Wednesday, May 17, 2017

His Name is Seth Rich

Perhaps you're wondering why statements from Seth Rich's family sound as though they were written by a professional Democrat. It's because they are, Brad Bauman, and you can read about this Pastorum Group Democrat PR here.

Surely Rich couldn't have been killed because he leaked over 40,000 DNC emails to Wikileaks. I mean, it's not like anyone connected to the Clinton political machine ever ended up dead or anything. 

And why blame yourselves and an internal leak who exposed your corruption when you can scapegoat those wicked Kremlins?

Hillary For Jail,


Impeach The Kremlins!

The corrupt, elite, lying, venal, mendacious mainstream media just won't let it go. They can't drop the holographic bone that is the phoney "Russians hacked the election!" pseudo-narrative. 

Now they're running like a mongrel on meth with another faked-up angle, that Trump gave state secrets to Sergei Lavrov because our President's really a Russian spy. So we have to impeach him before the evil the kremlins destroy our great democracy!

Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, summed up this errant nonsense rather neatly. Here he is:

"I spoke to him (Lavrov) today, (and) I'll be forced to issue him (Lavrov) with a reprimand because he did not share these secrets with us. Not with me, nor with representatives of Russia's intelligence services. It was very bad of him."

Putin, who's a well known sportsman, continued:

"It's hard to imagine what else these people who generate such nonsense and rubbish can dream up next. What surprises me is that they are shaking up the domestic political situation using anti-Russian slogans. Either they don't understand the damage they're doing to their own country, in which case they are simply stupid, or they understand everything, in which case they are dangerous and corrupt."

 A Typical Putin-is-Cool Palace Scene

Dangerous and corrupt? Yes indeed. In the meanwhile, why isn't the media covering the 40k+ DNC emails that Seth Richards, who wasn't Russian, sent Wikileaks before he, ahem, was murdered committed suicide?

Your Old Friend,


Tuesday, May 16, 2017

More Fishing

Yesterday's fishing was slow. Like the corrupt, lying, elite, venal, condescending, pugnacious mainstream media attempting to find proof of Trump acting as a Russian spy, not a lot was happening. A lot of trying, a lot of fishing, but no catching to speak of. 

Similar, come to think of it, to the infamous Kremlins hacking our election. No end of frenzied searching, no end likewise of not finding the elusive beasts. But that was yesterday, today was different.

Today the fish were biting like a Trump Train on full power. Boom. First off, a Megabass hit my worm  in the pool of Lake Whitney dam spillway, then took off ferociously upstream. No use, fish, you're coming in, if only to live to fight again another day.

No sooner was the gigantosaurian Bass back in the water than a Striper came in, and on and on it went. In the end my arms grew tired from reeling in the monsters, Black Drum, Stripers, Catfish, Bass and a lone Bluegill.

It made for some some brisk and satisfying action and then it was over, fish back in the Brazos and me in a truck heading back to the compound, time well spent.

Tight lines,


Monday, May 15, 2017


GWB headed over from Dallas for an evening of dove poppers, steak and a morning of fishing at Soldiers' Bluff. And I tell you this, it's a relief to be able to eat juicy steaks again; I cooked them on the grill, three minutes a side. They were right on.

Ocean Conservancy

Fortified by last night's ribeye, we drove out to the lake with high hopes of catching a cooler-full of Bluegill. Maybe GWB's cowboy hat would help, acting as a kind of country lure. But no, despite the promise of an early Striper the fishing was slow at best. 

Beer Battered Fish Snacks

Still, a few aquatic predators made it back to the compound, and  a right tasty snack they were too.

Fish on,


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day Prayer

Now that everyone's recovered from the uplifting effects of Maxine Waters street art, here's a prayer for Mother's Day:

Mary, on this day when we honor all mothers, we turn to you. We thank the Lord whom you serve for the great gift of motherhood. Never has it been known that anyone who sought your intercession was left unaided by grace.
Dear Mother, thank you for your "Yes" to the invitation of the angel which brought heaven to earth and changed human history. You opened yourself to God's word and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. 
Dear mother, intercede for all of our mothers. Ask your Divine Son to give them the grace of surrendered love so that they could join with you in giving their own "Fiat." May they find daily strength to say yes to the call to the sacrificial love - the very heart of the vocation of motherhood. May their love and witness be a source of great inspiration for all of us called to follow your Son. 
On this Mothers day, Mother of the Word Incarnate, pray for us who have recourse to you.

