Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas!


Almighty God, who hast given us thy only-begotten Son to take our nature upon him and as at this time to be born of a pure virgin: Grant that we, being regenerate and made thy children by adoption and grace, may daily be renewed by thy Holy Spirit; through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the same Spirit ever, one God, world without end. Amen.

God bless you all and merry Christmas!


Friday, December 23, 2022

What Happens When...

You don't pay the Army, in this case the National Guard. Do you think the unpaid soldiers will be eager to enforce the orders and commands of their DC rulers? Of course they will, they'll be leaping over the top of their unpaid dugouts to do the bidding of their beloved elite leaders.

I know it's really strange, but not getting paid over Christmas for duty done has an effect on morale. Via the Post Millenial:

And again:

Imagine, there you are, a few days from Christmas and looking forward to your Guard/Reserve paycheck and guess what? Doesn't arrive. Instead, the Ukrainian money laundering operation gets $45 billion. I mean to say, why pay our troops when we can pay ourselves?

So back to what happens when you can't pay the Army, in this case the Guard but over the horizon, regulars. Do you think, for example, that III Corps at Fort Hood will just sit under a rainbow flag and take it while snacking on tofu? Bear this in mind, they have all the guns.

Word to the wise,


Bomb Cyclone Winter Eschaton


Many of you will laugh and shake your heads in scorn, but it's cold in Texas. Like no kidding, there's ice and even some snow. "Look," I announced in awe to a young soldier, "Snow, see it?" It took a while but he did, "Oh yeah, literal snow, wow." A few wind-driven icy flakes of it anyway.

So layer up, pull on an Arcteryx fleece, dust off the Carhart and face the new Ice Age. Such, my friends, is global warming. You see, the hotter it gets, thanks to people not paying carbon taxes, the colder it becomes.

I was struck by this, driving into a golden sunset across Lake Whitney dam to say Mass as clouds of mist steamed up from the water. Climate change can be dramatic, no doubt about it. Let's zoom in:

The Sacrament confected and the Sacrifice offered, ite missa est, it was time to drive back to the Compound, wary of black ice and grateful for the privilege of being able to celebrate the Eucharist. Where angels fear to tread, eh?

Domine non sum dignus,


Thursday, December 22, 2022

UK Woman Arrested For Thought Crime


UK pro-life activist Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested this month outside of a Birmingham abortion mill. Her crime? Praying silently in her mind near one of the United Kingdom's new censorship zones, which protect abortionists by criminalizing "any act of approval or disapproval or attempted act of approval or disapproval” in relation to abortion, including “verbal or written means, prayer or counselling…"

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was spotted by a satanic informer an onlooker who suspected her of praying and reported the heinous crime to police who searched, interrogated and arrested the activist. Released on bail, Spruce is charged with four counts of breaking Birmingham Council's Public Space Protection Order, which forbids silent prayer outside abortion facilities.

According to Anglican Ink, the pro-life thought criminal found her treatment "abhorrent:"

It’s abhorrently wrong that I was searched, arrested, interrogated by police and charged simply for praying in the privacy of my own mind. Censorship zones purport to ban harassment, which is already illegal. Nobody should ever be subject to harassment. But what I did was the furthest thing from harmful – I was exercising my freedom of thought, my freedom of religion, inside the privacy of my own mind. Nobody should be criminalised for thinking and for praying, in a public space in the UK.


The UK's rulers in Parliament are currently weighing up legislation to nationalize censorship zones around abortion businesses, making it illegal to influence, advise, persuade, inform or occupy space within 150 meters of the profit centers.

You can read all about it here, here and everywhere else. But question. How insecure can these people be when they feel the need to ban prayer, in a person's mind, outside of their euphemistic "clinics." Apparently very, at least in the UK. And we have to ask, where does this end?

I think we all know, in the gulag or worse, witness our J6 political prisoners held without trial for a solid two years. In the meanwhile, if you live in the UK, don't you dare criticize the anti-sacrament of abortion, even in your mind, unless you want to get cuffed and taken into custody.

The Rainbow, my friends, is a vicious, murderous beast, to say nothing of Moloch.

Your Pal,


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Drag Queen Story Hour Satan


So what's driving this craze that's sweeping the nation like wildfire, you know, hauling your kids off to watch drag queens get lewd and tell stories? Because that's so helpful to children. What kind of parent would do that? 

