Wednesday, July 19, 2017


It seems Spanish leftists with the help of Saudi/Qatri cash are working hard to turn the great Catholic Cathedral of Cordoba into a mosque, in a kind of deconquista. You can read all about it in Zerohedge, here's a snapshot:

In 550 the Cathedral of Córdoba was a Christian basilica, dedicated to a saint; then, in 714, it was occupied by the Muslims, who destroyed it and converted it into the Great Mosque of Córdoba during the reign of Caliph Abd al Rahman I. The site was returned to Catholic worship by King Ferdinand III in 1523 and became the current great Cathedral of Córdoba, one of the most important sites of Western Christianity. Now an alliance of secularists and Islamists are trying to turn the church back to Islamic worship.

What drives the Left's love-affair with Islam? Certainly a mutual hatred of Christianity and the culture and spirit of the West which the Faith shaped. But here's a thought. 

When the cathedrals are all mosques and the call to prayer sounds out over Europe, who will you turn to when Pride organizers are being thrown off buildings and women stoned for adultery. The sharia police?

Good luck with that and I'll wager my fighting monkey against any six of your hijab wearing feminists that the red idiocracy will live to regret their infatuation with the meteorite worshipers.

By the Beard of the Prophet,


Tuesday, July 18, 2017


There was a time and not that long ago, when it was all done by horse but now it's all about the car. That's why I drove to Gene's to get my rig tested. I like Gene's auto, they're friendly, their work's good, they're not too expensive and they have an abstract pine cone sculpture in the waiting room.

You can gaze at the bronze colored pine cone installation as you wait for your vehicle to get tested. But not for long because Gene's completes the inspection in about 3 minutes. Quick work, leaving little time for art philosophy; does the pine cone's form follow its function? Who knows, time to split.

Inspection ticket in hand, head to the courthouse and behold the majestic edifice of The Law. There it is, standing tall and we have to thank Willie Nelson for his part in restoring the place after it burned down in the '90s.

After giving our beneficent rulers $76, leave the courthouse with new registration and pay your respects at the war memorials. One for the Confederate dead and another for all the rest. In God we trust, may they rest in peace. Then have a gaze at the Chisholm Trail plaque; I'd never noticed it before and for sure, this town played its part in that history.

With images of the great cattle drives playing in my mind I drove back to the Compound, and I'll tell you this.

It's a whole lot easier to get your vehicle inspected and registered in the country than it is in the city. I file this exciting story under Country Life in Texas.

God bless,


Monday, July 17, 2017

And at Moscow Airport...

Well done, RT, for this advertising masterpiece.

Твоё здоровье!


Sightings Reveal Diocese of Oxford And Communion Hybrids

Newly declassified files from the UK's Ministry of Defence reveal a close encounter of the bizarre kind, detailing a chance sighting of the Diocese of Oxford.

An Oxfordshire resident saw the off-world diocese hovering over a field in 1998, where it made crop circles. According to the anonymous witness, the mysterious object was 40 foot tall, pink, covered in flashing lights and decorated with the diocesan logo, a large Egyptian Ankh.


The observer sent drawings of the strange craft to the MOD, stating,"I have developed contact with these craft and their enemy forces." However, the MOD did not investigate and the object disappeared.

Communion Hybrid

In related news, ET xenologists have discovered a new form of semi-extraterrestrial life, the Anglican Communion Hybrid. Communion Hybrids are believed to be part human, part alien Grey and have "telepathic" powers.

"The being (Communion Hybrid) seemed to be telepathic," stated one expert, "And his appearance was rough and weathered as in premature aging."

A Grey

According to an eyewitness' drawing, the humanoid appeared to be malformed and suffering from a form of mental illness. These apparent physical defects reveal that hybridization is potentially vulnerable to error, indicating that the Grey's genetic program experienced random error beyond their control.

Random Error

When questioned about their part in the hybrid program, the Diocese of Oxford refused to comment.

Ad Astra,


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Liberal Tears

Thanks to Mattexian, I've discovered a hot new line of merchandising, Liberal Tears.

Liberal Tears can go on your Yeti

On your flask

Your Crying Window


Coffee Cup

Wherever, Liberal Tears are guaranteed to "fit perfectly on your car, refrigerator, travel mug, window, laptop or non safe space surface!"

You can buy them here.



