Tuesday, May 9, 2017


"You're not much of an LSP," you mutter darkly, " You don't even ride anymore." Not so fast, readers, I finally got back in the saddle at a friend's compound and rode El Cid. We cantered and galloped about while the rest of the team worked out in a round pen.

Excellent result and I've resolved to ride more, good for mind, body and spirit. Unless you fall off and break, but that's a different story.

Ride on,



Mattexian said...

El Cid, eh? "For Spain and Saint James!"

LL said...

Don't allow them to give you a helmet to wear when you ride. JUST A COWBOY HAT.

I'm glad that you had a nice ride. I'm envious. I wish that I was doing that today.

You need a quatrain to train with, slicing the melon with your saber and all that.

Adrienne said...

I used to love to ride when I was a kid. Since I couldn't have a horse in the city, I just pretended my bike was a horse.

Yesterday, someone was riding across the rode in the field. He was obviously an accomplished rider. He cantered across the field and on his return trip he was at an all out gallop. Beautiful sight!

Jules said...

Riders in the storm. In cowboys hats.

Anonymous said...

Just don't let ya' babies grow up to be Cowboys. #wisdom

LSP said...

Exactly, Mattexian!

LSP said...

LL, I do like a refreshing watermelon after hard ride and good for saber practice, too.

I usually ride in a ball cap, sometimes a cowboy hat. Not a HELMET.

LSP said...

Jules, you did well!

LSP said...

That, BW, is a very good point.