Sunday, January 14, 2024

We Live Vicariously


Well, sometimes. An old friend's busy doing some sound magicke at London's famous RAK studios and sent me this:

Caption, "Look who lives on the wall here." Hey, let's hear it for Lemmy. Dam straight.

Your Pal,




It's freezing here, literally freezing. Biting wind cuts through the icy boulevards of this once prosperous Texan farming community. Yes, once prosperous, but someone forgot to pay their Weather Tax and now our Old Enemy is exacting its revenge.

Lake Whitney

Snow, ice, bitter wind and glowering, leaden grey skies. Very little moves, how could it, it's frozen, and worse is yet to come. Weather Seers are predicting an ice storm will hit this erstwhile cotton town later tonight.

A typical Compound room scene

We'll see who and what survives the latest attack by General Winter, who knows. But one thing is certain, we stand firm, resolute, unbroken before our ancient adversary, no, we will not pay the tax. Speaking of which, some of you may have noticed the curious twists and turns of Lib Logic.

This is what happens to your library and writing room when you don't pay the dam tax

As in, it's colder now because it's hotter, which is why you have to pay us moar money so you'll be trans DEI richer.

See you on the other side,


Saturday, January 13, 2024

Diversity Hire Mountebank


Guess what, the guy who's in charge of the transist, globohomo, largest military in the world just went missing, totally out of action, AWOL, MIA, right at the time we're fighting yet another war. Why, you ask, did SECDEF Austin go offline in these crucial hours?

High Stepping Fraud

Because the diversity hire has prostate cancer. Good thing we'll never, ever, ever have to fight another major war again. But in case you're remotely interested, Diversity Austin's net worth is an appx 2MUSD. NICE.

Good Heavens!

Like wow, these people really hate you. A lot, and they're wondering why white people aren't signing up. Regardless, behold buffoon, mountebank, careerist, diversity hire, unfit for purpose Lloyd Austin, the leader under Biden of the world's most powerful military. Good luck with that.



The Church of England is Doomed

Is it, really? Average Sunday Attendance (ASA) certainly seems to say so, with worshiping attendance cratering from a shabby 950,000 in 2000 to a risible 549,000 in 2022. And we have to ask, how many of those 549k are as old as the most popular president in US history, ever. A fair few, so yes, the prophets of doom have a point, but what's the venerable if catastrophically shrinking Church of England doing about the problem?

Going transgay, of course, which is a brilliant marketing strategy because all of those unicorn riders are really, really keen on getting to know God and, of course, they're this massive demographic. You get the logic, these days everyone is transgay so let's make the Church transgay and get all the rainbow trans people into church! Hurray! And drinks all 'round at the Travellers.

Feel free to use the word "risible" again and again and while you're at it, fire Archbishop of Canterbury Justsin Welby's genius PR firm. David Virtue has this to say, speaking to UK Evangelicals:

The Church of England is doomed. Archbishop Justin Welby's Secretary for Appointments, Stephen Knott is officially married to a (Scots)man and no appointment would be made without his say so and approval. Can you imagine a straight white evangelical male who dared to say that homosexuality violated Scripture and Article 20 of the 39 articles which openly declares that "it is not lawful for the Church to ordain any thing that is contrary to God's Word written...repugnant to another" getting approval?

Fortunately, GAFCON GB & E and the ANiE has been established for those who want to risk all for Christ and His kingdom and take the plunge and leave. It worked for the late Melvin Tinker who established a successful independent evangelical Anglican parish in Hull.

As Dr. Gavin Ashenden observed at the time; "[Tinker] saw more quickly than most that the capitulation to the hydra-headed pollutant of progressive values, wrapped up in the lethal weapon of cultural Marxism, was a poison that would destroy the integrity of the Church and render it spiritually infertile."

He is right. This alone should be enough for evangelicals to realize that they have no future in a morally compromised church that has the stigmata of death written all over it.



Word to the wise. Anglo-Catholics attempted such a compromise and lost. Their issue was and is wymmxn priestesses and on losing that battle over the wymmxn, and they most definitely did, their leaders and my friends went to Rome. Our Evangelical brethren appear to be going down a similar path; their issue isn't wymmxn, shortsightedly, but transgay globohomo.

Good luck to them, I hope they win and defeat the Church of England's Deep State equivalent. But I tell you this, I'm not betting the dam monkey on the wager.

