Friday, July 7, 2023


Our Vice President Kamala Harris leapt upon the philisophic stage last week at the Essence Festival of Culture, whatever that is. De essentia in mind, a moderator asked Kamala, our second most important ruler, about the nature of culture. She replied:

Culture is, it is a reflection of our moment and our time. Right? And present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment. That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know, it comes in the morning (laughing).

We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too.


Just having a language. You'll recall the godless pride of Babel was confounded, and I'm reminded of a time many years ago in seminary when an overweight young man complained about children being given rosaries in Sunday School.

"I don't like it, it looks really cultic." I looked my adversary in the eye and said, "No culture without cult, look it up, I dare you." Of course he didn't. And here's the thing, get rid of the cult, the worship and belief which undergirds, sustains and propels the people of the West and by extension the world, and you're left with barbarous gibberish or even worse, tyranny.

We've pretty much destroyed our worship here in the West, 2000 years of it, of the beauty of holiness, and behold the result, the confusion of the Pit, which when asked of culture says, "That is a reflection of joy. Because, you know, it comes in the morning (laughing)."

Quite, maybe she was high.

Ad Altare Dei,


Thursday, July 6, 2023



What can I say?  Can you get a better Panzerlied than this? No, you cannot, in my opinion, imo. Big plaudit to LL and VM for the best PANZERLIED ever. Remarkable.



First Family Thursdays


First it was this, Hunter getting cracked up on the highway to Vegas to meet hookers. Fast as you like and then some, not to say degenerate multimillionaire corrupt filth.

And now this. Cocaine found in a "cubby" in the West Wing. Law enforcement says the culprit will probably never be found. But of course, and in the meanwhile there's been some kind of "evacuation."

Team LSP has discovered an exclusive photo of top level White House FORPOL decision making. Here it is:

That is all, for now. Stay tuned for further adventures on First Family Thursdays.

Your Old Pal,


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Why Are They Laughing At Us?


A US Cyber Command Major was suicidal and depressed until he became "Rachel." Now "she is living her truth and is no longer battling depression or suicidal thoughts," says The DOD gushed on Twitter, "Her journey from battling depression & suicidal thoughts to embracing authenticity inspires us all."

Oh yes, so inspiring and what authenticity. Leaving aside the US Army's cadre of suicidally depressed, overweight Majors, what's authentic about this? How is "Rachel" a warrior or even a soldier? It's obviously too fat to fight, get off my square, you're tilting it.

And a woman, an authentic, chromosonal, womb and ovaries woman, as in "science." Well no, not that, but drugs and scalpel can produce a blasphemous parody of the same. So how is "Rachel" a woman any more than a soldier? Because she says so and the Army pathetically agrees with this overweight, bulging-out-the-camo rainbow officer.

Authentic? Clearly truth has no meaning here. It's all, to put it politely, a matter of opinion and this, gentle readers, slides swiftly and with gay rainbow abandon into tyranny; truth, says Caesar, is what I make it. Which in this case is a vastly overweight Major attempting to fit into his already loosely fitting uniform whilst pretending he's a soldier and a fat woman.

No wonder the world's laughing at us, GloboHomo, and why would it be that the US Army is suffering a recruiting and retention crisis. Magnum mysterium, but don't worry, all you serfs, they'll draft you, male, female and in between to fight for the love rainbow of authenticity. 

What a hideous, bloody, authentically killer thing that'll be. You see, they're all about death - we build, they destroy. That in mind, the Unicorn's a vicious beast and its disguise, transparent as it is, is growing yet more thin.

There'll come a point at which the mask is off and we'll stand up and be counted. Mark my words. In the meanwhile, the world laughs.

Money on the Monkey and Devil take the hindmost, what?



Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Which Side Are You On?


The modern Left hates working people and's replaced that awkward class with trannies. But what am I saying, our beloved rulers have off-shored coal (climate change) and all the rest, while importing millions of cheap votes and, heigh ho, cheap wages. So very leftist rainbow. Welcome to the no-sex trans utopia.

Whatever, just behold, all ye serfs, tolerance and diversity Pritzker profit. And you know what, I'm on the side of working people and the Faith which serves them. No kidding, that's partly why I voted 45 last time over, not that we have elections anymore. So.

See you at the Club. Double-breasted blazers forever.



A New Dog


The operation got on the road to Burleson on Monday to take care of business. And so, to pass I35W time, I crunched the numbers and discovered that I was, bizarrely, 58 on that very same day. Here's the complex math: 2023-1965 = x. Tricky, isn't it, and hint, 59 ≠ x.

