Showing posts with label ut unum sint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ut unum sint. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Happy Orthodox Easter!


Wishing a happy Easter to all our Orthodox brothers and sisters. Well done, unlike the Worldwide Anglican Non Communion (WANC) and the Marxist Climate Controller in the Vatican, you've resisted the urge to go rainbow gay. 

God will bless you for it and one day, perhaps, when the West returns to sanity, we can restart true ecumenism and the Church will speak again with one voice. In the meanwhile:

Χριστὸς ἀνέστη, and we know how this ends:

Bless you all,


Monday, October 9, 2023



We set up at a tank on a friend's ranch and waited for the birds, shotguns ready, but would the avian acrobats arrive? Good question. All the right stuff was in place, Mojo decoys whirring away, sunflowers, water, and shooters, but you never can tell.

At first it was slow, no birds apart from a couple of random kestrels and the odd mockingbird heading into the trees around the tank. Maybe it'd be a washout, but we waited, vigilant, fingers off the trigger but ready to go.

And in they swooped like speeding Messerschmidts out of the sun behind us, right into the flak barrage. Brisk action and big fun, though far more birds escaped than went down; still, we got a few for the pot and it looks like jalapeno poppers are in order tomorrow. Great result, and it was good to get back in the field, it's been awhile.

Afterwards we convened on the tailgate to clean birds, drink cold beer and talk, curiously, of Anglican/Orthodox communion and ut unum sint (may they all be one) in the face of secularist neo-pagan aggression. Regards the former, not much chance while wymxn priestesses are running around. The latter? Better band together, people, regardless of denomination. Perhaps that will be forced on us.

Then it was time for home and a clear drive through the country back to the Compound. We will do this again.



Saturday, July 1, 2023

Rome Against The Gates Of Hell


Leaving aside Vatican I and infallibility, who is the leader of the world's Christians? Is it your local pastor or pastorene, Franklin Graham, the Episcopal Bishop of Dallas, the Patriarch of Moscow or Constantinople? No.

There is one de facto leader of the Faith and that's the Bishop of Rome, the Petrine See, the inheritor of Western imperial authority. Seriously, Christ prayed ut unum sint and where's that unity going to be focused? 

In Virginia, Jerusalem, Canterbury, epic fail, Constantinople even?  No, in Rome, which should and will be a rally point for all Christians of good faith. But in the meanwhile we have this:

A Pontiff who all the world looks to, inviting the blasphemous artist of "Piss Christ" into the Vatican itself, who threatens Bishop Strickland, who adamantly refuses to stand up for the Faith as it's being attacked. Where, Francis, is the denunciation of our Pink Moloch Transnational Superstate? AWOL.

And on. where's the Petrine guidance, the pastoral direction of the Fisherman against the rainbow zeitgeist and its Mengeles who mutilate and castrate our children for profit as they murder life within the womb? It's just not there. Beans says this:

We (Catholics -- and everyone else, LSP) need a Pope who will guide Mother Church back into the Mysteries and Pagentry. One who will not have a problem condemning political leaders who stand for embryonic murder. One who will have no problem calling for a militant defense of Mother Church's properties on this earthly plane.


Return of the Church Militant? Yes please,


Sunday, May 29, 2022

A Very Short Sunday Sermon


Christ prays, "That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." There it is. As the Father lives in the Son and the Son in the Father in a perfect donation of self, in an act of love which is the Holy Spirit, so too may the followers of Christ live in God and He in them.

On the strength of this Our Savior continues, "Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am..." Where I am. We know where this is, in heaven, we celebrated the Feast of the Ascension on Thursday, and so in the strength of our union with Christ we pray:

O God, the King of glory, who hast exalted thine only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph unto thy kingdom in heaven: We beseech thee, leave us not comfortless, but send to us thine Holy Ghost to comfort us, and exalt us unto the same place whither our Savior Christ is gone before; who liveth and reigneth with thee and the same Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.


Exalt us unto the same place whither our Savior Christ is gone before. Yes indeed and in the affirmation ask, was Christ's prayer answered? Yes, it was.

God bless you all,


Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday Rambling


In some dioceses the bishop's visitation is a terrible thing, a nightmare. There you are when some unspeakable old heretic tips up with a view to destroying everything you believe in. Thank God it's not that way in the Diocese of Fort Worth. Our bishops stand firm for the Faith, they're successors of the Apostles as opposed to wicked mountebanks in the pay of Rainbow Baphomet.

So today was good, our bishop came, sung the Mass and preached, what a blessing. The Specialist even came down from Fort Hood to swing some incense, well done. Curiously, everyone in the sanctuary party was either former or active duty or involved in pro rodeo. Clearly a moral, if you care to draw it.

Then we fell back to the church hall for a delicious lunch, the mission eats well, and a good time was had by all. What a lot of fun, and I tell you, it's a real blessing to be in this diocese. 

Is it perfect? No. Should we be part of the wider Catholic Church, East and West? Yes. But so too should Rome and Constantinople be as one and, of course, the broken shards of the catholic mirror are one, essentially, in terms of faith, to say nothing of deeper sacramental union. 

Ut unum sint, may they all be one, prayed Christ. Do you think the Father somehow chose to ignore His Son's prayer? Hardly. The Mystici Corporis, the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, is one by nature or essence. The unity is there; that we've wrecked it, in worldly terms, with competing jurisdictions and associated wickedness is, frankly, the Devil's work. 

My take, for what little it's worth, is that it'll take real persecution to bring about the outward and visible unity which strengthens the inward and spiritual. After all, it's in the Good Book, "Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved."

Apocalypse aside, what a great day.

Keep the Faith, you heathen,


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Listen Up Heathen

Presented without comment except to say all hail B16 and this. England wasn't known as Mary's Dowry for nothing; let's get that back, eh? And stop skulking in low-level, stripped pine, plate-on-the-wall kitchens.

While we're at it, reclaim the Faith from the enemy who's infested the Holy Church of God.

Ut Unum Sint,