With greatest respect to Virtue and Ashenden.

King's Canterbury forever,


Archbishop Vigano Calls On Swiss Guard To Arrest Pope


Outspoken Italian Archbishop Carlo Vigano has ripped into Cardinal Victor "Tucho" Fernandez after discovering the cardinal had written a theology sex book. Vigano, former Apostolic Nuncio to the US, described Tucho's book as "blasphemous sewage" and called on the Swiss Guard to arrest him and Pope Francis for being "heretical perverts":

The blasphemous sewage ejections in Tucho's repulsive pamphlet demonstrate such a level of perversion and alienation from the faith that they require the Argentine and his accomplices to be expelled by military means. The Swiss Guard has sworn to defend the See of Peter and not those who want to systematically destroy it. So you should be true to your oath and arrest these heretical perverts!


Cardinal Tucho is believed to have authored the gay blessing statement Fiducia Supplicans. C'mon, Swiss Guards, chop, chop, do your job and while you're at it take down Justsin Welby too.



Friday, January 12, 2024

Get Out Of My House

Wow, he's on a rip:

You may have noticed Texas has deployed the National Guard to Eagle Pass, where it's blocking the Feds from the area of operation. Reflect on the significance of this and the Border Patrol Union being all in favor. Go figure:

Shout out to Governor Abbott for enhancing Border Patrol operations! By taking control of an area where so many illegal aliens are simply surrendering, he's freeing up BP agents to patrol areas with high numbers of illegal aliens who attempt to escape arrest.


What can we say, it's all getting a little 1850s out there, and by way of diversion, we seem to have declared war on Yemen. Do you remember all the wars Orange Man Nazi got us into?



Thursday, January 11, 2024

Driving Into The Sun


It was like some kind of Golden Void on the way down 22 to Mass this evening and no complaints from me on that score, all hail the countryside. Then, ite missa est, it was time to head back to the Compound, except it wasn't.

No, a young couple asked me to bless their marriage. It was an heterosexual marriage, so I did. Well done kids, long may you reign in this dark and barbarous age. Then, no sooner Texas said than done, the Compound opened its storied doors and there it was, home.

Result, but immediately a call, "What's up, son?" a pause, "Hey dad, I'm in town." Well done you, and a few minutes later in came a soldier storming through with a Whataburger and a Green to Gold packet. Good work, kid.

Seriously, it'd be a grand thing if the erstwhile Cadet became an actual Cadet. Let's see how this goes.



Lest We Forget


Via Kevin Bass:

Just two years ago, 30% of Democrats believed that children should be taken away from unvaccinated parents.

Nearly 50% of Democrats believed that the unvaccinated should be sent to camps.

These are not tolerant, kind people.

This is what a totalitarian ideology looks like.


Doesn't it just.



Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Eternal Father Strong To Save


Stand steady, things might get a bit rough hereon in.





I've always loved Mr. Nelson's Stardust, how could you not? For me, it brings back memories of grown-ups slow dancing in Denton in the '70's. Beautiful and I guess the album was new then, a far and magical cry from foggy, wet, Oxford. Behold:

Of course Willie's a local man and this little slice of rural paradise has produced a mural, don't call it a "muriel," that'd be rude. BTW, the older women of the church remember Willie and thought he didn't smell too good, "Needed a shower," was the consensus. Dam hippie.

Nice Muriel



Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Say Hello To Your Next President


Think things are bad with the Old Crook in charge?

Think again, punters.

This is barreling down the pike, right at you. 

So what are you gonna do when zhe gets anointed by Trans Green Carbon Tax Power to become our new Beloved President? There is but one answer, serfs, rejoice.


Monday, January 8, 2024

Back in Dallas


Why? To take down Christmas at Ma LSP's. All those glass ornaments, many like old friends. Down they go, to retrain for next year.

While we're at it, you may remember the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan. Surely it should've been the other way around and the Baptizer says as much, "I should be baptized by you." Jesus was, notoriously, without sin. So how are we to make sense of this fulfillment of "all righteousness." Perhaps this helps.

Our Lord, true God and true Man, like in every way as we are yet without sin, took the sins of humanity on his sinless shoulders upon the Cross in obedience to the Father's will. Here we find an analogue to Christ's baptism, and he says as much, referring to his Passion and Crucifixion later on in the Gospel account, "Are you able to be baptized with the baptism I am to be baptized with?"

Jordan River,

God bless,