Showing posts with label Glock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glock. Show all posts

Saturday, September 1, 2018

A Clean Gun Is A Happy Gun

Remember, if you don't clean the filthy beasts they don't work. To that end, here's a short inspirational video.

As you were, 


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Resurrection Of The Body

Church was good today, as it always is, and I preached on the bodily resurrection. When was the last time you heard a sermon on that? On the reality of the resurrection, sure, but its bodily aspect? Not so much, I'll wager.

Preachers scare shy of it, I think, for two reasons. Firstly, they take it for granted and secondly, it's a hard doctrine. That a body should rise from the dead? Outrageous. But that's what we believe and Scripture's clear, so is tradition. But why is it so important.

Long story short, because anything less than a bodily resurrection isn't really a resurrection at all, leaving us with a ghost or an immaterial shade. And that's fine except that it isn't fully you because we're composite beings, made up of body and spirit. For the real person, you, to rise from the dead, there has to be a bodily rising or you're left with nothing more than a ghost.

To put it another way. The body which decays and dies is the proper subject of resurrection, unlike the soul which is immaterial. If the former doesn't rise then the latter's left free-floating and resurrection hasn't occurred, just the given continuance of the soul.

Speaking of which, it's long past time for a range day. Fill the truck up with guns, get out in the country and blast away.

Proven medicine for mind, body and spirit.

Gun rights and MAGA,


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's been a quiet day at the Compound, in fact the young 'un worked, clearing brush like a colonist. Well done.

Random Thanksgiving Glock

Puritan work ethic aside, have a great Thanksgiving and don't forget to take one noted member of the intelligence community's advice seriously. Enter the fray armed, gun, knife (axe?) in your hand. And question.

Shoud you put sugar in cornbread or not?

MAGA and God Bless,


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Cleaning Guns The LSP Way

People often ask me, how do you clean guns the LSP way? And I reply that it's much like any other way except it's mostly done on the porch, in Texas. But this evening I had a nasty surprise.

I'd no sooner stripped down the BCG (bolt carrier group) of one of the compound's deadly assault rifles when I noticed it was filthy dirty. Obviously the Russians had hacked it, in a desperate bid to subvert the weapon's democratic process.


Thanks to Hoppe's solvent, oil, a bore snake and a thorough scrubbing, the carbine was soon back in working order, kremlins removed. All's well, fortunately, that ends well.

Send Her To Raqqa

In related news, a grassroots movement to send Katy Perry to Raqqa, is sweeping America. Whether Katy will enjoy coexisting with the Caliphate remains to be seen.

Gun Rights,


Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Fyre, Teach You To Burn

Rich party goers were badly burned at Ja Rules' and Billy McFarland's exclusive VIP festival, Fyre, in the Bahamas.


Rich ravers, who paid $10,000 a ticket for admittance to the exclusive island party, were greeted with wild dogs, refugee tents and soggy cheese sandwiches, instead of the luxury hedonism they'd been promised.


Disaster. And now they're suing Ja Rules and Billy in a class action lawsuit to recoup some of their lost pocket change. Fyre? We'll teach you to burn, is their motto.

Fyre Fare

Will rich party people turn loss into profit in this unedifying spectacle of elitocracy run disappointed in the Bahamian sands?

Here at the Compound, we're working the slides of our Glocks and asking, is 3 am eternal? 

Stand by the JAMs,


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Cooking With LSP, Spaghetti -- UPDATE

"What!" you say in that exasperated I've got better things to do with my time tone, "Cooking with LSP? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Not so fast, large international readership, you can cook with LSP and here's how.


Go to Walmart and marvel at the guy with a shaved head and an eagle tattooed across his scalp, then pick up 2 Ilbs of ground beef, 80/20, an onion, some garlic, a big can of tinned tomatoes and its diminutive brother, tomato paste. Guess what, none of this is expensive or even hard to find.


Then take your haul home in the rig and get down to business. First, chop up the garlic, around 3 cloves, and a medium onion. Perhaps you use a Spyderco Perseverance for this arduous task, perhaps you don't, there's no rule

Next step. Make like a Sovereign and pour a tablespoon of olive oil in a pot, add the onion and garlic and heat it up until translucent; do not burn the garlic like a fool.

Mix It Up

Add two thirds of your six buck Walmart 80/20 and brown it off. Stand back in amazement as the fat renders off the ground beef and pour in a big can of whole tomatoes and half a can of tomato paste. 

Feeling confident in your culinary expertise, spice it up with some basil and a couple of bay leaves. Don't be shy of salt and pepper and, if you're not on the pledge, some red wine.


Speaking of which, this is a good time to have a well deserved drink. After all, you've earned it, but don't forget your food! Stir the in potentia Spaghetti Bolognese around with a wooden spoon, bring it to a boil and then reduce heat. Let that bad boy simmer away covered for an hour or so, give it time to rest, then serve with spaghetti and Parmesan cheese.