God bless,


Mother's Day Street Art

It's Mother's Day and what better way to get the celebration off to a good start than some awesome Maxine Waters street art?

Well done, Sabo. Thank you for the powerful infographics.

Have a great day and congratulations to all our mothers.

God bless,


Friday, May 12, 2017

Manicorn -- Warning, Graphic.

A well known member of the intelligence community has alerted me to a new threat, "manicorns."  

Typical Manicorn Park Scene

Experts suggest that manicorns are related to the horned predators we're familiar with today, which are possibly mutations of the medieval unicorn or another species altogether, such as the Baiste-na-scoghaigh of Scottish folklore.

If you google manicorn you'll find some 69,000 results. How many of these are in San Francisco and Austin is, at present, unclear.

Mind how you go,


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Fish On

Life at the Compound isn't just about riding and shooting, it's also about fishing and with that in mind we headed out to Lake Whitney with rods and a cooler, in search of aquatic sport. Come on, team, let's catch some fish, was my war cry, but would we?  

I wasn't sure and that was unsettling because it was important for Harrison, who had traveled all the way from the UK for a God, guns and country life in Texas experience, to catch his first fish. JS, who's a well known art philosopher,was content to watch. Exactly, watch, watch us catching fish. So the heat, as it were, was on. But I needn't have worried.

Within a few minutes of casting off, Harrison was getting bites and triumphantly reeled in his first Bluegill. Good work! That was followed up by some six more of the same, a decent Crappie and a baby Bass or two. In the meanwhile, I'd managed to catch a small if aggressive junior Bass. Slow going, LSP.

Then things took off a bit and I brought in a Bass and a Bluegill that were worth keeping. They went into the cooler and we headed back to base for a quick lesson in filleting. And I tell you this, the fish tasted better for being caught and cleaned yourself. Lake to table and thank you very much.

Excellent result, and well done H on your first fish. Mission accomplished.

Tight lines,


Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Unicorn Hunting School

One of the things English visitors to the compound like to do is hunt unicorns with deadly pistols and assault rifles. You see, they can't do that in the Old Country, because unicorns are protected and it's far too dangerous. But it's open season on the horned predators in Texas, so we loaded up the rig with weaponry and headed to the range.

The unicorn hunting evolution went well, with a brisk warm-up against steel plates, playing cards (thanks, LL), some pound coins and a couple of silhouettes. Watermelons featured too. And guess what?

The new pound coin doesn't stand a chance against a Glock 21, a .38 Special, an AR15 and a Ruger American .22. Then we got on the unicorn. Let's just say this, it met its match. 

Vicious little things, unicorns, they'll gore you with their horn so don't hesitate before squeezing the trigger.

Well done, JS and H. You are now unicorn hunters, good shooting.

Gun rights,


Tuesday, May 9, 2017

You're Fired

"You are hereby terminated and removed from office, effective immediately. While I greatly appreciate you informing me, on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation, I nevertheless concur with the judgement of the Department of Justice that you are not able to effectively lead the bureau."

Savor the moment.



"You're not much of an LSP," you mutter darkly, " You don't even ride anymore." Not so fast, readers, I finally got back in the saddle at a friend's compound and rode El Cid. We cantered and galloped about while the rest of the team worked out in a round pen.

Excellent result and I've resolved to ride more, good for mind, body and spirit. Unless you fall off and break, but that's a different story.

Ride on,


Saturday, May 6, 2017

French Media Makes Pathetic NWO Attempt to Block News

Well, well, no sooner has NWO Illuminati Rothschild stooge, Macron, been hit with a 9 gig email hack than the lying, corrupt, smug, elite media in France has decided to impose a news blackout. You know, in case their candidate doesn't win. Go, Moloch.

Here at the Compound we're standing by the JAMs and for all you French readers, check out the links.

So much for tolerance and free speech, French satraps of the New World Order. But watch out, Moloch, your days are numbered.

Hail Kek.