To put it another way, what kind of money would be paying for it, and you know it's not a grass roots movement. Don't say Pritzker or Satan.

These people hate the family, children, women and life itself. They're demonic nihilists, but perhaps you doubt me.

I rest my case,


Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Now We Really Hate You


Dufus & Gold Digger

Jeremy Clarkson of Top Gear fame came out swinging against the repellent Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, aka "Harry & Meghan," in his column for the UK's beloved Sun tabloid. Clarkson admitted to hating Meghan on a "cellular level" and more besides.

Comparing Markle to Scotland's despised Premiere and serial killer Rose West, Clarkson stated, "Meghan, though, is a different story. I hate her. Not like I hate Nicola Sturgeon or Rose West. I hate her on a cellular level."

Even dumbass feels this is weird

What is it about this simpering, hypocritical, private jet flying, money grubbing, attention seeking, whining, crawled outta the LA ghetto  D List celeb which inspires such hatred, right down to the very cells of a person's being?

Good question and I like the way this remarkably privileged, overhyped wannabe princess feels put upon by Europe's leading monarchy. So let's insult your Grandmother-in-Law right after her death. Even common people don't so that, but what am I saying? Markle, now we really hate you.

Get right down on it

The Sun's taken Clarkson's column down after some 6000 complaints. I'd say he was right in the X Ring, if in high spirits, let the reader understand, and while you're at it it think on Markle's faux curtsy. 

She's pulling a San Antonio Fiesta Queen as opposed to Court of St. James. Money on the monkey she saw it in a movie, what?

All Hail Clarkson,


Monday, December 19, 2022

Colonel Burnaby - Victorian Hero


Few today, especially in the States, have heard of him but Colonel Frederick Burnaby was legendary in Victorian England as a hero. And no wonder, standing at an athletic 6.4", this son of a clergyman was famous for being able to vault over billiard tables, bend pokers with his bare hands and much more besides.

Joining the Horseguards in 1859 at the age of 17, Burnaby fast secured a reputation for strength, intellect, good humor and a restless spirit. This drove him to take lengthy periods of leave in adventurous pursuits and that's exactly what they were.

He worked as a war correspondent for  the Times in the Carlist civil war in Spain, went political (intel officer) in Egypt, the Balkans and most famously Central Asia, riding in the latter case some 900 miles on a pony to Khiva. Read the book, if you haven't already, Road to Khiva.

Taking time out from the Army, our adventurous Life Guard went into politics as an old skool Tory in league with Winston Churchill's father, Lord Randolph Churchill. They set up the Primrose League and Burnaby ran unsuccessfully for office in Birmingham.

Undaunted, he rejoined the Colours to serve against the Mahdist uprising in the Sudan where he initially distinguished himself for using a shotgun against the Moslem fanatics, and was mentioned in Dispatches for his bravery, returning home to yet more heroic accolade. But the Sudan wasn't a done thing and Burnaby returned to the fight as part of General Gordon's rescue mission, only to meet his end at the battle of Abu Klea.

He was stabbed through the neck by a Mohammedan spear whilst rescuing wounded men from outside the Square. He died as he lived, a hero, and the soldiers under his command wept at his death. He spoke seven languages, was the first man to cross the English Channel by balloon, authored several books (read Kiva) and was loved by the men he bravely served.

On hearing of his death, Queen Victoria wrote in her diary of "poor, strange Burnaby." Yes readers, there were giants in those days.

Honi Soit,


Sunday, December 18, 2022

Fr. Pavone Fired For Blasphemy - What?


Fr. Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life has been cancelled, removed from the priesthood. Via Lifesite News:

Given all the rhetoric we have heard during the first year of the so-called Synod on Synodality, it is clear that the “listening Church” is making a mockery of justice.

Here’s what we know so far: Catholic News Agency reports that a December 13 letter to all bishops in America, sent from the Pope’s representative in America – the Papal Nuncio Fr. Christophe Pierre – says that Fr. Pavone was laicized for “blasphemous communications on social media” and “persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop.”

