President, for cutting that particular Gordian Knot of millionaire socialist elite, globalist cronyism. Good work, more money in people's pockets and a gesture, at least, towards smaller government. Towards cutting off the money that feeds the Beast.

Do The Math, Mitch

Also, let the reader understand, our old enemy the Weather's been taken off the list of threats to national security. And with it, presumably, all kinds of lucrative contracts and NWO, millionaire socialist elite cronyism. 

Oh dear, what a shame. America's going to use its massive natural resource to achieve ANWR energy independence and wealth for its citizens. Sorry, open borders, NWO Spirit Cookers.


With that in mind, note how the skunk traitor GOP has decided to rally around DJT. Never Trump? Forever Trump. Whatever, drill, drill, drill and remember, you'll be poorer now because you pay less tax.