Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Get A Grip!

After Evening Prayer, I set up on the porch and got into some complex gunsmithing. That's right, I changed out the stock pistol grip on my deadly assault rifle, for a more deadly looking Mega Arms hogue grip.

See that little spring? Don't lose it.

It's not hard. Unscrew the old piece of plastic rubbish that comes with the gun. As you do, you'll see a small spring; that's the safety detent spring. Don't lose the spring or the detent. If you do, you'll feel like an idiot and your gun won't work.


When the old grip is off, sit back and enjoy the wonder of firearms for a moment, and the neat look of the Mega Grip. Meditation over, screw in the new grip, making sure that the detent spring is on the detent.

Illuminati Stooge Puppet

Check and see if the fire control group works. It does. Good job, you've done well, unlike Azealia Banks, who is an Illuminati stooge puppet of the New World Order.

Shoot straight,


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of you, readers. And if you're not too busy shipping up to Boston with the Dropkick Murphys, spare some thought for the great Saint, who converted the Irish.

Or did he? Some say that was a difficult task; others, again, claim that the job wasn't finished. Whatever the case, mind how you go when you next visit Southie, and listen to some war tunes.

They seem appropriate today.



Cooking, with LSP

You can't cook with LSP! I hear you say in that half-dismissive, half-indignant way of yours. But you can! And here's how.

Get some 80/20 Chuck, separate it out and add seasoning, salt and pepper, not Worcestershire Sauce, Tabasco or some other thing. You're making hamburgers, not Bloody Marys. Wash your hands in cold water and shape that meat into balls, then press them into 3/4" patties. Put those patties in the refrigerator as you fire up the Weber. I prefer two chimneys of charcoal. 

Cold Steel Force Recon 1

Why? Because you want the grill to be hot. Then have a glass or two of ice-cold beer, why not? There's no law against it, and when the charcoal's ready, spread it out and cover the grill to preheat it for around 5 minutes. Uncover and get the patties; put them on the hot grill. It should sizzle. 

Glorious Gloucesters

Cover the grill and let the meat cook for 4 minutes. Uncover and flip the burgers. Cover again and cook for another 4 minutes. Take the burgers off the grill, and cover in tinfoil. Then toast some buns; be careful, they don't take long, and use Sesame Seed buns, not some weird "artisanal" high-stepping tomfoolery. 


Lay out sliced onion, tomatoes and iceberg lettuce, English mustard, ketchup, and Duke's Mayonnaise. Say grace, and eat those burgers like a chieftain.

And that's cooking, with...


Monday, March 16, 2015

The Watcher

I like my dog for his ears and sometimes wild eyes. He's a fierce little thing and has a visceral hatred of mail trucks. Though he likes gunfire well enough. In fact he likes that a lot.

He likes to set up on the porch, too. So do I. You meet a lot of the congregation that way and it's better than being cooped up inside. That's what I think and I'm sticking to it.

Just Some Crazy Person

Good luck finding Hillary's emails.

God bless,


Saturday, March 14, 2015

Redder Than Russia? #3

Do you remember the old days? Back when America was fighting a Cold War for freedom and democracy against the godless Reds? Back then, Russia went to the Communist Manifesto for guidance, and we were against that.

The Communist Manifesto is famously against the "bourgeois claptrap of the family," and so were the Reds, who encouraged abortion, no-fault divorce and "free love." 

Modern America stands for gay marriage, and it's fast becoming a hate crime to be against it. In Russia, "gay propaganda" is illegal.

So who's more Red these days, America, or Russia?

You be the judge,


Friday, March 13, 2015

Stations & Benediction

So what's up, LSP? You ask, in that questioning way. Well I'll tell you. I drove to Dallas in ferocious highway rain to give a Lenten sermon in that space between Stations of the Cross and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Get a Haircut

It was good to get out and I like the church and its people. My theme (set by the Rector) was, "Give us this day our daily bread." I was pleased to talk about that, and they're a good crew at St. Matthias, Dallas.

O Salutaris

Somehow, "deadly assault rifle" got into my sermon. Unlike "fire and movement." Must work on that.

Homiletic skills,


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Civil Rights Hero, Lesley McSpadden

This is Michael Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden. She was invited to speak to a UN Committee Against Torture last year. After testifying, the UN panel recommended the immediate arrest of Officer Darren Wilson, who shot Michael Brown, after Brown rushed him on the same day that he robbed a store.

Lesley McSpadden

Darren Wilson was acquitted, though he had to leave Ferguson PD. Lesley McSpadden is facing a felony armed robbery indictment. Why? Because this civil rights heroine decided to trash Pearlie Gordon's Michael Brown T Shirt stand, in the parking lot of a BBQ joint in Ferguson.

Civil Rights

Pearlie is the mother-in-law of Michael Brown's father, who is divorced from McSpadden, and she wasn't too pleased to see someone else making a bit of unauthorized tin on the Gentle Giant Franchise.