I know, that's pretty racist but there you have it, mathematics. Bottom line accountancy satisfied, business concluded to mutual benefit, Thai curry consumed, yum, and it was back on the road to the Compound where...

There was a dog on the porch and a grinning soldier. "Happy birthday, dad. We interviewed a number of dogs and figured this one was best. Look, he's part Ridgeback, and you love Rhodesia. He doesn't even bark."

Moving, eh? The kid had gone off to the pound and found a dog for his dad, with attention to breed(s) and demeanor. Well, there it is, the Compound has a new rescue dog and he's a good boy, part Ridgeback, part Heeler, part something else, maybe Lab and/or Pyrenees?

Regardless, what shall we call him? The  pound called him "Chester," which obviously won't do. Perhaps Rhodie? But hey, all suggestions welcome.

Hope you're having big fun today as we celebrate our freedom.

Green Leader,


Happy Independence Day!


Have a great Independence Day and don't forget to pray for our nation and its freedom. Here's a prayer:

Almighty God, who hast given us this good land for our heritage: We humbly beseech thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of thy favor and glad to do thy will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endue with the spirit of wisdom those to whom in thy Name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that, through obedience to thy law, we may show forth thy praise among the nations of the earth. In the time of prosperity, fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in thee to fail; all which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


God bless America,


Sunday, July 2, 2023



Imagine there's no countries beyond the reach of GRU, nothing to kill or die for, no religions too, thank you SMERSH. Imagine all the people, living life in peace, yoo hoo. As Assad/Putinist sleeper cells kick off in La Belle France.

Dam, behold the Kadyrov Jihad in the beautiful garden that was once France. But this is ridiculous, the Garden did it all to itself. Or did it? Pan to Spetsnaz and guess what? Our erstwhile President was a Kremlin spy. So.

Seriously, if you were Russkie would you let this opportunity go to waste?



What A Good Sunday!

What a good Sunday! Spirited attendance in the Missions and, from me, an aggressive attack on John Lennon. Do you remember John Lennon, King of the Hippies and his song, Imagine? 

Look, here's a verse:

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
Yoo hoo

Yes, quite, it's all fine and dandy, disregard that vicious monkey until you awkwardly persist in those things worth dying for. Viz. God, Country, Family, Home. 

we're giving billions USD to this freakshow, wtaf

Stand up for that and be prepared to be crushed by transnational Rainbow Zelensky Moloch as if you were a bug. All in the name of tolerance and peace, obviously. 

That's why we're loading mags and cleaning weapons.

Your best pal,


Saturday, July 1, 2023

Rome Against The Gates Of Hell


Leaving aside Vatican I and infallibility, who is the leader of the world's Christians? Is it your local pastor or pastorene, Franklin Graham, the Episcopal Bishop of Dallas, the Patriarch of Moscow or Constantinople? No.

There is one de facto leader of the Faith and that's the Bishop of Rome, the Petrine See, the inheritor of Western imperial authority. Seriously, Christ prayed ut unum sint and where's that unity going to be focused? 

In Virginia, Jerusalem, Canterbury, epic fail, Constantinople even?  No, in Rome, which should and will be a rally point for all Christians of good faith. But in the meanwhile we have this:

A Pontiff who all the world looks to, inviting the blasphemous artist of "Piss Christ" into the Vatican itself, who threatens Bishop Strickland, who adamantly refuses to stand up for the Faith as it's being attacked. Where, Francis, is the denunciation of our Pink Moloch Transnational Superstate? AWOL.

And on. where's the Petrine guidance, the pastoral direction of the Fisherman against the rainbow zeitgeist and its Mengeles who mutilate and castrate our children for profit as they murder life within the womb? It's just not there. Beans says this:

We (Catholics -- and everyone else, LSP) need a Pope who will guide Mother Church back into the Mysteries and Pagentry. One who will not have a problem condemning political leaders who stand for embryonic murder. One who will have no problem calling for a militant defense of Mother Church's properties on this earthly plane.


Return of the Church Militant? Yes please,


What Have We Here?


Maybe Prigo's drive on Moscow was a feint.

The precise number of Wagner operatives in France is currently unknown but the chimpout continues.

In the meanwhile, reports and video of armed rioters and looters are coming in, which is weird because France has really strict gun laws.  French police have declared they're "at war" with "savage hordes of vermin" and are threatening to mutiny unless Macron's government takes strong measures to put down what some are calling the Macaque Rebellion.

Dam Kremlins get everywhere,