Saturday, July 15, 2017

Ain't No God In Mexico, This Speaker Rocks

You may not know this, how could you, but the Compound suffered catastrophic 'phone failure the other day. A venerable Samsung GS4  gave up the ghost, plunging LSPland into disarray and chaos. What a disaster.

Comms got on it right away and replaced the faulty unit with a reconditioned (used) GS6. Problem solved and with it, T Mobile's streaming music service, which lets you play music off of Amazon et al at no cost to your data. Good result and it meant a new Bluetooth speaker.

I opted for the JBL Flip 4 and guess what, it sounds really good. It's filling the porch with Waylon right now and I'm impressed with the clarity and depth of sound. The little beast beast kicks out some bass, too. Happy Trails? Why not.

Moral of the story? It's good when tech works for you instead of the other way around and, if you're after a cheapish, portable, waterproof Bluetooth speaker which sounds good, check out JPL's Flip 4. Review to follow.

Is there a God in Mexico? Listen to the song.


Johnnie Walker Says Kerry's An Idiot

A new trove of US intel  emails has been discovered, thanks to a mysterious hacker known as "Johnnie Walker." The emails reveal what we've known all along, that Senator John Kerry is "an idiot."

One Redditor described the contents of these earth shattering emails:

Found a couple of things that are interesting. A Russian scholar "Valery Solovei" is sending Robert Otto a monthly report on Russia. Also, Otto and his buddies HATE John Kerry and continually refer to him as an idiot!

Perhaps all is not lost in the murky, cloak and dagger world of the US intelligence community.

Mind how you go,


Friday, July 14, 2017

Tree Hippies

Because this is a sustainable, green issue, eco-blog we're delighted to present Tree Hippies.

Here at the Compound we hope you find it as powerful as we do and, to quote one expert, "Ladies, if your boyfriend can't run a chain saw, you have a girlfriend."

We are stardust,


Tree Hugger Down

If you're not too busy getting hacked by the Russians, check out this neat tree hugger infovideo.



Thursday, July 13, 2017

This Town's On The Up

For something like a year now, our lying, corrupt, elite, mendacious, venal, smug, cheating, rude mainstream media has worked around the clock to prove Moscow altered the course of history and won Trump the 2016 election. 

Of course they haven't uncovered any evidence, apart from a lawyer who was allowed into the country by the Obama DOJ, and the Church of England which was filmed disappearing into a portal.

Texas Yeti

Still, it pays to be prepared for any eventuality and, as a prepper, I took Blue Vigilant along with me to the Pick 'n Steal this morning, just in case we were attacked by marauding Kremlins. Blue Semper Paratus stood guard while I bought some strong coffee. Did it go into a Texas Yeti? Yes, it did.

This made the coffee taste all the better and I reflected on that as we patrolled back to the Compound. You see, it's not just the coffee that seems to be on the uptick, the town itself is revitalizing. Seriously.

Putting America Back to Work

Houses are being fixed up, two new restaurants have opened on the town square, a pub is about to open and so is a coffee shop. Even the venerable Compound's about to get a facelift, if the Mexican painting crew ever shows up.

Long story short, people are investing in this small Texan farming community. Maybe we should thank Russia for making sure Mr. Trump won the election.



Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Russians Hack Church of England?

Shocking new evidence appears to show the small but aggressively transsexual Church of England disappearing into a portal in Yakutia, Russia, leading experts to claim that the venerable denomination has been hacked by the Kremlin.

Video footage shows the diminutive Church rising into the Russian sky before vanishing into a "portal."

The Church of England disappearing into a portal

"The strange video, seeming to show the Church of England full of lights in the night sky, has emerged in media circles in Yakutia, the largest region in Russia," stated one UFOlogist, "The small object is then swallowed by a portal. I think it was hacked."

Yakutia is famous for its diamonds, which may have drawn the cash-strapped CofE to the Russian wilderness. 

Artist's impression

Reports of the numerically challenged denomination disappearing altogether have come in from several countries, including Canada, New Zealand and America. 

A typical Russian hacker

However, when questioned about Russian hacking, Lambeth Palace declined to comment.

Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby

Archbishop Justin Welby was last seen pawning episcopal regalia on Detroit's notorious 8 Mile Road.

Space is Deep,


All Hail Texas!

Here at the Compound we set great store by great art; it's one of the factors that distinguishes us from the beasts, one of the hallmarks of civilization itself.

The above installation is simply entitled All Hail Texas! Parse it as you will but we think it speaks for itself.

Arduus ad Solem,