McSpadden, and her crew of 20 or 30 people, attacked the rival vendors. According to a police report, Gordon said that McSpadden approached her tent and told her she couldn't sell the merchandise. When Pearlie refused, McSpadden's mother, Desuria Harris, began pulling down t-shirts that were hanging on a line, and then other attackers started tearing apart her booth and beating the Brown memorabilia sellers.


Gordon claims that McSpadden repeatedly punched her in the head during the assault, which left one person hospitalized. Pearlie alleges that Brown's stepfather, ex-con, Louis Head, was also involved in the fighting.

Louis And Lesley, Cashing In

Reflect on this. Louis Head and Leslie McSpadden were invited to testify before the United Nations.

Michael Brown

Two policemen were shot, early today, during a demonstration against police brutality in Ferguson. Some say that Eric Holder and President Obama have blood on their hands.


Pink Panto Pogrom?

As you're busy contemplating the artistic genius of Sting, perhaps you're thinking that the Pink Revolution, which has swept our great nation, is all about the rich rainbow hues of tolerant diversity. This is what Rod Dreher thinks:

"It never was going to be enough for progressives to get gay marriage and discrimination against LGBTs outlawed except for within religious organizations. Now the push from progressive elites will be to tear down the wall protecting religious liberty to punish the wrongthinkers. If you don’t think this is coming, you are a fool. The Law of Merited Impossibility is vindicated more and more each day."

If you don’t think this is coming, you are a fool. The end goal is to outlaw traditional Christianity, i.e. Christianity itself.

You can read the whole thing here, if you like.

God bless,


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Genius of Sting

Is Sting a genius, a musical genius? Or is he just another rich NWO, Illuminati pop star, who crawled out of the council flat and into the Hollywood big time, with Dune, and Brimstone and Treacle and the smash hit band, The Police?

Do you remember his great songs, like Message in a Bottle? Here's some of the lyrics:

Just a castaway
An island lost at sea
Another lonely day
With no one here but me
More loneliness
Than any man could bear
Rescue me before I fall into despair

I'll send an SOS to the world
I'll send an SOS to the world
I hope that someone gets my
Message in a bottle [x2]

What do the critics say? "Sting's songwriting ability is astonishing. His simple, clever lyrics tell complicated stories in less than four minutes, also infusing them with humor, politics, love and despair."

That's about his "musical."

Sting is a millionaire socialist.

Try not to be sick,


Go On, Shoot Your Upgraded AR15

Keen-eyed readers of this family oriented info blog, will know that I decided to take my AR15 apart and install a new gas block and a Yankee Hill free-float tube. Why? Just for fun and because I wanted to learn more about the rifle, with a view to building one myself. Neat project.

Must Get Front Sight...

I reckon the reassembled gun looked good, in a deadly black assault rifle kind of way, but I took it to a friend who knows about these things before I shot it. He gave it the green light, so off I went to the range with some boxes of cheap steel cased Tulammo and a value pack of Remington .223.

That'll Do

How did it shoot? Just fine, and I had fun setting myself various drills from 30, 50, 75 and 100 yards. Were the groups any better with the free-float thing? Maybe a bit, given no magnification, eyesight that could be better and a dog who enjoyed leaping up in sheer joy and excitement at the sound of the gun.

I Love The Range!

I had to put him on a leash in the end. But I'm pleased with my first foray into the world of under-the-hood ARishness. The gun worked and worked well. Next step? Keep this carbine to shoot cheap steel cased ammo and build a 7.62/.308 on the same platform. I've decided against a "6", you see, but that's a whole new story.

Shoot straight,


Monday, March 9, 2015

Cooking With LSP

So how do you cook with LSP? I hear you ask, in that incredulous way. Well, I'll tell you. Get a couple of thick pork chops with plenty of fat on them; rub salt, pepper and olive oil onto the chops, and let them sit while you preheat an oven to 400 degrees. Enjoy a glass of wine while you're at it, why not? 

Then heat up an iron skillet with some oil in it until the thing's smoking hot, and put the chops in the skillet. It'll smoke. Don't freak out, it's supposed to. Watch those chops fry, a minute a side, and enjoy the aroma of cooking pork as you test out the wine. Frying done, put the chops in the oven, in the skillet. I like to add a good slice of butter on them at this point, but that's just me.

Typical Street Scene in LSPland

Let the meat cook for 4 minutes max, 2 minutes a side, then remove the skillet from the oven. Place the chops aside, under tinfoil, and get that skillet on a hot burner. Add chicken broth, some crushed garlic, and a bit of rosemary to the pork drippings. Maybe tip some wine in, just for kicks, and thicken with flour as you whisk away like a PR spin. Cut the sauce with lemon juice, if you like, to taste.

A Wrench, A Crush Washer, And A Flash Hider

Put the chops on a plate. Add mashed potatoes and some other vegetable, like yellow squash, or carrots, and pour the gravy. Behold the glory of the chops, say grace, and eat your food like a champion.

And that's cooking, with...