Come Together

And that's the way I do it. Some people use fresh as opposed to canned tomatoes and I admire that, way to go; I can't be bothered. Others add carrots, celery, mushrooms, corn, sugar, whatever. I don't, I think that's a mistake.

Don't add carrots.

Sidearms are not essential to this recipe but they help, and remember...

Every gun is a loaded gun.

Your Old Pal,





The handgun is NOT optional.

A pinch of sugar, chili powder, and mushrooms are advised.

Gunpowder may be used. Marmite may be used.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Night Patrol

It being #TrumpsAmerica, it only seemed right to walk off big steaks and go on patrol. That's right, night patrol, with Blue Combat Team. (BCT)

Watch My Tracer!

There weren't any enemies, luckily for them, but there were lots of lights. Good looking neighborhood; not so long ago it was ghetto. That's changed. Watch out for sticker shock, new arrivals.

We RV'd at a wine store, thanks, gentrification, and bought some claret. Good price and it makes a change, being from France and all. Then back to base.

Less Hood, More Vinters

The dollar stores, tattoo parlors and used tire shops have turned into a restaurant, "Bistro," thank you very much, a bookbinder and a children's shop. I'd be surprised if you could come out of the children's shop without paying less than a set of All Terrains.

Light it Up

Price aside, it's a good development. Less ghetto please, more safe, pleasant neighborhoods to walk about in.

A Typical Druid

Was I armed? That's a secret.

Glocks Forever,


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

It's Bushcraft Wednesday! Pumpkin Carving

Bushcraft isn't about relying on Nanny State to do it all for you. No, it's about getting out in the bush and crafting it yourself.

In this short infovideo, Hickok45 shows us how it's done, Halloween style.

Here at the Compound we hope you find this short "how-to" film as useful as we do.

Change, adapt, survive.


Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Urban Dog Hell Strikes Dallas

A deep growl came from the other side of Shaniqua Roland’s front door.
She was pregnant at the time and headed to a doctor’s appointment, but she knew she couldn’t leave the house. Not with the dogs back.

No, that's not some low piece of satire from the dark bowels of the internet, it's the urban dog hell of Dallas, south of I30.  Smart residents keep their Heelers on a leash a Glock close to hand. At least that's our practice at HQ Northern Command.

A Typical Dog Pack

You can read the whole unsettling story here.


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Lighten Up!

Readers of this small kebob-stand on the information superhighway, all six of you, are saying, "C'mon, LSP, lighten up! Less Great Russian Art and more God." With the proviso that Great Russian art is both uplifting and educational, let's reflect.

Why is there something rather than nothing? Good question. Because necessity undergirds contingency or, to put it another way, that self-subsistent being, ipsum esse subsistens, the "sheer act of to be itself," causes it.

God articulates this to Moses, speaking out of the unquenchable fire of the burning bush, I AM THAT I AM. He who is is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and Omega of all that is. But His nature is unknowable, existing in the absolute simplicity of pure act from all timeless eternity.

How fortunate, then, that He has revealed Himself as sacrificial love incarnate, in the person of His Son and more than that, has extended his salvific being in the Mystical Body of His Church, which draws all men towards their eternal home. And what awaits there?

Judgement, for sure, but remember, with the repentant thief, this day you will be with me in paradise.

Mind how you go,


Monday, August 15, 2016

Milwaukee Cook-Off

Trill Ville

Have you noticed the pattern in our urban hellholes? A thug gets shot by a cop and all the other thugs go on a rampage. Baltimore, Ferguson, wherever, and now Milwaukee.

Where ya goin' with that neat hood, Ja'Kiri? Is that an African name?

Good work, Trill Ville. You pulled your stolen gun on a policeman and now you're dead, and what about the neighborhood. That just got worse too. 

Milwaukee Cook Off

But seriously, the Milwaukee spasm seemed especially nasty, with lots of "whites hunted for beatdowns."

Pull our Pants Up

Does that count as hate crime? It sure would, if the Nike was on the other foot. Ask yourself what that'd look like and as you do, reflect on Team Obama's responsibility. Would any of this be happening if that crew weren't encouraging it.


I doubt it. And have they done anything to fix the problem, and there is one, aside from sloganeering and a tired, in denial, roll out of the policies that helped create the mess in the first place. Fine, go ahead and call thugs looting on behalf of a dead thug "civil rights." Go ahead and do that, but don't be surprised if no one's fooled, except, perhaps, Al Sharpton's bank manager.

Hmmm. Illuminati

In the meanwhile, I called a pal in Detroit last night, "Have you heard, Milwaukee's cooked-off. Better arm up, fella."