Faithful Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas has a response to that:

“The blasphemy is that this holy priest is canceled while an evil president promotes the denial of truth & the murder of the unborn at every turn, Vatican officials promote immorality & denial of the deposit of faith & priests promote gender confusion devastating lives…evil,” he said on Twitter.

In a separate statement, the papal nuncio wrote that the Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy – the head of the Vatican’s department dealing with priests – said that there was “no possibility of appeal” of the decision.

This, during a week in which Pope Francis is receiving criticism for his lenient behavior towards Slovenian priest-artist—and alleged sexual abuser—Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik. This, in the midst of never-ending scandals–financial, moral, and theological–involving  Vatican-based prelates like suspected embezzler Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu and the egregious president of the once great Pontifical Academy for Life, Cardinal Vincenzo Paglia. This, while clerical heretics attempt to destroy the Catholic faith in Germany from within.

This, this is beyond belief.


So let's get this straight. You can be a German bishop promoting same-sex marriage, peddle for Grindr sex in the Vatican Gardens, contradict every aspect of the Church's teaching, be an episcopal member of the atheist Chinese Communist Party and get a pass. But dare to speak truth to power and champion the sanctity of life? Sorry, fella, services no longer required, SNLR.

I say the whole thinks reeks of wickedness and corruption and you might agree. But hold on, just what exactly were these "blasphemous communications on social media"? Serious question. In the meanwhile, I'm aghast if not surprised.

Out demons out,


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Friday, December 16, 2022

We've Been Conned


A few years ago I flew to Calgary with my eldest son to visit family after Christmas. Because he was/is serving and we were flying AA, the airline upgraded us to 1st class. What a welcome surprise and how pleasant, there we were, flying to the land of the ice and snow with room to breathe, metal cutlery, decent food, glasses made of actual glass and all of that.

Gazing out of the window of the plane in search of UFOs I thought about this and it all came back to me, flying used to be this way, for everyone. But now? You have to be rich to afford yesteryear's standard of comfort and quality.

The same thought flashed across the mental horizon while strolling in Newtown, Edinburgh, earlier this year. All these beautiful Georgian houses which are mostly cut up into apartments, you have to be rich to own and live in a whole one today.

I said as much to barrister pal who lives in Leith and was showing us around, "Yes," he replied, "Only the wealthy can afford the lifestyle of the old middle classes." Again, in beautiful Ludlow, within the orbit of the old medieval city wall you never have to go to a supermarket. There's three butchers, bakers, green grocers, cheese shops, 2 fishmongers and on. 

All of this was commonplace, if not so picturesque, not that long ago but now you have to be well favored to live in a place like Ludlow. You know, maybe here in the States people who live in Martha's Vineyard have that kind of old world luxury.

Point being, all of the above wasn't luxury so very long ago, just the way people lived, and I tell you this, we've been conned. As our part of the world's wealth has increased so too should our standard of living. But no, in many respects it's declined and quite literally; your Dollar doesn't go as far as it used to. And no wonder, it's an instrument of debt at interest to the private consortium of bankers that is the Fed.

They, the people profiting off of the way we live now, are doing very well. They're mostly invisible and can enjoy the storied delights of private islands via their private jets while we count ourselves lucky to get an apartment the staff used to live in. Yes indeed, but what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? 

This isn't a screed against wealth, eye of the needle aside I wish we all had more, but it is a caveat. We've been had, conned, and further complacence will only exacerbate the problem. Churches, I'm looking at you. OK, good luck with that.

Arma Virumque,


And The Show Goes On!


Not content with revealing FBI/Intel agency skulduggery at Twitter and bashing the hated Fauci, Elon went on a tear last night and suspended a slew of Deep State bought and paid for propagandist shills journalists from the influential platform. Here's a few:

1.New York Times technology reporter Ryan Mac

2. Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell

3. Former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann

4. Former Vox reporter Aaron Rupar

5. CNN reporter Donie O’Sullivan

6. Mashable’s Matt Binder

Oh dear, what a total tragedy. But why the suspension? For allegedly doxxing Elon and his family, though maybe too for obnoxious, condescending, deceitful, biased, pugnacious, hypocritical smuggery. Either way, leftist heads are exploding all over the universe and we have to ask, don't they like their own medicine?

This humble mind blog remains permanently banned from Twister. I regard that as a badge of honor.

To the Emperor,