Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Check Out This Bloodthirsty Troon


Zhe spokespersyn for Ukraine's military is a US rainbow troon, famously. Here's what pre-op zhir had to say:

My, what a bloodthirsty, warlike troon! Gentle readers, I do hope you're following the Science. Like, totally and apart from chromosomes. But to the point, what an insult to the men on either side who've laid down their lives,  in their thousands, and to humanity in general. Behold this blood-soaked, killer troon.

You'll note that this murderous tranny hasn't fired a shot in its degenerate life. Maybe there'll be a reckoning. We can but hope.




The Night Wind said...

Well, I'm not surprised. Before Psychology was cancelled as a Science, it was well-known that the so-called 'LGBTQ Community' had a proclivity for violence. Since it's been normalized, the violence is still there, just no longer reported or seen as antisocial medical condition.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Who cares?

Wild, wild west said...

With apologies to The Kinks (as well as the rest of you):

Well, I left home just a week before
And I'd never been to war with Russia before
But Lola smiled and put an AK in my hand
And said "Dear boy, I'm gonna make you a man"
L-O-L-A, Lola.
La-la-la-la, Lo-la.

Paul M said...

Why are these types always so attractive? Geez.(reaches for the Tabasco eye drops to eliminate the fingers on the chalkboard visual)

Ritchie said...

We do'n need no steekin chromothingies.
Also, the "Lola" episode is one of the best of "In Plain Sight."

RHT447 said...

Col. MacGregor.

LSP said...

Good call, Nightwind, and I read somewhere that lesbian relationships topped the violence list. Huh. We're in the grip of utter, diabolic insanity.

That's my point and I'm sticking to it.

LSP said...

Good call, WSF, but let's be careful to avoid the UKR's kill list.

That aside, imagine being a soldier at the front, putting your life on the line every day and then some and this... troon is your PR, to say nothing of the Coke Dwarf President. I'd be... unhappy.

LSP said...

Good call, Wild!

Might have to post.

LSP said...

Paul, is it some kind of deliberate plot to destroy objective value?

Only half joking.

LSP said...

You see, Ritchie, we follow the SCIENCE.

Chromosomes are invented, cis-normative oppression BS.

Ask any scientist.

LSP said...

Seen, RHT.

MacGregor's value, imo.

And what a hideous death toll.

I tell you, DC has blood on its hands here, a lot of it.

LSP said...

Seen, RHT.

MacGregor's value, imo.

And what a hideous death toll.

I tell you, DC has blood on its hands here, a lot of it.

Anonymous said...

No joke at all. That’s exactly what’s going on. The mendacious malice of certain people cannot be understood by a normal person.

As to the spokespersyn, the still photo makes it look like zhe is blood kin to the beloved President Z. How unfortunate. So far as the oratory style goes? Creepy. Very creepy indeed. There are spiders, scorpions, and such like critters running about inside that persyn’s head.


LSP said...

I 100% agree, Mike, wisdom and terrifying with it.