Mind how you go,


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

It's Bushcraft Wednesday!

Yes, it's Bushcraft Wednesday and here we are, deep in the bush of the metrosprawl. Just me, Blue Unmentionable and a couple of .45s.

A Couple of Guns

What do two pistols have to do with the art of Bushcraft, you ask yourself, mystified. Simple, if you're charged by a predator out in the bush, you need something to defend yourself and a reliable sidearm can come in handy.

Alien Gear Works

The team favors Glocks and, today, a Beretta. Both great guns but I'd say the Glock has an edge because of its sturdy, workmanlike simplicity. Nothing fancy about that pistol and fewer parts to malfunction or go missing or break. A big asset in the bush.

The Simplicity of Glock

So listen up, bushcrafters. Invest in a reliable sidearm and keep it clean, I recommend the Glock 21. And while you're at it, check out Alien Gear holsters, for inside and outside the waistband carry. They work.

Blue Unmentionable

Here endeth the shameless marketing for Beretta, Glock and Alien Gear.

Your Old Friend,


Thursday, March 31, 2016

You Plinker!

Some say that a dinner of roast quail and venison sausage, rifle to table, helps you shoot better the next day at the range. I drove out into the Texan countryside with my philisophical pal, GWB, to find out.

We took along a couple of scoped Ruger .22s, an American and a 10/22, representing the bolt and the semi side of the rimfire world. And a couple of pistols, a Sig and a Glock, chambered for 9mm and .45. But what about the quail and venison theory of marksmanship, how did that stand up, in the real world?

If a metal kettle, a plastic Folgers container, steel plates and turkey, at 75 and 100 yards, are anything to go by, the theory holds true. Down went the opposition, with a vengeance. I claim the best pistol shot of the day, hitting the kettle at 75 yards with the Glock. Sorry, kettle, you lose. I never much liked you anyway.

Shoot over, GWB wanted to check out the land behind the range for what he calls "native Texan grasses." That excitement over, I spotted a piece of metal, shining in the hot spring sun. "Look at that, you see it, glinting in the sun?" I asked my Wittgensteinian ally, "Maybe it's a piece of UFO debris. Let's have a look."

It wasn't a bit of space junk, annoyingly, just an old air conditioner that someone had dumped. And as I reflected on the higher implications of that, a long rattlesnake uncoiled silently from beneath the rusting metal and made its way, gliding and deadly, into a nearby pipe. Moral of the story?

Quail and venison help you shoot. This is now settled science. Also, don't be a dimwit when you go for a nature ramble in Texas, it's not Devon, or the Cotswolds. Take a gun, you might need it, and be careful poking around in space junk, who knows what killers might lurk within.

Shoot straight,


Monday, February 15, 2016

Presidents Day!

Here's a helpful infographic for Presidents Day, see if you can spot the odd men out.  While you reflect on that, ponder another mystery. Turkey's Mad Sultan, Erdogan, is shelling Syian army and Kurdish positions near Aleppo as Saudi Arabia flies planes into Incirlik for raids against Assad forces.

Some think that the Mad Sultan and his friends will invade Syria to protect their ISIS proxy army and lift the siege of Aleppo. Russia, presumably, will run away like a scolded cat.  Or, on the other hand, it will destroy the crazed Sultan's invading phalanx and shoot down Saudi Arabia's airforce. Which course of action do you think Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is most likely to take?

As this drama plays out in the hot sands of the Levant, Blue Eschaton guards the Compound against the impending apocalypse and I'm off to the range for some small arms practice.

Never trust a hippy,


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Go to The Gunshop And Get a Haircut

A visit to Calgary isn't complete, for me at least, without a visit to the city's world famous Gun Shop Barber. That's right, a gun shop that's also a barber; you'll find it in Inglewood on 9th Avenue, and it's called Proline Shooters. I went there yesterday to browse the guns and get a cut.

Proline has a good, if smallish selection of firearms, and I cast a covetous eye at their burnished Sakos, gleaming behind the counter. Their pistol selection featured Glocks, Berettas and, I think, Sigs, plus a variety of I want one large revolvers. I may be wrong, but it seems that Canada bought into Beretta's PX4 Storm to a greater extent than the U.S. Whatever, Proline carries several variants. 

Then, after looking at a couple of sporterized Lees in the 2nd hand rack, I paid a visit to Dan the barber.

Dan, Photo by Jared Sych

We reminisced about his predecessor, Doug, who died of pancreatic cancer some years back. I liked Doug and was always curious about his socialism. Calgary's Red Barber, in a gun shop, that was him. May he rest in peace.

Haircut over, I headed out into the winter wonderland of 9th Avenue, and that, readers, was that.

Go to Proline, they're alright, and so's their barber, Dan.

Shoot straight,